Published 02/24/20
We are who we are based on our trials and tribulations. Why would you want to take that away from someone?
Published 02/24/20
As an educator in the business space I feel a responsibility to tell you the truth which is: Business is f**king tough.
Published 02/19/20
After building sales teams for a long time I can confidently say this is pretty accurate.
Published 02/17/20
You never know what's going on in someone else's life and if they're causing you pain that's nothing but a sign that they're in pain.
Published 02/12/20
If you really want freedom with your time and money, this is what it takes... Thank you Jocko Willink for your wisdom.
Published 02/10/20
Focus on less things and master them instead of spreading yourself thin and ending up with nothing. The likelihood of succeeding in business is slim enough as it is whilst running one business, yet alone three.
Published 02/05/20
Your thoughts cause you to feel how you feel. So when in doubt, change your thoughts.
Published 02/03/20
Whether you get promoted or not comes down to the value you provide and the behaviour you demonstrate.
Published 01/29/20
Who wants to know a practical way of getting what you want?
Published 01/27/20
If we can turn these steps into a more common response for people when they're stressed/emotional.... this world would see a radical shift in overall well-being. I truly believe that.
Published 01/27/20
Whatever you think you need is most likely connected to a wound from your childhood. When you realise you need nothing you embrace your full power and potential.
Published 01/20/20
This conversation with an 11yr old entrepreneur can teach us all something
Published 01/15/20
The person with the most certainty and conviction will have people follow them. This quality will help you in sales, leadership, parenting and everywhere really.
Published 01/13/20
Let's be real, no relationship is unconditional. The love might be, but the connection and bond is always based on something. This is a beautiful distinction from my Unstoppable podcast with Alexi and Preston Smiles.
Published 01/08/20
Here's what I've observed if you want money to flow to you in abundance...
Published 01/06/20
If you let other peoples mood and emotions trigger you: Watch this twice. The goal is to become triggerless which means to not have other people push our buttons and the only way to get there is to remove our buttons off the table completely.
Published 01/01/20
Values aren't just something you write on a piece of paper or on your company wall because the words sound good. Values are the behaviours you and your organisation already demonstrate at a high level. Important distinction.
Published 12/30/19
If I was to summarise how being a father has impacted me this would be it...
Published 12/23/19
Money is not the dictator of success, happiness is
Published 12/23/19
Thanks to our history it's no wonder so many people hate being sold to... as salespeople it's our responsibility to change this. Serve. Don't sell.
Published 12/11/19
If you're curious about meditation or have questions about the benefits, listen to this.
Published 12/09/19
Unless you avoid doing this you'll struggle making sales.
Published 12/04/19
If this video helps one person overcome stress in a healthier way I'm happy.
Published 12/02/19
Here's an eye-opening message about generational pain and hurt from Sharon Pearson who spoke at one of our K2 Elite events this year. I believe this is fundamental for all parents to know.
Published 11/27/19