I’m thrilled to hold the first copies of Hustlers & Seekers in my hands. And guess what? This book is designed to do the *one* thing I’ve never seen done in the world of personal growth, to help you merge both parts of yourself: The ambitious dreamer, the relentless spirit who shows up and never takes “no” for an answer —going all in on themselves. (We’ll use ‘Hustling’ to describe this energy.) The insatiable seeker, the person on a quest for meaning, for inquiry, to know what...
Published 11/23/21
“You’re so disciplined, Tommy —if I had that, then I would launch the business, take the bold step, get in the best shape…” Oh, no...while I appreciate the triple scoop Hot Fudge sundae to my ego when you utter those words —here’s the truth: Discipline is *easy* when you’ve amplified your desire: Where it becomes a no brainer. Where it becomes a daily habit. Where it becomes a non-negotiable. In other words: When you want it badly enough. When you want it with every fiber of your...
Published 11/19/21
These days, no one wants a "job". Instead, we're looking for purpose, meaning, and fulfillment when it comes to their work life. But there's a problem: over 70% of employees are disengaged with their work. Enter today's guest —Jenn Lim.  Jenn Lim is the CEO and Chief Happiness Officer of Delivering Happiness, a company she and Tony Hsieh, the prior CEO of Zappos cofounded to show how you can prioritize purpose, people, and profits to make an impact on the world. In 2010, Jenn led the...
Published 11/13/21
Questions. A mentor, Dr. John Demartini once told me —the quality of the questions you ask will determine the quality of our lives. But there’s a problem: when we run our lives on auto-pilot, we aren’t aware of the questions we’re asking. Which means we ask questions like: How could I ever afford to do that? Why does this always happen to me? Why can’t I seem to be further along? Instead, what if you flipped the above and asked: How can I create more value? What’s the competitive...
Published 10/24/21
You’re told to be ambitious, work your face off and complete a 7-step morning ritual before 9:30 AM —listening to Gary Vee as you pound Nitro Cold Brew. (We’ll call this ‘doing’, or Hustling.) You’re told to surrender, do the inner work, align your chakras as you meditate to binaural beats —with a backdrop of Abraham Hicks as you connect with source. (We’ll call this ‘being’, or Seeking.) So, what do you pick? Pick hustle and you’ll buy into the myth that one day you’ll get ‘there’ and...
Published 10/18/21
When was the last time you felt alive with the work you do? Take a moment to answer that question and don't be afraid to be radically honest. Because for a large part of my life: work did not make me come alive as I counted down the seconds until I could leave for Happy Hour. Clearly, it wasn't working. Today, I find myself blessed to wake up with vigor every single day as I pursue what matters most. And by the way, this does not mean it's easy, but that's beside the point when you're...
Published 09/22/21
We live in a world of talkers —people who talk a big game about their lives and businesses and yet: The most successful people are not the ones who talk, but rather, who let their actions do the talking for them. Enter my latest guest on the Academy, Josh Coats. known as the "PUSH" Coach. Josh is a certified life coach by the John Maxwell Team, an entrepreneur, and author who was built a multi-million dollar business, helping people create a business around their lifestyle and not the other...
Published 09/16/21
Most don’t remember their 2021 goals. And guess what —there are only 120 days to: Finish with focus. Finish with purpose. Finish with momentum Or, you can do what most people will do: Limp to the finish line in a haze of distraction and emotional chaos —saying “next year” will be the year. No, thanks —so, what’s a better way? In today's Quick Hit on the Resist Average Academy with Tommy Baker, I'll share how to finish 2021 with clarity, growth and endless momentum! 🎟️ PRE-ORDER...
Published 09/09/21
How do you find work that makes you come alive —and get paid for it? It's the ultimate question for a thriving life from the inside out. But let's face it: Most people are not doing what they love and rarely getting paid for it. The fact is: work should never be separate from life. If we do it right, our work and life create a synergetic exchange of purpose, meaning, and financial freedom. Enter the latest Academy guest, the one and only Gretchen Rubin. She’s the author of the...
Published 08/23/21
Do you have a dream or a fantasy? Now, let me explain with a dose of #RealTalk: Most people have fantasies —thinking that ‘someday’ it’s all going to happen to them in a stroke of fortune: A magical moment where Oprah finds them. A magical moment where an investor shows up. A magical moment when they’re ‘ready’ to start. (Look at what these have in common: a reliance on an external event instead of using agency —the power of choice.) And guess what? Fantasies are like unicorns...
Published 08/19/21
I'm convinced we don't simply choose our dreams —our dreams choose us. They come during the quiet moments of life through nudges and whispers and desires...until they're what we can't stop thinking about. But then what? For Mateo Askaripour —he had all the markers of success: making over 6 figures at a start-up, leading a big team, and rising up the ladder. Until. Until he faced reality: his dream was to become a writer, a novelist, and he'd do whatever it take to bring it to life. But...
Published 08/14/21
It takes courage to own your desire, to put yourself on the line, to get radically honest about what you want. Why? Because it's easy to "drift" through life instead of choosing what you really want —and 95% of people would rather deny their inner desire and live in a world of generalities. In this Quick Hit, I'll share with you why owning your desire takes courage and why it'll make you feel most alive as you pursue the life that's for you. Otherwise, the consequences are dire: a life you...
Published 08/10/21
Most people would rather live in the illusion of possibility —always dreaming and manifesting, yet avoiding what comes next: the real work, the courageous work, the transformative work. Why? Because let's face it: Possibility is easy. Possibility is sexy. Possibility is safe. In this Quick Hit, I'll help you identify 7 common symptoms of what I call the illusion or comfort zone of possibility —so you can avoid this land of missed opportunities and half-hearted dreamers. 🎟️ PRE-ORDER...
Published 07/22/21
What are the keys to sustainable happiness —and what gets in the way of bringing that to life? Let's face it: Happiness can seem to escape us, especially if we believe in a framework that doesn't actually make us happy. However, there's a problem: if our definition of success and happiness isn't clear and based on our entire being —we may arrive at some benchmark of success...only to realize we're not happy. Enter our latest guest, a world-renowned expert who taught the most popular...
Published 07/19/21
During the last 11 years, I've gone all-in on my personal and professional growth —and today I'm excited to share the biggest lessons along the way. 1. Growth is messy, chaotic, unpredictable AF. 2. You’ll never feel “ready” to pursue what matters. 3. Fear of judgment is a reflection of your own doubts. 4. Transformation starts with staring nakedly at ourselves. 5. Discipline is easy when you’ve amplified your desire daily. 6. Success is about small steps no one else sees, compounded. ...
Published 07/16/21
Would you rather change 100 lives —or get 10,000 clicks and random followers? Sounds like a trick question...but it's not.  Why? Because we're living in a world where surface-area influence in terms of likes, clicks, hearts, and "fake" bots is becoming more important than the actual real-world impact you're bringing to the table. And that's a problem. In this episode, I was featured on my good friend and brother Jay Nixon's podcast —where we discussed this crucial mindset shift between...
Published 07/12/21
Discipline is a result. Discipline is a reaction. Discipline is a consequence. And guess what? It comes from two places: DESIRE + URGENCY = DISCIPLINE. Let me break these down for you: ➡️ DESIRE —amplify and expand your desire towards your dream, North Star, and feel it in every fiber of your being at least once per day. Push yourself until you're emotional. ➡️ URGENCY —get radically honest about the cost of staying the same, imagine a future where it never happens, set deadlines to...
Published 07/05/21
On today’s Resist Average Academy episode, I get to welcome my wife Taylor —yes I get to say that now —back on the show for the third time. We wanted to create this special episode as a way of breaking down one of the best moments of our lives —and distill the principles and lessons —from a dream experience where we got married on beautiful Maui. In this episode, you’re going to discover how to give yourself permission to dream, why desire and urgency are crucial, how to avoid using...
Published 07/01/21
It's not happening fast enough, Tommy —where are all the results and why can't I seem to get ahead? If you've ever said these words, then this Quick Hit Episode is for you about re-framing the challenge of your pursuit. The question is: What if the fact that it was challenging —meant you were exactly on point? 🎟️ PRE-ORDER & CLAIM YOUR $200 INSTANT COURSE 🎟️ I'm excited to announce my brand new book, Hustlers & Seekers: How To Crush It and Find Fulfillment Without Losing Your...
Published 06/10/21
Everyone loves the idea of accountability until they’re punched in the face with it —and the ego starts to come up with random excuses. Here’s the deal: Accountability is a form of caring. Accountability is a form of respect. Accountability is a form of real talk. And if you do it right —accountability becomes the secret sauce to following through on your word. But guess what? The ego will do anything in its power to run away, avoid and ignore accountability. Why? Because it doesn’t...
Published 06/04/21
To experience success, you've got to grind yourself to the bone until the tank is empty —right? No, thank you. But how often do we do unnecessary work —simply because it feels like we should? I know I have, and I've met too many people who may be "successful" but are exhausted and burned the hell out. We need a new paradigm, and that's what my guest today is all about —Greg McKeown. Greg has dedicated his career to discovering why some people break through to the next level and others...
Published 05/31/21
You’re told to grind, 10X your goals, crush it —then you’re told to detach, create space and align with universal frequencies Deepak would foam the mouth for. So the question becomes —who’s right!?!?! Well, they both are: Humans are hard-wired to chase a compelling horizon, to strive for an inspiring future that gets us up in the morning. (We’ll call this, uh, Hustle.) But that’s not all. We’re also wired to seek answers, to learn about ourselves, to go inward, and create deep levels of...
Published 05/29/21
If you're saying yes to things in your life that are 60, 70, or 80% in alignment —you may be missing out. On what? Well, let me be blunt here: Alignment is binary, meaning —you're either in alignment or you're not. On Quick Hit #167, I'll dive into the issue that small tweaks of being out of alignment create in your life and business and some tactical ways to ensure you stay 100% aligned. MASTERCLASS: MAKE 2020 THE YEAR EVERYTHING CHANGED This is why I created a special Masterclass...
Published 05/22/21
There's a stark difference between peak performance and optimal performance. What's the difference? Peak performance is a tactical, measured approach to show up on one day and crush it. Optimal performance is showing up in the day to day challenges of our lives and doing our best. Welcome to today's guest on the Academy —Rich Diviney. Rich Diviney is a former Navy SEAL Commander who served up 13 overseas deployments over 21 years as an active member and officer of the armed forces’ most...
Published 04/13/21