Hey friends, back at ya after a long hiatus! I'm going a little freestyle in today's episode: I fill you in on what's been up in my world in the past few months, where my head has been, as well as talk about a big change for our family, the boys having started school this month after five years of home-schooling. The truth of it is, what I want for my children has not actually changed that much. I still would love for them to be free in body and mind, understand how to take good care of...
Published 09/20/23
Published 09/20/23
(( For once, in French! )) L' épisode d'aujourd'hui est inédit car, pour une fois, il est en français ! 😍 Je suis très heureuse de vous proposer cet échange riche avec ma chère cliente, Hanaa. Cette jeune femme issue d'une famille marocaine d'immigrés économiques a quitté son milieu de naissance et entrepris ce que l'on peut appeler "une ascension sociale". Or, elle a fini par comprendre que quitter un lieu physiquement ne veut pas forcément dire que l'on le quitte vraiment dans sa...
Published 04/27/23
I’m finally back at you with part 2 of my thoughts on modern feminism — and I explain my (very good) reasons for why it took so long! If you haven’t yet heard Part 1, I would definitely recommend starting there first. In today's episode I get into the more specific ways in which I've observed modern feminist ideas influence my own life choices as well as those of other women around me. My approach as always is pragmatic: does this way of thinking about the world make us happier or does...
Published 03/31/23
Today I’m coming at you with a topic which I’ve had a relationship with for a long time: modern feminism. As a mom to boys and a woman who loves men, this is a topic that is particularly dear to my heart. And of course everything I have to say is strictly about my own personal experience and observations. I do NOT claim monopoly to "the truth"! Also, since I have a lot to say, this one will be a 2-parter. As you know, I have a bit of a beef with our modern civilization and its...
Published 02/27/23
Full disclaimer: I actually don't love the label "self-sabotage" because, while it likes to pass for self-knowledge, it is often anything but! It's a term that gets thrown around to label behaviors that leave us perplexed because they don't seem aligned with our goals.  But upon closer look, you may notice that your unconscious has very good reasons for the way it has you behave, even if those reasons don't make logical sense at first blush. Saying you "sabotage" yourself actually...
Published 10/31/22
Have you ever been stymied by a decision? Felt the analysis paralysis creep in? Spent way more time and energy in discomfort than you would've liked? Making decisions can so easily trip us up because of... 1 truth: decision-making is costly for the brain, and A few untruths: there's such a thing as a right and wrong decision (there isn't) and it's FOREVER and god knows you'll f**k up your life if you pick the wrong thing!! 🥴🥴🥴 No wonder we get stuck!! But developing the skill of...
Published 10/20/22
My simple definition of self-awareness is being present to your internal experience of life. And it is a fundamental element of living your version of the good life since your inner reality has a HUGE impact on your outer reality. But contrary to popular belief, introspection alone is NOT enough to gain self-awareness. In addition to being an astute observer of the way you show up in life, the process of self-discovery is also about becoming compassionately curious as to where your...
Published 10/05/22
Hey friends, so happy to be back at ya after a deliciously long summer break! Today I talk about what new ideas have been brewing in my head the last few months and how it's affecting even the way I see coaching. And, for the main course, I'm really happy to bring to you a really insightful conversation with one of my dear clients. ​​Başak is ​​a brilliant young Turkish woman who's in France for a PhD in Computational Biology (I mean, I don't even understand what that means 🤣). When...
Published 09/19/22
(The podcast is going on summer hiatus! Please enjoy this final episode, share it widely if you feel inspired, and talk to you in September!)  Today's episode is a bit of a personal one.  I’ve recently gone through an intense period of growth when it comes to love and relationships.  And today, I’m debunking all kinds of common ideas about love, such as:   👉 The connection is what matters most.  👉 It is a matter of meeting the right person.  👉 Love is bound to make us suffer.   👉 The fact...
Published 06/27/22
Today on the podcast, I'm coming at you with a unique tool that will revolutionize the way you reach your goals. ​​ Have you ever thought about what makes the difference between setting a goal and staying the course VERSUS quitting before you ever get there? Here's a hint: it's got to do with your FEELINGS. You see, feelings are the reason why you set the goal... and they are the reason you give up too soon. The fatal mistake when going after any goal is to skip this essential step:...
Published 06/12/22
Victim mentality is when you make other people or outside factors responsible for your well-being.  We all know those people who are always really negative about everyone and everything, who seem to have their share of bad luck in life, and often make their problems someone else's fault.  That might be called a typical case of victim mentality.  But the truth is, victim mentality can show up in really subtle ways even if you’re not someone who indulges in it as a general rule. And the...
Published 06/04/22
Hey friends, today I'm republishing one of my all-time most popular episodes: clean pain vs dirt pain (and why it matters that you understand this distinction)! I'd recommend that you listen to this again even if you've heard it the first time around — this stuff always bears repeating 🥰 ---- Life is always going to be 50/50. That means half the time we'll feel good, half the time... it's going to SUCK.  And guess what? Doing the work on yourself does NOT mean you’re going to be happy and...
Published 05/16/22
Have you always been obsessed with growth and had high expectations of yourself? Do you have an unquenchable curiosity and drive for understanding how the world works and how you can make it better? Are you always looking to heal your own patterns and moving towards a bigger life? But do you have the feeling that… despite all your achievements so far, you haven’t even scratched the surface of your true potential? ... And this thought makes you feel like shite? 😣 Well, my friend, you...
Published 05/02/22
Happiness is defined as "a state of well-being and contentment". And yet, our society teaches us that happiness is not inherent — that it is rather a destination. And that we will only get there if we do everything we're told: do good in school, get a good job, get the promotions, get married, have kids, get the dream house, the dream kitchen, the dream vacations, etc etc. But the problem is, always seeking happiness outside of ourselves gets us into lots of trouble. We become...
Published 04/18/22
Do you ever put up with abuse from your inner tormentor?? Most of us go through life with this voice inside that is our biggest critic. It loves to come on especially when we're trying to change something in our lives. It nitpicks our every move. Second-guesses our every decision. Never finds anything we do good enough. We’re a nuisance at best and an embarrassment to the human race at worst!  But could you ever imagine treating your best friend that way? Or your child when they...
Published 04/04/22
What if our emotions were meant to be our greatest teachers in life? What I'm breaking down for you in today's episode is nothing short of a superpower: how to feel all your feelings — and especially what to do when you feel like shite! The truth is, we are incredibly emotional beings and yet, we were never taught how to properly deal with them when growing up. So it's no wonder that many of us get so intimidated by the full spectrum of our emotions (and specifically, the negative ones)...
Published 03/21/22
If you've known me for a while, you know how much I LOOVE talking about breakfast! Because I am convinced that the first step to reclaiming your energy, your vitality and your LIFE goes through your morning meal. And I have witnessed client after client report amazing results a a result of this one little tweak. You know things like: 🔥 No longer NEEDING coffee like your life depended on it 🤪 🔥 Start having more stable moods 🔥 Start having more long-lasting energy 🔥Having more mental...
Published 02/17/22
Ever wonder what they really mean when they say “we’re the only ones that get in our own way of achieving our dreams”? Like, what does that actually look like?  In this episode I explain why your brain is actually afraid of change (even when you’re trying to feel better), and how it uses sneaky techniques like getting you CONFUSED in order to keep you stuck.  The danger is that, if you're not aware of this process, it can stop you from pursuing your dreams for a very long time!  I also...
Published 02/13/22
Have you ever been excited about an ambitious personal project? And maybe you started off with a bang but ended up putting it aside because you can't seem to finish something unless you have an externally imposed deadline? 😫 Or maybe something more exciting-sounding came along and you changed course — essentially succumbing to "shiny object syndrome"? 🤪 Or you keep telling yourself, "I will get to it WHEN........." fill in the blank! 🙈 But these are all just sneaky ways your brain is keeping...
Published 12/06/21
Today I bring you a super fun conversation with my client (and cousin!), Nazli Kayan, at the end of our 6-month package together. Nazli is a high school Spanish teacher in Florida, and here's where she was when she first decided to reach out to me: “I just felt stuck, I felt like I wasn’t moving forward… I didn’t know that I had a choice to get unstuck… But I needed a guide through the wilderness.” She was also addicted to energy drinks because of low energy, felt overwhelmed... and was...
Published 11/04/21
Hey friends, as you know I'm offering my free challenge, "Regret-Proof Your Life", and we get started in just a few days! And here's how it will go down: at the end of each day I will send you an email with a big question to sleep on, and to journal away when you wake up. So the daily minimum time commitment for this is... 10 minutes. Really, that's it! So get yo'self signed up NOW 👉👉👉  https://theomnivorist.com/rpyl And of course, there's more! Everyone's favorite part of my free...
Published 10/25/21
Living a life without regrets is written into the very DNA of this podcast. And the way to get there? To define what the good life means for YOU with intention.  One of the biggest things people regret at the end of their days is not having had the courage to live the life they really wished — rather than what others expected of them.  In order to avoid this, it's so helpful to make sure you're living by your own rulebook, and not by anybody else's (including your younger self!).  Join me...
Published 10/16/21
Given how much I talk about the dismal state of affairs in the world and our species' declining health and happiness, you may well mistake me for a pessimist! But to those who are tempted to label me that way, I'd beg to differ. I believe that naming the problem is NOT pessimistic in and of itself, and is downright essential if we want to do better in our own lives. What it really comes down to is WHAT we do once armed with that knowledge. And the truth is, our personal power is way...
Published 10/13/21
Hey friends, the podcast is back from hiatus! And today I'm coming to you with a very special episode where I get a little raw and personal. Tune in to find out about my state of mind regarding what’s been going on in the world, how I’ve been navigating these challenging times, as well as  an update on the big changes in my personal life (which, if you follow me on social media, you know something about).  The summer was both wonderful and sprinkled with emotionally taxing moments. It...
Published 10/01/21