Double Helix in a delicious mix
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Guy walks up to the bar and orders, “Gimme a Helix, bartender. And make it a double.” I know you’ve heard of the Double Helix. It packs a powerful punch. But there’s no hangover the next morning. Maybe that’s because it’s filled with Deoxyribonucleic Acid. “Yeah! Don’t be stingy with the Deoxyribonucleic Acid in my Double Helix, bartender!” That’s such a tongue-twisting mouthful. Surely, there’s a quicker way to say it. Hmm. I kinda like DNA. What say we go with that? All in favor? Great! The eyes have it (yes, I meant to say “eyes”). Alright, let’s get your mind out of the bar for a minute or two. And let’s talk about how DNA is scientific proof you and I are fearfully and wonderfully made by the one, true, living, loving God of creation. Not merely carbon copies of carbon lifeforms. Even the term “carbon lifeforms” contradicts itself. But, right now I’m gonna share some tidbits of information about information I shared several years ago. It bears repeating. Because it’s inside you right now. In almost all of the 30,000,000,000,000 (that’s trillion, by the way) cells in your body there are duplicate copies of your DNA. Each human cell contains 46 segments. You got 23 segments from your mom and 23 from your dad. No one else on Earth has the same DNA as you. Cool, huh? Well, here’s something even cooler. All that information in your DNA is a blueprint for how to build the one and only YOU.  The blueprint contains the information on how you’ll look, much of how you’ll act, and how every cell in your body will function during your life. And here’s some more interesting factoids. The DNA from one of your cells, uncoiled, connected, and stretched out would be about 6 feet long. It would be so thin you couldn’t see it. Not even with the most powerful microscope in existence today. The coded information found inside that cell could fill a library with somewhere around 4,000 books. And if you took all the DNA in your body and stretched it out end-to-end, you could go to the moon and back more than 165,000 times. That’s mighty impressive. But, how about this? The information found in your DNA could fill the Grand Canyon almost 30 times, if you put it in books. And yet…you could take one set of DNA from one cell of every person who ever lived, put them all in a spoon, and they’d weigh less than an aspirin. So, how could anyone actually THINK about the complex information inside us and not believe in God? I love knowing we’re created. And not just an accident that rose up out of nothing. No matter what you believe about how life started, you’ve made a choice to believe it. No one (at least virtually no one) is being forced to believe how we all got here. My question is this. Why would you want to believe you’re just the random result of trillions of mutations? Especially when there’s so much information inside you to the contrary. Because you’re an information-based life form. And that information, coded into your DNA, proves there must be a super coder. The good news is…that coder is the Creator who loves you. He made you a human being. In His image and likeness. And He allows you to choose to love Him in return. Or not. So, have another Double Helix. And choose wisely. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. There is information locked inside your cells. When you choose to discover why you’re here, You’ll find out what the information tells. And you’ll see you’re not just an accident Fumbling through the hours, and days, and weeks, and years. All the evidence is pointing out the way.
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