This week we celebrate the life and work of one of Britain's greatest big band leaders, soundtrack composers, library music composers and time/mind-bending musicians, Basil Kirchin. Hull City of Culture 2017 recently put on a weekend of the great man's music, which DJ Bongoboy was lucky enough to attend. Inspired by that, we've put our own tribute together. There's music from every part of Basil's life in music, as well as tracks by bands who have been inspired by him.
Published 03/17/17
We've neglected the world of geometry for far too long and so this week we thought it time we brought you the latest developments in shapes. Most of the tracks on the show are about specific polygons and, because we like to order the world around us, the tracks about polygons are played with an increasing number of sides. We leave it to you, dear listener, to predict the upper limit to which we soar. WARNING: An assertion in the first part of this show could bring the world of...
Published 03/09/17
Every season we have one or two theme-free shows where we bring you some of our favourite recent discoveries. For this first show of "likes" in Season 3, we have synthwave, darkwave, retrowave, lollywave, breakcore, j-pop and no doubt many other musical genres which may or may not exist.
Published 02/16/17
Following on from our interview with Jean-Jacques Perrey and Dana Countryman earlier in the year, we caught up with these two fine gentlemen again towards the end of 2008 to talk about the second album they made together, Destination Space. The interview was split over two shows and broadcast on a local radio station. Until now these shows have not been available as podcast. But that's all changed now.
Published 02/08/17
Following on from our interview with Jean-Jacques Perrey and Dana Countryman earlier in the year, we caught up with these two fine gentlemen again towards the end of 2008 to talk about the second album they made together, Destination Space. The interview was split over two shows and broadcast on a local radio station. Until now these shows have not been available as podcast. But that's all changed now.
Published 02/08/17
In 2008, Jean-Jacques Perrey and his musical partner Dana Countryman appeared at the first AV Festival, which took place at the Sage, Gateshead in March of that year. In the afternoon, Jean-Jacques presented a lecture talking about his life of music-making, where he also gave a demonstration of how to make a tape loop. Amongst many others in the audience for that talk were James Cargill and Trish Keenan from Broadcast and Dick Mills from the Radiophonic Workshop (who DJ Bongoboy ended up...
Published 02/07/17
This week it's all about the light and the dark or, more specificaly, the black and the white. Some have controversially argued that this might be a companion show to our Rainbow Collection. But nothing could be further from the truth! Look forward to some very easy listening, some library music, electronically-enhanced exotica and even some new releases.
Published 02/02/17
Gradually emerging from hibernation, the crew aboard the Moonbase bring you a suitably low-key start to Season 3 with a selection of soothing tunes to ease you into the new year.
Published 01/21/17
Patron saint of the show, Jean-Jacques Perrey, recently moved on from this planet to spend eternity with the stars. His music was a perfect example of all the things we love at PMB: humour, virtuosity, ping-pong stereo, the Moog synthesizer, tape loops, farmyard animals and even the electric sitar. This is our tribute to the great man - and such was the quality and quantity of his output that we've managed to put together a whole show of his music without playing a single track we've played...
Published 12/11/16
It's time to pop on the marigolds, arrange a selection of cleaning products on the worktop and get scrubbing before also giving yourself a good hose-down. Yes, on this week's show we celebrate cleanliness and the art of attaining cleanliness. We have some polished sunshine from the 1930s, Welsh brass, American bathrooms, two washing-related tracks from Japan, some clean retrowave and even a couple of commercial breaks.
Published 11/24/16
It’s time for the second in our series all about personal pronouns and this week it’s all about YOU, dear listener. Yes, for this show we move to the second person but without trying to point the finger. We cover both the singular and plural you in the show – see if YOU can spot which is which… Listen now: Your browser does not support the audio element. Download the MP3 The Music 1. Calibro 35: You Filthy Bastards! from Traditori di Tutti 2. Grizzler: You Got Blue Bits On You from...
Published 11/10/16
It's all gone a bit Upside Down at the Moonbase for our Halloween special this year as we take inspiration from spooky hit TV series Stranger Things. Yes, it's an all-retrowave trip back to the imaginary 80s with zombies, werewolves, zombie werewolves, creeping terror and horror-based exercise.
Published 10/31/16
After the world's longest first Season (of 273 shows no less!), we thought it time to regroup and recalibrate. So, feeling reinvigorated after a few weeks working out in the mind gym, we present the first show in Season 2! There's no particular theme for this week's show. Instead it's a selection of some of our favourite new (and old) tracks which we've uncovered over the last few months.
Published 10/20/16
As if we didn't have enough series on the go at the moment, we've taken the foolhardy decision to kick off another one, this collection all about personal pronouns. That's "he" and "she" to you and me. But before straying into the second or third person, we thought it best to start with a show all about me, me, me.
Published 09/29/16
The dinner gong has been rung, dear listener, as we invite you to join us for a sumptuous three-course banquet here on the moon. For those unaware of 'mukbang', we were inspired to put this show together by the YouTube phenomenom of 'eating broadcasts' made popular in South Korea in 2008. For the starter, we serve up French library music, Peruvian saxophony and some extreme soup. The main course is a double helping of sushi with a cheeseburger chaser. And for dessert we have a Japanese...
Published 09/01/16
It's time to pay our second visit to the world of all things cute. Primarily Japan but we have a couple of exceptions to the rule. Prepare to enjoy a majorette with sticks for arms, dancing vegetables, a celebration of having a nice sit down and a Spanish ice cream, not to mention many more adorable selections.
Published 08/25/16
We've reached the end of the rainbow (collection), dear listener, with a show all about the rainbow itself. It's been an emotional journey, with a fight almost breaking out on the question of whether we should do a show about indigo. But we hope you have enjoyed every colourful chapter along the way.
Published 08/17/16
Before you think we've gone ultra-niche and come up with a set of tracks about spiders in Tokyo who are specialists in conservation, no, dear listener. No, this week's show is a chance for us to catch up with some exciting new releases and reissues. We open with a double-barreled blast of brass from London, followed by a track from the ridiculously-named Diamondback Manhunter. There's also a track from the new album from Belbury Poly as well as the lead single from the debut album by...
Published 08/07/16
We're heading back to the imaginary 80s again this week, dear listener, with a retrowave show all about getting the hell out of here. Yes, it's time to escape! It's also time to enjoy a truly global selection of tunes, with digitally synthesized music from France, Greece, the hue-K, Sweden and even Hungary!
Published 07/31/16
This week, dear listener, we start a new cut-out-and-keep series all about the days of the week. Perhaps contentiously, we start with Monday. Recognised by many as the first day of the week, we do also appreciate that for large parts of the world, Monday is actually the second day of the week. However, for future reference, the official position here on the moon is that we subscribe to international standard ISO 8601.
Published 07/24/16
It's time to enjoy a refreshing, ice cold glass of milk, dear listener, as we open the carton and pour out chiptune, retrowave and radiophonics. We have a commercial break and there's also the soundtrack to a highly instructive video about milking a cow.
Published 07/14/16
We're back to the fake 80s for this week's show, dear listener, with our first concept album: a whole show about driving, at night, in a Delorean. We have a fist-pumping selection of retrowave and synthwave from around the globe, as well as a special late night cruise to Shrewsbury. There's also a track from the latest edition in the Bedroom Cassette Masters series, an edition which features an almost subliminal appearance from none other than our very own Orb (praise it).
Published 06/23/16
Yes, it's the long awaited return of our cut-out-and-keep Rainbow Collection with the almost last show in the series. As we approach the end of the visible spectrum, we arrive at plumptious purple, with a show of fake 80s, very gentle Japanese heavy metal, radioactive Russian pop, bucolic militarism, a sprinkling of percussive atonality and we leave you with some highly colourful edutatinment.
Published 06/08/16
It's time to chip away at the huge mountain of new arrivals here at the Moonbase, dear listener, with a show of new release, new reissues and tracks it's just taken us a while to notice. We have some 80s-era British library music, Italian library music from the 70s, fake 80s music from right now, a rare example of a "nice" Sun Ra cover, a Moogtacular double-bill, spookological music from two very generous labels and some empowering music to make you feel as confident as a Golden Retriever.
Published 05/25/16