Published 09/12/23
Published 09/12/23
Will get back to podcasting next week to speak on leverage, but here's a quick life update.
Published 07/27/23
Moral of the story- Never think it can't happen to you. 
Published 07/25/23
Listen to this episode any time you need a boost of assurance.  Although there are many takeaways in this episode, never forget to soak in the view.
Published 05/25/23
Depends on your priorities.  Email me at [email protected] to set up a meeting and I'll explain why it's an absolute non-negotiable prerequisite that serves as the foundation to any comprehensive financial plan. Foundation is everything.
Published 02/24/23
Published 12/01/22
It's important to speak to them on a level they can comprehend.  As broken down in a previous episode, "Discipline is the Differentiator."
Published 09/19/22
How you may already be a millionaire and not even know it.
Published 08/12/22
Not everyone can handle the "real you," but "everything ain't for everybody."  In a world of social media, mainly during an era of heightened sensitivity, it's imperative to tame the real you.  Things can get lost in translation, narratives can be twisted and altered, and once you put something out there, there's no turning back.  There's always the option of disregarding the opinion of others, but the larger your platform, the larger the consequences. 
Published 05/17/22
Roughly 9 years ago, Roland built a connection with someone who would end up changing his life forever.  In this episode, you will learn not only about the origin of their relationship, but how it has evolved over the years.  As a bonus, Roland and Chris speak on the million-dollar sticky note that is still adhered to Roland's refrigerator to this day.
Published 04/27/22
Sometimes, you have to distance yourself to the world to replenish the contents of your personal cup.  Here are 3 takeaways from firsthand experience. 
Published 04/18/22
Answering various questions from an Instagram Q&A.
Published 03/29/22
The Law of Attraction states that the world will reveal whatever you focus on, into your life.  In this episode, you're given multiple steps that are guaranteed to bring whatever you want into fruition.
Published 03/15/22
The world has a tendency to glorify "balance," but could too much balance be the one thing holding you back?
Published 03/10/22
In this episode, Roland lets his random thoughts rip.  It starts off mellow, then turns into an intense sequence of events that explain why he always keeps a backup, and always get what he wants.  Hindsight is 20/20!
Published 02/26/22
A very real and vulnerable chat about why Roland stopped podcasting,  burnout, monetizing on social media, bouncing back after a fall, why you should listen to those who see your potential, retirement, brand partnerships, building a new house, and setting realistic expectations.  More Late Night Thoughts coming soon!
Published 02/19/22
In this episode, Roland brings on a very special guest, Trent Shelton.  Trent is a former professional athlete, author, motivational speaker, husband, father of 3, plus an active content creator.  He and Roland take you on a journey through self discovery, honing on points that are sure to fill your cup!
Published 02/02/22
In this episode, Roland shares an excerpt from his favorite book.  This episode serves as a great reminder on the days you feel you may have fallen short of the mark.  If you must dwell, dwell on the good.
Published 01/26/22
In this impromptu episode, Roland and his wife Stephanie Pollard have a talk about running multiple businesses from home and the impact it has on their relationship.  Running a social media-based business requires presence on the perspective platforms, but is that focus ruining you're relationship?  Find out in this in-depth episode where Roland and Stephanie explain key things to consider. 
Published 01/24/22
In this insightful episode, Roland chats growth strategy with one of the greatest creators of all time, Jordan Matter.  Many people active on social media long for a following, but how exactly do you build and retain that audience?  Jordan gives his take on explosive growth and also touches on how authenticity and collaboration can exponentially increase the size of your audience.  He did not gain over 19 million followers on accident and he does not maintain such a large audience by...
Published 01/22/22
In this episode, Roland explains how his breakfast meeting led to a viral video, amassing over 7.5 million views and over 1.3 million likes in the first 10 hours.  If you listen closely, you'll find out how a free trip to Hawaii is in his near future.  As a bonus, Roland also gives away his "secret sauce" on how to leverage each social media platform differently so you too can reap the benefits of an increased following. 
Published 01/19/22
Hope you're ready for a short, yet POWERFUL episode! By now, you have a good idea of what Roland is all about.  In the previous episodes, he gave you info on his background, his entrepreneurial journey, the type of work he does, plus you know the company he keeps around and why.  It is time to dive into the steps you MUST take in order to reach what you're currently in pursuit of.  Marketing is a field Roland is extremely savvy in and 14+ years of strategic marketing has led him to secure an...
Published 01/16/22