A new week means new questions! Hope you have fun with these! At which California prison did Johnny Cash record a live concert in 1968? What was the name of the bull terrier dog used for an extensive ad campaign marketing Bud Light beer in the late 1980s? What is the more common term for a contusion? What type of mammal follows the . (Dot) in a file name that stores commands to be executed in a serial order in the windows command prompt helping to automate routine tasks? Which film...
Published 05/08/24
On Today's Patron Trivia Tournament: We are excited for Game 1 of Round 3 of the Patron Trivia Tournament! We have two wonderful patrons with Laura as "Major Data's Wife" vs Melanie as "Do Not Pass Van Gogh". We challenge them to some hard questions like: Swedish reality show Expedition Robinson was the forerunner to which American reality show? The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon was a Catholic military order more commonly known by what name? Who was the first...
Published 05/02/24
A new week means new questions! Hope you have fun with these! Who is the oldest person to travel into outer space? What is the name of the British national anthem? In the 20th Century denture makers added what to false teeth to give them a radiant glow? Who was the first boxer to win championships at five different weight classes? In Dungeons & Dragons, Who is the overgod, who rules all creation? Located in Newport, Rhode Island what is the oldest American restaurant still in...
Published 04/18/24
A new week means new questions! Hope you have fun with these! What is the name of the main antagonist in the Bond novel and film version of "The Man with the Golden Gun"? ShenValley Hospital, named for its location in the heart of Shenandoah Valley, VA works repairs on antique bisque, China head, and papier mâché items of what kind? What was the first flavor of ice cream created by Ben and Jerry? Sir Howard Carter discovered what in 1922? Which gaseous element has an invisible touch and...
Published 04/12/24
A new week means new questions! Hope you have fun with these! Which actor played Tony Soprano in the HBO show The Sopranos? The Rainbow Bridge was built to replace the Honeymoon Bridge, which collapsed in 1938 at what famous landmark? Name any of the three types of wood Noah’s ark was said to be made from. What substance causes Superman to lose his powers? Which ballet is known as Lac des Cygnes in French? What are the metal strips inserted into the neck of stringed instruments called? The...
Published 04/05/24
Happy April Fools! We hope you are ready for some silliness! For realy trivia, please listen to our other episodes. Music Hot Swing, Fast Talkin, Bass Walker, Dances and Dames, Ambush by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Don’t forget to follow us on social media: Patreon – patreon.com/quizbang – Please consider supporting us on Patreon. Check out our fun extras for patrons and help us keep this...
Published 04/01/24
A new week means new questions! Hope you have fun with these! How many justices currently sit on the U.S. Supreme Court? The rhyme "leaves of three, let it be" warns about touching which plant? The Equator sits at what degree latitude? In the War of the Roses, which warring house was represented by a red rose? What is the name of Snoopy's desert-dwelling brother? The opposite sides a standard 6-sided die will always add up to what number? We all have to often submit to it when we try to open...
Published 03/29/24
A new week means new questions! Hope you have fun with these! What word for a camera image is based on the Greek meaning "light" and "drawing, writing" whichtogether means drawing with light? In chess notation, what letter represents the file (or column) of the board where the Queens start the game? Who was the first title character in a Disney animated film to be based on a real person? What part of the body includes the pleura and the bronchus? "Just in Time" and "The Party's Over" are...
Published 03/20/24
A new week means new questions! Hope you have fun with these! Which European country's flag holds the wolrd record of being the oldest continously used national flag in the world? What is the name of the sequel to the pulitzer prize winning novel "Less"? Between which two countries was the Pig War fought on San Juan Island in 1859? What percentage of mammals are bats? We will give you 5% on either side. Bruce Springsteen's album Born in the U.S.A. has an image of Bruce Springsteen's butt in...
Published 03/07/24
A new week means new questions! Hope you have fun with these! Legend says that the goddess Athena gave the gift of what kind of tree? The Bahamas lie to the east of which U.S. state? In Star Trek the Next Generation, Commander Data has an "evil twin" named what? What organization has the symbol and reverse colors of the Swiss Flag? The stars Castor and Pollux are in which constellation of the night sky? Which gland is located at the base of the brain and is an edoctrine gland? A member of...
Published 02/22/24
A new week means new questions! Hope you have fun with these! In the novel Dracula, Dracula's castle is located in what mountain range which is the third longest mountain range in Europe? For a video to go "viral", how many views are required in a week or less? Using the professional standard for men, which of the following is the heaviest - an ice hockey puck, a baseball, or a polo ball? British journalist Arthur Wynne is credited with inventing the modern version of what word game in New...
Published 02/16/24
A new week means new questions! Hope you have fun with these! Reverend Elijah Craig has rather dubiously been credited with inventing what kind of liquor? What Jeffery Katzenberg co-founded music label’s logo was the last commission of Roy Lichtenstein before his death? Known for his novels Odd Thomas and Watchers, who sometimes used the pen names Deanna Dwyer, Aaron Wolfe and Brian Coffey? Cape Horn is the southernmost headland of which South American archipelago? There are two elements...
Published 02/09/24
On Today's Patron Trivia Tournament: We are excited for Game 6 of Round 2 of the Patron Trivia Tournament! We have two wonderful patrons with Dean as "Til Thanksgiving" vs Bryson as "Sergeant Puperoni Phony Shark's Club Band". We challenge them to some hard questions like: What rule is summarized by "If anything can go wrong, it will go wrong"? The Chinese flag has one large star and how many small stars? What is Quentin Tarantino's Highest Grossing Film? During which war did Florence...
Published 02/02/24
A new week means new questions! Hope you have fun with these! What name is given to a European plum that has been dried? In Greek Mythology, Pythia was the priestess of Apollo and was known as the what of Delphi? Which Scottish novelist wrote the novels Rob Roy, The Lady of the Lake and Ivanhoe? How many pillars are there in the 'Pillars of Islam'? What part of your body can only be seen when you are sitting? Riccardo Muti, Leopold Anthony Stokowski and Marin Alsop are all famous what? What...
Published 01/19/24
A new week means new questions! Hope you have fun with these! What is the name of the video rhythm game that Konami introduced in 1989 that makes the players move their feet to the beat as arrows go up the screen? Named for wiki developer Ward Cunningham, Cunningham's law states that the best way to get the right answer on the internet, is to do what? Which actor has appeared in the most films of the James Bond franchise? Half points if you can name the character the actor played What...
Published 01/12/24
A new week means new questions! Hope you have fun with these! What is the term for an animal that can live part of its life in water and part on land? Which four Stephen King stories did Frank Darabont direct film adaptations of? In the tv show Sister, Sister, what are the first names of the titular twins? Released in 1996, which Super Mario game was the first to feature full 3D gameplay? In 1899, Norwegian inventor Johan Vaaler was given a German patent for what simple office management...
Published 01/05/24
A new week means new questions! Hope you have fun with these! Which actor has the highest average gross revenue of all time? Hint: He played the titutlar character in both Leprauchan and Willow and was in the Star Wars and Harry Potter Franchises Which console's controller features square, triangle, circle, and X buttons on the right-hand side? What autonomous robotic vauum cleaner that is made by iRobot was originally called Dust Puppy? What is the other widely used name for the French...
Published 12/29/23
A new week means new questions! Hope you have fun with these! Who holds the record for themost goals scored in the Men's FIFA World Cup with 16 goals between 2002 and 2014? Who said "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall"? What is the longest nerve of the autonomic nervous sytem in the human body? Which NATO country has the least number of active military at 250? Who composed "Rhapsody in Blue" in 1924? Within 5% how much of the universe can...
Published 12/20/23
A new week means new questions! Hope you have fun with these! "When he was nearly 13, my brother Jem got his arm broken badlty at the elbow" is the opening line to what novel that was published in 1960? First shown 60 years ago in 1963s Turin motor show, which Italian car manufacturers first car was the 350 GT? What is the common name of the wild pig-like ungulate of Central & South America? There are three possible answers The first person to peg 121 points and get to the end of the...
Published 12/14/23
A new week means new questions! Hope you have fun with these! The Punic Wars, fought between Rome and Carthage, were a series of how many major conflicts? In a 1945 essay, which English writer coined the term "cold war"? Which artist was commissioned to produce a series of posters for the 1889 opening of the Moulin Rouge? The Art Ross trophy is awarded to the player who leads the league in points at the end of the regular season in which professional sport? What is a traditional fox hunter’s...
Published 12/01/23
A new week means new questions! Hope you have fun with these! The Estates General of 1789 marked the beginning of which revolution? What was Carol Danvers Air Force call sign when she flew the F-15 Eagle? There are two possible answers, one from the comics and one from the MCU. What sea separates Saudi Arabia from Africa? Which two foods are mentioned in the lyrics to Frasier's closing theme song? What's the name of Agatha Christie's fictional village which was home to amateur detective Miss...
Published 11/16/23
A new week means new questions! Hope you have fun with these! In which country was the first men's World Cup held? Does a wolf have more teeth on its upper jaw or lower jaw? King Richard I of England had what affectionate nickname for his reputation as a great military leader and warrior? California Girls and God only knows this fruit is a cross between the European raspberry, European blackberry, American dewberry, and loganberry? Used in making pies and tarts this fruit can also be given...
Published 11/09/23
On Today's Patron Trivia Tournament: We are excited for Game 5 of Round 2 of the Patron Trivia Tournament! We have two wonderful patrons with Melanie from "Do Not Pass Van Gogh" vs Gemma from "The Wisequaks". We challenge them to some hard questions like: The mojito cocktail originates from which country? A probe threatens Earth in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home because the only thing that can respond to it has gone extinct, what does the Enterprise travel back in time to fetch? Covering more...
Published 11/07/23
A new week means new questions! Hope you have fun with these! Which American poet received the Pulitzer Prize four times between 1924 and 1943? What name is a variant of the name Susan or Susanna and is the first name of characters notably played by Anna Pacquin and Melissa McCarthy? In "The Princess Bride" which character says "Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something."? The country called Eswatini was formerly known as? From the Latin stannum, Sn is the...
Published 11/01/23