Join the Discord community: https://discord.gg/GuacgrT6Qp . What is the PERFECT way to overcome porn addiction and heal your brain to reverse all the negative effects the addiction has on your life? If you ask this question in a NoFap community, you'll probably hear about "hard mode" and "monk mode". In this episode, I explain why these protocols don't go far enough and this is where Spartan Mode comes in. We'll run through the steps in this protocol. Don't mistake this for a random list of...
Published 02/14/23
Join the QuitByHealing Discord community: https://discord.gg/GuacgrT6Qp   Today, we're taking a closer look at the HEALING part of QuitByHealing. You'll discover what a huge difference it makes to include this in your process (yes, you can quit porn WITHOUT healing - but I don't recommend it) and I lay out the basic tools you need to start this healing process for yourself. If you are on the journey of kicking your porn habit and you want to gain a deeper understanding of this key aspect of...
Published 01/26/23
Join the QuitByHealing Discord community: https://discord.gg/GuacgrT6Qp   What is the most important skill you can learn to improve your life? In this episode, you'll discover why it is the exact skill you need to learn to overcome porn addiction: self regulation. By the end of the episode, you'll understand why the world we live in is the way it is. Why so many people are suffering and struggling. And you'll see - maybe for the first time - how it relates to the giant industries that are...
Published 01/19/23
Most guys who attempt to kick their habit of watching porn try, manage for a few days and then relapse. Sadly, this cycle repeats many times over and many give up entirely. But it doesn't have to be like that! In this episode, I provide you with a complete action plan - a step by step system that gives you a fighting chance to beat this addiction. Listen in to discover why awareness is the most powerful tool at your disposal, how to address your triggers so that you have fewer urges to fight,...
Published 01/08/23
Today, we're answering all the questions about porn vs. masturbating WITHOUT porn. Is masturbation by itself harmful? Or is the real problem pornography? Also, are there health benefits, or health drawbacks to masturbating?   If you want to fully understand why many people in the NoFap community are stuck in an endless cycle of trying to quit, relapse and binge and why my recommendations are different from what you usually find, this is the episode for you. Join my Discord community to get...
Published 01/05/23
Pornography affects men in many ways. One of the less talked about things is sexual maturity. A lack of sexual maturity is at the same time a cause and an effect of porn use. And for guys who want to truly HEAL their porn addiction and not just cope with it for the rest of their lives, this is a really important area of life to address. In this episode, we dive into WHY most men are sexually immature, what exactly that means, how it connects to your porn consumption and why maturing is a key...
Published 01/03/23
In my content about overcoming porn addiction, there are always 2 camps of people duking it out in the comments section. There's the deniers who believe porn isn't harmful and doing nofap won't improve your life. And there's the believers who already acknowledge the harmful effects and advocate for being porn free. In this episode, I share a message that will probably upset people on BOTH sides. But it's an important message. It explains why some deniers say they tried to quit and it didn't...
Published 12/30/22