  If you have joint pain, it's almsot guaranteed that it's being caused by your gut. So what's going on inside your gut that's so bad it's getting all the way into your joints? There are a few mechanisms of how this can happen, so we just need to know what they are, how to find them, and what to do to fix it! TOPICS DISCUSSED: How your gut affects your joints Understanding the organisms in your gut that cause joint pain What creates autoimmunity and the role your gut plays How...
Published 05/07/24
Your gut health can be the best predictor of what sicknesses or diseases you'll get. But the first 1000 days of your life are even more important because they can be help predict the state of your gut health.  In this episode, we'll learn: How the first 100o days of life impacts the the rest of your life How and why this is so crucial for a health immune system What may have happened in your first 1000 days that can explain your illnesses today How to help yourself, your kids, or future...
Published 05/03/24
What role does your gut play in detoxing? Well, as it turns out, it's pretty important!  One of our listeners wrote in asking about how they can detox while being exposed to toxins every day for work.    TOPICS DISCUSSED: How our body actually detoxes The different detox pathways How our gut bacteria influences detoxing What happens if your gut (and bacteria) is unhealthy Common sources of toxins How we can detox successfully   PS. Why haven't you joined our Reversing Crohn's and...
Published 04/30/24
Most people get inflammation that could have been prevented, get diagnosed with a disease they shouldn't have, end up on medication they didn't need, living a poor quality of life they never wanted. But if we can learn to hack our inflammation to let our body actually heal, we can avoid, or even cure disease all together, and rewrite our destiny.   TOPICS DISCUSSED: What actually causes inflammation  The root of all diseases and how to prevent them How our gut connectes to full body...
Published 04/26/24
Did you know that it's only been a few decades since herbal remedies were scrubbed from the American medical system?  Right up until the civil war, plant based medicines were saving lives, curing illnesses, and healing wounded soldiers. But that all changed in the late 1800's as John D. Rockefeller took over and monopolized the American medical system, medical colleges, and organizations.  We're going to share with you, the greatest story that's never been told, and explain why our medical...
Published 04/23/24
Our world is poison and we're all going to die a slow, horrible death. Isn't that cheery?  The things is that we have so many toxins in our food, water, air, clothing and so much more that are detroying our nerves, guts, immune systems and so much more. But it doesn't have to be that way. We can remove these toxins, reduce disease and heal ourselves! TOPICS DISCUSSED: A new way of vieweing toxins How they accumulate in your system How they cause damage to your body and gut Where the most...
Published 04/19/24
Have you ever daelt with chronic fatigue? It's so common that it's actually been given a "medical diagnosis" called Chornic Fatigue Syndrome; and if you've been listening to this show, you'll know that a diagnosis is BS. We just have to ask WHY you're low on energy. So, in this episode, we'll be talking about how you make energy, why it's low and what to do about it. TOPICS DISCUSSED: Where energy comes from in your body The step by step process of creating energy  Why you may not be...
Published 04/16/24
Not getting sick is pretty much a super power - but not only are most people sick, but diagnoses, diseases and autoimmunity are at an all time high. But it doesn't have to be that way. We can heal ourselves! We're speaking with doctor Jeffrey Bland, the FATHER of functional medicine in the western world; founder of the Institute for Funtional Medicine and the Personalized Lifestyle Medicine Institute and he's going to talk about: Rejuvinating vs just boosting your immun system Why western...
Published 04/12/24
American health foods are BANNED in other countries. It's not because they don't want their citizens to be healthy, it's actually because our "health" foods are actually FULL of toxins!  TOPICS DISCUSSED: Why other countries have banned American chicken, pork, salmon and ground beef What other snack foods are highly toxic in America but fine in other countries How to get healthier version of these foods How to avoid these extreme toxins   Don't put off your gut health any longer - Join...
Published 04/09/24
Your mind can literally CREATE OR HEAL sickness or disease. Dr. William Harmon discovered this while studying split personality, where an individual could move to personality 1 and be an insulin depeendt diabetic; then move to personality 2, produce insulin just fine and develop a citrus allergy insetad. So in this episode, we're meeting with Marc David, founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating... We'll talk about: Thw our unrealized relationships with food affect the...
Published 04/06/24
Leaky gut is designed to help you - not harm you. But like all things, moderation is best. So what is leaky gut, and why is it such a problem? TOPICS DISCUSSED: What leaky gut really is / how it works Why leaky gut is good is normal amounts Why, when and how leaky gut becomes a problem What causes leaky gut How you can repair it   Don't put off your gut health any longer - Join us on Skool to start healing your gut!     Submit Your Question For The Next Episode: ...
Published 04/02/24
Did you know that PMS symptoms should be almost non existent? Your sex hormones shouldn't cripple you, change your moods, cause pain or problems. If they do, they're imblanced and Leah Brueggemann is showing us how  Topics Discussed: The roles and importance of sex hormones How periods should be symtomLESS The things cusing your hormones to go out of whack Nutrition and blood sugar The gut health-sex hormone connection   Are you ready to get help with your gut and reverse IBD? Join our...
Published 03/30/24
Fasting is becoming popular for many reasons, but it's NOT ALWAYS a good thing! In fact, it could be harmful for your gut in many ways. TOPICS DISCUSSED: How fasting does or does not impact your gut health Pros and cons of fasting if you have gut issues Whether or not it’s a good or bad idea to fast for your gut health What changes you may see in your gut microbiome and over all health   Join us on Skool to learn how to reverse Crohn's and Colitis naturally!   Leave us a Review: ...
Published 03/26/24
Do your genetics really ditate your health, or are there other factors at play? Afterall, if you;ve got an illness, there's a good chance your doctor has just told you that it's genetic: everything from obesity, to diabetes and gut disease.  But this is all b******t, and in this episode we're speaking with world renowned epigenetics expert Dr. Ben Lynch about the roles your genes really have and what you can do about it. Topics Discussed: The roles of your gut microbiome How we all have...
Published 03/23/24
I've lost count of the amount of times someone has waited for a diagnosis before taking intervention on their health. DON'T WAIT - just act now before it's too late.   TOPICS DISCUSSED: Why your doctor needs a diagnosis before they can really do anything  Why your diagnosis doesn’t actually matter Why you should take action steps without one Why waiting for a diagnosis can actually be a huge problem   Join us on Skool to learn how to reverse Crohn's and Colitis naturally!   ...
Published 03/19/24
The number one question I get asked is "What supplements should I take?" So, intead of giving you an answer myself, we're going to ask the world's leading expert on supplements what you should take (and what to avoid).  Topics Discussed: The best and worst supplements Surprising truths and dangers about some supplements The big pharma vs natural supplements scandals Which supplements can be best for your gut and your health   Are you ready to get help with your gut and reverse IBD? Join...
Published 03/15/24
Are you a mouth breather? I don't mean "stupid"... although mouth breathing is a stupid thing to do! Did you know that mouth breathing can actually harm your gut microbiome, whereas nasal breathing can actually promote better gut health, blood flow and immunity? In this episode we'll talk about: Why mouth breathing can harm your gut The role nasal breathing has in your gut health The many benefits of nasal breathing on your immune system, blood flow, gut bacteria, gut lining and more!   ...
Published 03/12/24
Something I've not admitted before is that one of my BIGGEST fears is developing a diseases that causes me to lose the ability to control my own body - which is one of the reasons I'm so stringent on my gut health. Because ALL diseases start in the leaky gut. I created ReversABLE to help you reversing diseases with gut health, lifestyle and nutrition; and today, we're talking with Dr. Terry Wahls who's conquering my biggest fear. She went from wheelchair bound to hiking up mountains in just...
Published 03/08/24
Healing you gut with 5 steps is easy once you know what they are. The thing is, gut disease is reversible, regardless of what your doctor told you. This is primarily because doctors are taught about disease MANAGEMENT not disease REVERSAL. In Episode 46, we talked about the 3 root causes of gut disease like IBD, and today we're giving you the 5 steps to reverse gut disease/IBD (and any other gut issue). In this episode we'll talk about: Why your diagnosis doesn't matter or actually mean...
Published 03/05/24
Did you know that there's one organ we forget about that's JUST as important as your brain and your heart? Here's a hint... It's key to our survival, performs over 500 different funcitons, regulates our metabolism and if you cut it in half, it even grows back.  Can you guess what it is?   Join us on Skool to learn how to reverse Crohn's and Colitis naturally!   Topics we cover: The most important organ in your body and what it does The dangers of ignoring it It's role in gut...
Published 03/01/24
The health idnustry is demonizing foods as "good" or "bad", with very little evidence. The reality is that we have to learn which foods are good or bad for us, based on how we react to them. And if we react "good or bad", we need to ask "WHY?" In this episode we'll talk about: The best and worst foods for gut health How eating certain foods can help identify what’s actually causing your gut problems The foods I believe ALL people should avoid The pros and cons to certain types of diets ...
Published 02/27/24
When you’re born, you’re 99% human cells and only 1% microbes, but those microbes grow so much that by the time we die, we’re 90% microbes and only 10% human cells. And how we work with or against those bacteria determine what diseases we will or will not get. In this episode, Dr. Tom O'Bryan discusses the inflammation equation, which can help you find the roots of all of your inflammation, illness or diseases.   Join us on Skool to learn how to reverse Crohn's and Colitis naturally!   ...
Published 02/24/24
Diet culture is confusing af. And after listening to Episode 15 with Dr. Anthony Chaffee, a listener wrote in asking if all the research behind plant based diets is b******t or not. In this episode, we're going to elaborate on the animal vs plants debate, and discuss the factors that might help you decide which is best for you. In this episode we'll discuss: Which circumstances warrant a meat based or plant based diet Who should or should not eat vegetables If some vegetables are actually...
Published 02/21/24
This episde is jam packed full of thigs that most of us didn't even know existed. We're meeting with Dr. Deanna Minich to discuss how the world of quantum physics, sounds, light, emotions, frequencies (in this episode termed as "spirituality") affect, well... everything. There was a time when I used to think was was all a crock of sh!t, but as I've learned more and more about how different aspects of our world and our universe interact, the more I've learned that the stuff we can't see...
Published 02/16/24