Another painful day of anxiety. And the effects, of it, range from silent crying to freaked-out scenes in public places to even assaults. Day after painful day after day. Oh, maybe I should clarify. I’m not talkin’ about me. Good heavens, no! I trust that Jesus Christ loves me and that He’ll never leave me nor forsake me. So, I’m covered by the Creator and source of Life. No anxiety here in Funderland. Well, I might get a little anxious if the power goes out while I’m writing this. But even...
Published 09/12/24
Nations and empires fall because of it. Governments become tyrannical and then crumble because of it. And families are torn to shreds because of it. And it’s something you can’t detect with your five senses. But you WILL still suffer because of it. And the “IT” I’m talking about is selfishness. The cruel selfishness that leads some people to want to steal, lie, cheat, and even murder other people. The bitter selfishness that fuels harsh words between members of a family. And even the...
Published 08/30/24
It’s truly your lucky day! Because, even though I didn’t think I’d ever share this secret again, I’m gonna show you the main ingredients you need in order to be master of the universe. And despite what you might have thought, up until this moment… You are NOT already the master of the universe. But I’m here for you. You’re my digital neighbor. And the Bible says to love your neighbor as yourself. So, keep reading. And in almost no time at all your master of the universe status will change....
Published 08/25/24
I gotta share this story I just saw again today. Maybe you’ve seen some version of it. But it’s about what happened when a young cashier told an older woman “you should bring your grocery bags next time. Because plastic bags aren’t good for the environment.” And the older woman shared some actual good for the environment facts. Here’s the story version I saw: The  woman apologized, “We didn’t have this green thing back in my day.”  The young clerk said, “Your generation didn’t care enough...
Published 08/23/24
Sure, you could say Tino loves music. If you’re trying to win the “understatement of the year” contest, you could say that. Or another “understatement of the year” could be… “He’s no quitter.” Boy oh boy, is THAT putting it mildly. Because Tino’s efforts in the cutthroat music world were almost legendary. First, he got fed up with traditional gatekeepers who rejected his work. Next, he got sick of “all the fairness” as he called it. And, finally, he took matters into his own hands. He...
Published 08/21/24
The anchors, the weather and sports reporters, the investigative reporters, and the editorialists all talked a blue streak night after night. So, it was ironic when Theo felt something like the stroke of a paintbrush across his heart. Because it wasn’t the same feeling as a physical paintbrush stroke. It was more like a blue streak of cool light. And it happened as he listened to a late night, local talkshow host talk about something in the Bible. But the host didn’t sound like a preacher....
Published 08/19/24
You’ve heard how there was no joy in Mudville when Mighty Casey struck out. Well, I assume you’ve heard that or read it. And I know what happens when you assume. So, maybe I should have given a spoiler alert. But the poem first appeared back in 1888. So, for cryin’ out loud, if you haven’t read it or heard it by now, then shame on you. Anyway… Mighty Casey struck out. But that’s nothing compared to Wyler’s woes. I know you’ve never heard of Wyler James. And I’ll explain how I know that,...
Published 08/17/24
OK kiddos from 3 to 103. I’ll just let you know, right up front, that I’m here for you. Because I know that you fit into one of these categories. You are the: * Cream of the crop * Top of the heap * Bee’s knees * Cat’s meow Best thing since sliced bread And maybe you’ve even come up with something else you think describes your effervescent and irresistible personality. If so, good for you. Or is it, good ON you these days? No matter. You know what you are. We’ll leave it at that....
Published 08/16/24
Kris and Themum woke up to a thunderstorm filled with bright flashes of lightning. Thank goodness they had taken extra time to secure their tents and position them for protection. Because the thunderstorm turned into what Uncle Paulo would describe as “a real frog drowner.” But they weren’t gonna let a little rain put a damper on reaching the goal for the day. Because the goal for the day was the ultimate hiker’s prize. The summit. The peak. A couple more vertical miles, and they’d see the...
Published 08/13/24
OK, you’ll enjoy this story much more if you use your best Irish or Scottish accent as you read. Even if you read it to yourself and you don’t read it out loud. You’re already doin’ it. Aren’t ya? Yeah, the way that power of suggestion works is a mystical phenomenon. And speakin’ of a mystical phenomenon. Have you ever heard of the Blue Celtic Cloud? Some say it’s not just a vapor. Not just part of the sky. And some will swear the Blue Celtic Cloud is even more than just a mystical...
Published 08/05/24
I’m not a fan of hot weather conditions. Yeah, there’s a pun hiding in plain sight, there. But I’m not gonna pun-ish you, more, right now. If you’ve been staying inside to lounge in the coolness of air conditioning, believe me, I’m with ya man. And it IS a manly thing to do. Here’s why. Hot weather conditions can wring rhymes right out of the air. At least they can for the writer who dares to relax in the air conditioning with his (or her, and those are the only two choices) head in the...
Published 08/02/24
Published 07/21/24
I remember watching certain kinds of sci-fi movies, way back in decades past, that showed unbelievable scenarios for the future. But here we are, IN that future, and some of those things actually came true. One thing, in particular, is how easy it has become to terminate people just because they annoy you. Yeah, it has become acceptable to terminate people of ALL ages. Starting in the womb. Your own internet browser will give you the evidence for this. They’re called “suggestions.” Type...
Published 07/14/24
Gonna talk about truth and mercy right now. So, get ready to take some mental notes. Yeah, put away those silly tablets and other writing accoutrement. Because I don’t want your brain distracted by an urgent need to jot notes. The value of truth and mercy is too important to miss. So, before I go any further, I know your brain is already distracted by the grammar in my headline, “Truth and mercy for what him and her say.” Right? C’mon, admit it. Your first thought was to call the grammar...
Published 06/10/24
Episode 929 of the Rhyme and Reason podcast is all about the demo. Back to the regular programming next time…
Published 06/03/24
Why, in the name of godzilla, would you ever want to identify with a lower creature? Why would you ever, ever, ever want, or claim to have, a lizard brain? And how would that ever help you tune in to your limbic arc? Or help you maintain balance in your emotional vectoring? Not to mention (but I will) your energetic posture. No reptilian brain is ever gonna benefit from a limbic arc. At least that’s my prediction. And I believe that goes for the paleomammalian and neomammalian brains,...
Published 06/03/24
The longest bridge in the world spans over 100 miles. Can you imagine driving that far, and it’s all on one bridge. Well, that’s all I’ll do. Because I’m never gonna drive on any bridge that long. Much less this particular one. Because the longest bridge in the world is in China. And I have no desire to visit China just so I can say I was on the longest bridge in the world. For that matter, I wouldn’t visit parts of America just to say that. But that’s just me. Feel free (as much as anybody...
Published 06/02/24
This is something good to share with the kiddos. I talked about this over 10 years ago. But since this kind of nerve health is an ongoing issue, it’s just as relevant as ever. And here’s what I mean by “this kind of nerve health.” Have you ever heard someone say “you got a lotta nerve?” Usually they don’t mean that in a good way. It’s usually someone thinking you shouldn’t have said or done what you just said or did. Like maybe you just told a guy his purple mohawk looks goofy. And he...
Published 06/01/24
“The State of Colorado Will Compensate Local Residents To Go Solar as Part of a Statewide Program (RPS).” That was the headline to a short advertorial I recently read online. And I have a long history with Colorado, starting at birth, so it piqued my curiosity, of course. But when “they” say “Go Solar,” it’s not a suggestion. No, they’re not looking to get you to consider solar. Uh-uh. It’s a mandate (which is not two guys going to dinner). Here’s what “they” (the state of Colorado) said...
Published 05/31/24
When I was a kid, way back before gigantic TV screens (and even remote controls), the Wizard of Oz movie came on once a year. I don’t know exactly what my parents thought about the movie. But the kids sure got a kick out of it. But who knew the Wizard of Oz had so many double meanings? I certainly didn’t. Plus, I just never gave it much more thought than how imaginative and colorful the movie was. And, unless you’re someone who thinks there’s hidden messages in everything, chances are you...
Published 05/26/24
Cow secretions and bee vomit. Yum, yum. I don’t know about you, but I’ll be goin’ back for seconds. Oh yeah! But first, here’s my desire as I share a little something with you today: Let my teaching drop as the rain, My speech distill as the dew, As raindrops on the tender herb, And as showers on the grass. I can’t (and don’t) take credit for that most pleasant prose. Because it was written by Mo very many years ago. And Mo was the one who put the dude in Deuteronomy. He was inspired, by...
Published 05/24/24