“The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified” John 12:23 What happened in this scripture for the hour to come? What caused this pivot point in the life of Jesus, which changed the course of all our lives and of all history forever more? We have reached this same cycle of revival this weekend, a significant time in our lives as followers of Jesus: The Passover Celebration. Position yourselves with Jesus who went to the cross as the Passover Lamb, but arose the Lion of Judah! God is...
Published 04/28/24
Published 04/28/24
God never works outside of His word Psalm 115:16 “The highest heavens belong to the Lord but the earth he has given to mankind (sons, children of Adam)” and Genesis 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule (have dominion) over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” In order to have authority, Jesus had to come as a human! (Son of Adam) God never undermines...
Published 04/21/24
Trevor Baker, Sunday 7 April Teaching from John 21 You are never alone. Even in your failures and mistakes, Jesus is with you. He is not afraid to confront you because he wants to correct and bring change. Don’t let your failures stop fellowship. Grow in integrity, where inferiority is impossible. Fear will cause you to walk in lack of power. Fear will cause you to see the waves higher than faith. Overcome fear and inferiority to stand on the space and promises God has called for your...
Published 04/14/24
Anna shares from the Emmaus Road experience in Luke 24, a place in time which we can view as our Christian walk with the Lord. As you listen to this podcast, understand where you are on the road: What questions are you asking? Who are you talking and walking with? What have you seen? What has sounded like nonsense that is now being revealed as truth? This is a message which will encourage you to have the eyes of your heart OPENED and your Spirit AWAKENED to what God is doing in these...
Published 04/07/24
No More Nails! Reading John 20 resurrection account with an accurate / original tenses: Now - the first day of the week. Mary Magdalene comes early to the tomb, dark it still being, and she sees the stone having been removed from the tomb. She runs and comes to Simon Peter and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved, and she says to them: “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb.” Therefore Peter and the other disciple and were coming to the tomb. They were running now the two together,...
Published 03/31/24
Trevor prays that this word brings a light to you that you may have been seeking, & that this light would be a lamp under your feet.
Published 03/17/24
Sharon speaks upon our faith & those that seek the Lord will be seated with King Jesus in heavenly places because of the work that Christ has done for his us on the cross. Whether you feel that you've slipped in your faith, this is the time
Published 03/10/24
Anna resumes speaking freedom, confirming testimonies of freedom in Revival Fires Dudley. The hand of the Father is truly tending to every single place & area in our lives. No place is left undone or untouched. Tune into this Weekly Meeting to receive
Published 02/25/24
Darren recommences declaring the word of restoration. With restoration, comes change & God wants this change for us so we walk out restored in new light. Restored in freedom, restored in prosperity financially
Published 02/18/24
Ryan demands that we include freedom in our word of mouth today because God wants us to be people who are free. The message is titled 'Enthroned' as we enthrone the presence of Jesus in our midst and release freedom in our lives with this word.
Published 02/04/24
Anna continues to dive into the message favour upon us, and that to be restored in our original intent, we must be aligned with the favour of God. So if you feel favour is not following you, that can change today.
Published 01/28/24
Visiting minister Sam Robertson speaks prophetically, inspiring us to a life of favour and adventure in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Published 01/21/24
Christians are for life, not just for Christmas! Over the next few weeks, we’re going to look at forming Christ in us. For God to find a dwelling place, His word needs: * A Womb belly (individual in-dwelling) * A Friend (corporate in-dwelling) * A Manger (geographical in-dwelling) * A Song (proclaim the in-dwelling) How can Christ be formed in us? What we hear What we say What we dwell on with our thoughts We do not conceive a physical life, but rather the spiritual life of Jesus through...
Published 12/03/23
Like the wise virgins in the parable Jesus tells in Matthew 25, we are called to live our lives full of oil. When you’re filled with oil; what seems impossible becomes possible! You stay in-time and in-step with God, alert to His voice and awake in the waiting. Being filled with oil is each and everyone's personal responsibility. The oil is produced in the pressing. Where are you in the process? What has the Lord produced in the pressing? We pray this message helps you to live a life full of...
Published 11/19/23
Part 2 of "An Unchanging God in a Changing World". Understand the roots of paganism, idolatory, and nationalism and have your whole heart centred on Jesus Christ.
Published 11/12/23
Don’t discern by political spirit, but by Holy Spirit. The vertical, spiritual perspective. The political spirit is the leaven of Herod. The religious spirit is the leaven of the Pharisees. The church is suffering barrenness because of independence. Programmes can’t produce what only God can do by his presence, power and purpose. Independence keeps us out of relationship and in isolation. When we build like this, we protect with religion what we have stored up as resources. What should be...
Published 11/05/23
Embrace the narrow way, enter deeper into intimacy with Jesus through all He has done for you, and live unburdened, unyoked and unhindered.
Published 10/29/23
Our omnipresent God steps into our time and space to make his presence known! This is the manifest presence of God. At times, we can settle for his omnipresence when He wants to move in His manifest presence among us. The purpose of structure is unto the one who will fill it. The purpose of church, and our lives as believers, is to be a resting place for Jesus to fill, rule and reign from!
Published 10/22/23
God is at the door of, He is looking for those who would welcome Him to dwell in the house! How to host the presence of Jesus, from Genesis 18. - ‘Presence’ is a person: Jesus - Hosting Jesus is our personal responsibility - The context for hosting is our homes - God initiates and invites us to host Him - Hosting involves the whole family! Answer the call and welcome Jesus in your life.
Published 10/15/23
Don’t let Amazon be the loudest knock on your door! Learn to hear the voice of Jesus, he is at your door. To those who feel they are coming against the gates of hell… come to Jesus. Don’t go through or to any other door than Jesus. Don’t go to doors of emotion. Close the doors to substitutes. In John 10:1-11, the word 'pasture' is not ‘rest’, but extravagant new growth! Jesus is the door to new growth.
Published 10/08/23
This week's podcast is a highlight message from The Crossing Gathering. Join Emma Stark as she shares prophetically on transitions facing the church in the years ahead.
Published 09/30/23
What does the new year hold? Learn how to keep your focus and step into the Open Door! Enlarge, Increase and Extend in 2024: * A time of multiple giftings - what you are carrying * A time of increased capacity - how are you being stretched * A time of increased influence - who are you influencing * A time of extended territory - where is god giving land
Published 09/17/23
God is moving in victory to default the defaults in your life. Don't allow any old way of thinking or structures of the past hinder you from stepping into the new God has prepared! Default settings lead us to act in a certain way, create a pattern of behaviour, encourage an automatic response. Defaults are reinforced by repetition and are easy to fall back on. God has a new positive default for your life: His Word, His Worship and Faith! Walk by faith, and not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:17...
Published 09/10/23
Fix your thoughts on Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our confession. Hebrews 3:1 Thoughts are the powerful internal, invisible directors of external, visible behaviour and action. Thoughts create and decorate the dwelling place for your mind. What’s it like where you live? Sometimes we try to bring order from the outside in, but God wants to work in your lives from the inside out. How do you fix your thoughts? Fix is both corrective and connective. Some thoughts need to change, and...
Published 09/03/23