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Caroline Mincks | Realm
{Queer} Pride and Prejudice
When Elizabeth Bennet met Miss Darcy, it was loathing at first sight - unless, of course, it wasn't? {Queer} Pride and Prejudice is the story you know and love, only significantly gayer than most other adaptations. Using Austen's words and setting, {Queer} Pride and Prejudice retells the classic romance with a reminder that we have always been here.
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Look, we won't be coy about it: it's the proposal episode. Buckle up, or whatever they did in carriages back then. TRANSCRIPT {Queer} Pride and Prejudice, based on the novel by Jane Austen, was created by Cassie Josephs and Caroline Mincks, and was adapted and directed by Caroline Mincks and...
Published 08/10/23
Published 08/10/23
A ball! Pretty dresses! Lively music! Way too much punch! Nothing could ever go wrong at a ball except for several things, which absolutely will! TRANSCRIPT {Queer} Pride and Prejudice, based on the novel by Jane Austen, was created by Cassie Josephs and Caroline Mincks, and was adapted and...
Published 01/24/23
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