Published 12/05/23
As parents, the teen years bring a lot of change and additional stress to our lives. As the kids begin to expand into independence, we may struggle to communicate effectively and manage their big feelings. In today's soul-o episode, Kristen shares her experience as a parent of teens and touches on ways parents can open up communication and connection.  Enjoy! Support the show (https://www.buymeacoffee.com/realizedempath)
Published 11/22/21
Published 11/22/21
Being a parent can be demanding, overwhelming, fulfilling, and exciting. However, for an empath, how often we experience the brighter side of parenthood depends on how proficient we are at understanding ourselves and caring for our needs.  In today's episode, Kristen shares her early parenting story that reads like a short story of struggle and triumph. And glances back at things she would have done differently if she knew then what she knows now. Support the show...
Published 11/08/21
On today's show, Lindsey Lockett, the Holistic Trauma Healing Podcast host, joins Kristen and discusses the ups and downs of labels. Labels can help deepen self-awareness and compassion, and they can be restrictive if we don't leave room to evolve. Lindsey says it best; labels can be beneficial and limiting. However, if a label has us looking outside ourselves in fear and blame, it isn't serving us.      Support the show (https://www.buymeacoffee.com/realizedempath)
Published 11/01/21
In this week's episode, Kristen sits down with Kat Fowler. Kat is the author of The Ultimate Guide to Energy Healing,  a meditation teacher, and an Energy Therapist.   Kristen and Kat discuss the effects of blocked energy on the sensitive soul, and Kat shares her tips and tricks for releasing stagnant energy.   We know the role energy plays in an empath's life, tune in to today's episode and learn ways to up your energy hygiene. Support the show (https://www.buymeacoffee.com/realizedempath)
Published 10/25/21
To thrive as human beings, we need healthy and balanced nervous systems. Being a highly sensitive person means we are processing our experiences more deeply and profoundly. But, unfortunately, the remarkable trait of being a deep feeling person can equate to spending extra time in a stressed or activated state.  To get back to a place of balance, we must reclaim self-regulation, build safe relationships, resilience, and our ability to be fully present in each moment.  In today's soul-o...
Published 10/18/21
A regulated nervous system experiences the stress and calming response throughout a given day. However, trauma pushes the activation of the nervous system beyond its ability to self-regulate. When a stressful experience bumps the nervous system beyond its limits, our activated system can get stuck on "on." In today's soul-o podcast, Kristen discusses the nervous system and how trauma affects it. She also touches on the various behavioral responses we can have to our body remembering our...
Published 10/11/21
In today's solo cast, Kristen dives into the topic of co-dependency. So many empaths and highly sensitive people have co-dependent traits. It’s so prevalent that many of us think the suffering of co-dependency is a side effect of being an Empath. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ When we believe we don’t have the power to maintain our peace, we develop coping strategies that hyper-focus on everyone except ourselves. Please tune in to learn about this coping strategy learn the ways Kristen has navigated it in her...
Published 10/04/21
A highly sensitive person has a deeply attuned nervous system, meaning we pick up on the subtleties some miss, and we feel the things we pick up on more profoundly. Because of this, the empath has a greater likelihood of being traumatized by their experience. In today's episode, Kristen sits down with Dr. Anna Kress. They discuss the complexity of trauma and how the highly sensitive person can navigate the residual effects trauma has on the body. Support the show...
Published 09/27/21
Boundaries. I have a love and not-so-love relationship with boundaries. I know they are needed to be the best version of myself, yet they can also trigger feelings from my past rooted in fear of rejection and loss of love.  In today's episode, we address the place empathy, and boundaries collide. I touch on how we keep ourselves in overwhelm and resentment by shying away from the discomfort of setting and enforcing boundaries. I also share scripts to make boundary setting and boundary...
Published 09/20/21
In today's episode, Kristen invited Louise Henning, the SOUL behind the Instagram account @highlysensitive_person. Together they discuss the differences and similarities between the HSP and Empath and share their journey in healing and embracing who they are.  Support the show (https://www.buymeacoffee.com/realizedempath)
Published 09/13/21
In honor of the US Labor Day 2021, Kristen discusses the hot topic of careers for the Empath and Highly Sensitive Person. We all wish someone would tell us what to do to experience more joy and fulfillment in our lives.  Kristen brings the vital decision of career choice back to each of us individually. Empaths and Highly Sensitive people aren't limited in what they can create and accomplish but truly knowing ourselves is the difference between making a choice that limits us or one that...
Published 09/07/21
In today's episode, Kristen gets honest about whether it is an Empath's responsibility to transmute another person's energy.  She talks about what it means to transmute energy and whether seeing someone's energy as needing to be fixed helps anyone. Join Kristen for this 20 minute, deep-dive into the old question, "What do I do with what I'm feeling?" Support the show (https://www.buymeacoffee.com/realizedempath)
Published 08/30/21
Just when we think the world has peaked in its suffering, humanity's dealt another blow. So how is an Empath to cope with the everchanging and deeply growing sorrow and despair of today's world?  In today's podcast, Kristen discusses tips, tricks, and suggestions to navigate the overwhelming world as an Empath. 
Published 08/23/21