Join Collin as he has a conversation with Pastor Wayne about the New Normal after a child's autism diagnosis.
Published 04/19/24
Published 04/19/24
Join host Larah and guest Katie White as they talk about the stage of Grief & Acceptance that is a part of the Autism Diagnosis for the Christ-following parent. BIG News! We've launched RaisingAutisticDisciples.com! We are also launching an online support group for parents and caregivers who are raising autistic disciples. Sign up today!
Published 04/18/24
Join two dads who talk about navigating life while raising autistic disciples for God's Kingdom. Register for the RAD Monthly Online Support Group here: https://raisingautisticdisciples.com/rad-online-support-group/
Published 11/22/23
Join Larah and guest Katie White as they talk about the second stage of the Five Stages of the Autism Diagnosis for the Christ-following parent.  BIG News! We've launched RaisingAutisticDisciples.com! We are also launching an online support group for parents and caregivers who are raising autistic disciples. Sign up today! 
Published 11/13/23
This is the first conversation of five episodes discussing the five stages of discovering autism for the Christ-following parent. Larah talks with guest Lizzie Mears, a speech therapist and a friend that guided her during a hard season of denial. Though these stages and phases will look different for every family, it is our hope that the next series of episodes be ones to help identify, encourage and offer practical and gospel hope to take the next step forward on the autism journey. Connect...
Published 07/10/23
Ever wondered how your journey raising an autistic child as a Christ-following parent can bring glory to God? Join us  as we explore "The Five Stages of Discovering Autism: For the Christ-following Parent." Have you experienced denial before or after receiving your child's autism diagnosis? Did you face grief and eventually come to acceptance? How did you navigate changing family dynamics to this new normal?  What is your life like now as you learn more and advocate for your autistic child?...
Published 06/20/23
Larah is joined by Pastor Connor Bales, who serves as the Prestonwood Baptist Church North Campus Pastor. Connor is the author of "Counted Worthy: A Father's Perspective on the Theology of Suffering." He is married to Mary and has five sweet kiddos. Pastor Connor has a heart for special needs ministry and is committed to serving and sharing the Gospel with families affected by disabilities. Counted Worthy available on Amazon...
Published 05/31/23
Drawing from the concept of the imago Dei, or image of God, Collin and Larah talk about how God's character and attributes are uniquely on display in and through autism. Every person is an image-bearer of the living God, created by Him with inherent value and worth as His creation. This episode is essential for those who are parenting, caring for, and supporting those who are autistic. Remembering that God created autism for His glory enables us as parents to take up the mantle of...
Published 04/26/23
Hey there! Are you a parent, caregiver, or friend of someone on the autistic spectrum? Do you also desire to steward, raise, and encourage them to love and follow Jesus? If so, you're in the right place! We believe that the gospel is for everyone, including our neurodiverse children. We know that raising children on the spectrum comes with its unique challenges and that discipleship methods may need to look different. That's why we're here to equip and encourage you on your journey to...
Published 04/26/23