Preparing Future Missionaries—Elder Nelson teaches about the in-home preparation of future missionaries and how that is affected by the change in age requirements announced by President Monson in the October 2012 general conference.
Published 03/25/13
Bringing Up Children in Light and Truth: Sustaining Each Other in the Home—(4 of 4) Church leaders emphasize the importance of husbands and wives working together as they teach their children and help them prepare to receive the ordinances of salvation.
Published 03/11/13
Bringing Up Children in Light and Truth: A House of Order, a House of God—(3 of 4) A discussion with the auxiliary presidents reminds us of our sacred responsibility to strive to make our homes like temples.
Published 03/11/13
First Presidency Message: The Priesthood Is a Gift—(6 of 7) President Eyring explains that the priesthood is an expression of God's love.
Published 03/11/13
First Presidency Message: An Expression of God’s Love—(2 of 7) President Eyring discusses temple covenants. He teaches that the sealing power is the love of God that ties families together for eternity.
Published 03/11/13
Priesthood Keys: The Priesthood, an Opportunity to Serve—(3 of 4) Bishop Davies reads about priesthood keys from the handbook. A teachers quorum president explains how these keys have helped him to counsel, teach, and serve in his quorum.
Published 03/11/13
Ministering: Know and Love Those You Serve—(2 of 2) Elder Christensen teaches through example the importance of coming to know and love those we serve.
Published 03/11/13
Blessings of the Priesthood in Every Home: The Home Is a Divine Institution—(2 of 2) A quote from President Joseph F. Smith outlines the divine roles and responsibilities of parents.
Published 03/11/13
Priesthood Keys: Keys Are the Authority of God—(2 of 4) Elder Hallstrom teaches about the line of priesthood authority that extends back to the Savior and the restoration of the priesthood in this last dispensation. Keys are the God-given authority to direct the use of the priesthood on earth.
Published 03/11/13
First Presidency Message: Honoring the Priesthood Fortifies Us—(3 of 7) President Eyring promises that as we honor the priesthood in our lives and service, our families will be fortified against the adversary and will be knit together in love and sacred covenants.
Published 03/11/13
First Presidency Message: Faith in the Power of the Priesthood—(1 of 7) President Eyring discusses covenants made through the power of the priesthood and teaches that the priesthood changes hearts and knits individuals together in eternal families.
Published 03/11/13
Blessings of the Priesthood in Every Home: The Example of a Righteous Woman—(1 of 2) Elder Ballard, Elder Rasband, Bishop Stevenson, Sister Wixom, Sister Burton, and Sister Dalton share an example of the power and influence a mother can have in the home.
Published 03/11/13
First Presidency Message: The Priesthood Can Strengthen Our Families in Trial—(4 of 7) President Eyring teaches that faith in God is strengthened in times of trial. The manifestation of God’s power at these times gives us hope in His promises of eternal life.
Published 03/11/13
Bringing Up Children in Light and Truth: Families Are Strengthened by Keeping Covenants—(2 of 4) A widowed mother asks how she can continue to have the influence of the priesthood in her home.
Published 03/11/13
El poder del sacerdocio en la familia—Los padres y las madres son esenciales en el plan de Dios; el poder del sacerdocio se recibe mediante la dignidad; las bendiciones del sacerdocio están disponibles para todo padre y toda madre.
Published 01/22/13
El poder de Dios—El Salvador es la parte central del plan de felicidad; Él realiza Su obra mediante el poder del sacerdocio; el sacerdocio se ha restaurado.
Published 01/22/13
Conclusión: Ésta es Su obra—Repaso de los segmentos anteriores; testimonio de que toda la obra del sacerdocio lleva hacia las ordenanzas del templo y la vida eterna.
Published 01/22/13
Las llaves del sacerdocio—En la Iglesia, las llaves del sacerdocio otorgan la autoridad para dirigir barrios y estacas en asuntos relacionados con el fortalecimiento de las familias y las personas; el Salvador dirige la Iglesia.
Published 01/22/13
Mensaje de la Primera Presidencia—Explicación de la función y las bendiciones del sacerdocio en la exaltación de la familia.
Published 01/22/13
Ministrar—El ministrar al servir en el sacerdocio es una expresión de los atributos de Cristo: amar, servir, enseñar y elevar a los demás como lo haría el Salvador.
Published 01/22/13
Las bendiciones del sacerdocio en cada hogar—Ejemplo de Mary Fielding Smith: El poder del sacerdocio para padres y madres que están solos; la función de la fe; las bendiciones de una posteridad justa.
Published 01/22/13
Criar a los hijos en la luz y la verdad—La función de las madres y abuelas; las necesidades especiales de las madres que están solas; la necesidad y el poder de la Expiación.
Published 01/22/13
Cómo usar esta capacitación—Breve segmento que contiene instrucciones para los miembros y líderes en cuanto a la forma de usar la capacitación durante el año.
Published 01/22/13