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We got to make the best of our time here on Earth and do what makes us happy. I am Rami, the creator. Question, why is it that the people who choose their own paths are the most successful and happiest? They're passionate. As members of society we got break from the norm and live our best lives. Here we'll have discussions, feature guests and keep the fluff to a minimum. This series is meant to keep you energized, inspired and informed. Enjoy!!
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Goodbye to all things holding you back. 
Published 10/02/19
This idea is about a philosophy that dates back to the B.C era and is still relevant in today's world because it shares on where to chanel your energy and how to live a better life. Great listen and lots to ideas to implement into your life. Enjoy. 
Published 05/31/19
Published 05/31/19
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