Published 09/26/23
Published 06/01/23
Published 04/25/23
Published 01/17/23
Published 09/30/22
Published 09/30/22
Published 09/30/22
Published 04/20/20
Mattathias stands up for God’s law, provoking Antiochus. How can the Maccabees triumph against overwhelming odds?
Published 04/20/20
A mad king takes the throne and Jerusalem’s autonomy is threatened. The Jews seek assimilation, but get desolation.
Published 04/10/20
A new empire brings new challenges to the Jews. Will they keep the light of God’s way burning bright?
Published 04/10/20
The revived Roman Empire gets an emperor. Uniting Europe with Catholic support, Charlemagne brings order to Europe. But was it worth the cost?
Published 07/23/19
Desperate for allies and beset by enemies, the Pope looks to the north for a defender. The Franks are his only option, but will they play the part?
Published 07/16/19
Constantine is the new sole emperor of the Roman Empire and uses the Catholic Church to bring unity to his realm. Unknowingly, he supports the institution that will keep the legacy and heritage of the Roman Empire living long after the empire falls.
Published 06/12/19
Emperor Diocletian’s reorganization of the Roman Empire leads to a violent and bitter struggle for control of the Empire. Who will win in this battle arena of emperors?
Published 06/11/19
European Union leaders are calling for a new Charlemagne to unify Europe. But is Charlemagne a worthy hero?
Published 06/11/19