Guy walks up to the bar and orders, “Gimme a Helix, bartender. And make it a double.” I know you’ve heard of the Double Helix. It packs a powerful punch. But there’s no hangover the next morning. Maybe that’s because it’s filled with Deoxyribonucleic Acid. “Yeah! Don’t be stingy with the Deoxyribonucleic Acid in my Double Helix, bartender!” That’s such a tongue-twisting mouthful. Surely, there’s a quicker way to say it. Hmm. I kinda like DNA. What say we go with that? All in favor? Great!...
Published 05/23/24
Here’s a list of words, found in a thesaurus, you can exchange for one other widely used word. I bet you can guess the word: develop, progress, advance, move forward, make headway, mature, grow, open out, unfold, unroll, expand, enlarge, spread, extend; alter, change, transform, adapt, metamorphose, differentiate – Did you guess evolve? Yeah, evolve is the word of the century. People LUV to use that word. And it’s not an evil word. So, this isn’t what I’d call THE issue of the day. But I...
Published 05/22/24
You’ve probably experienced faith and doubt at the same time. It’s OK to admit it because it’s part of your human flaws. I know. How dare I say you have flaws, right? Easy. Because everybody does. I talk about the Apostle Paul a lot. And that’s because he’s the best example of where you and I are right now. And he expressed his concerns about his own ways when he wrote to the new Christians in Rome. Check out what he said and see if you detect yourself in his words: “…we know that the law...
Published 05/21/24
I’ve lived several decades on this little blue planet. And, as long as I can remember I’ve heard people talk about world peace. And I’ve heard and seen the world peace news on radio and TV. But the world seems to always snatch war from the jaws of peace every time. Have you noticed that? During my time on Earth there have always been wars. We’ve been fortunate here in America. Because we haven’t seen actual war on our soil for a long time. But I figure it’s only a matter of time. Especially...
Published 05/19/24
Your life design is unique. No one else who ever lived, is living now, or will ever live will have the same life as you. But your life is also no different from anybody else either. Here’s what I mean. And why it matters. The DNA found in every cell of your body is incredibly complex and completely yours. The odds that it exists by chance are so small, you’d be more likely to win the powerball AND get struck by lightning on 3 birthdays in a row. Yeah, your living, loving Creator gave you...
Published 05/18/24
A perilous fight in perilous times will not sway these reasons and rhymes. My wife and I never had kids. But we love kids. And we enjoy their imaginative outlook on life. That’s why I write music for kids, ebooks for kids, and create illustrations and videos for kids. I want them to enjoy words and music and pictures and be safe and loved. But kids, today, are in for a perilous fight. There’s a very good book that talks about this. It mentions how so many men only love themselves, or...
Published 05/17/24
When you take God out of the equation, the question of “right and wrong” is a moot point. It isn’t objective morality at that point. It’s opinion. And guess what? If your opinion differs from mine, all you have to do to win the day is be the stronger one. That’s the “beauty” of natural selection in process. It’s interesting how often those who reject God have no problem using the word “absolute.” By whose authority would anything be absolutely true or right or acceptable, if not God? Well,...
Published 05/15/24
You can’t recycle away stupid. And today I’m gonna share a story you might’ve seen elsewhere. But it bears repeating. Because it shows the increased ignorance in younger people today. And it shows how, typically, the people who shout “don’t judge” the loudest are the most judgmental. Anyway. Here’s the story I saw. Feel free to recycle away. A young cashier told an older woman that she should bring her grocery bags because plastic bags weren’t good for the environment. The  woman...
Published 05/14/24
I watched Brian Regan, one of the truly best comedians ever, do a bit about comparing anything you do to one of the astronauts who walked on the moon. It’s hilarious. When you get a chance, just do a search for Brian Regan man on the moon on YouTube. Yeah. How does your best accomplishment compare to being a man on the moon? Funny stuff. And I love how Brian doesn’t resort to profanity. Plus, his facial expressions are top-notch. And that reminds me of the first time I ever heard of...
Published 05/12/24
I can predict people will still be living on Earth a thousand years from now. And that prediction includes their ability to drink water, eat real food, and breathe fresh air. Yep, that’s right. I can predict the future. But, just because I can predict the future like that doesn’t mean much. No, I’m not a prediction savant. And I don’t play one on YouTube. So, just because I can predict the future with confidence still doesn’t mean I think I know it all (and I knew that’s what you were...
Published 05/11/24
The idea of this post popped into my head during and after a three-mile walk through our neighborhood this morning. Because the many shades of green, the multitude of flowers, and all the birds, bunnies, and squirrels flitting and scattering around under a bright, blue sky stirred up the word, splendor, in my brain. It’s a word that means “magnificent and splendid appearance; grandeur.” And, also according to the dictionary, it originated in “late Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French...
Published 05/10/24
He’s talked with dead people, personally. He’s talked about dead people as though they were still alive. And he consistently serves up word hash like it’s going out of style or something. You know him. You loathe him. Of course I’m talking about little Joey Biden. Mrs. Biden’s pride and joy. Mm, mm. Nothin’ like a bowl of homemade word hash. You no doubt have seen commentaries, of one sort or another, about Joe Biden’s brain fog. His brain fog reminds me of the Peanuts comic strip...
Published 05/09/24
There’s always tomorrow. Which is weird. Because tomorrow never comes. In the big picture, those two sentences aren’t mutually exclusive. So, “ride the wind” when it’s windy. Drink up when it rains. Sunbathe when others complain of the heat. Your days here on earth are very, very short. Don’t take yourself so seriously that you can’t sieze the moment with the enthusiasm of kids. Kids don’t know that tomorrow never comes. So, kids know how to laugh at things no one else can even see. They...
Published 05/07/24
I saw a silly question this morning. And I’m sure you’ve seen one like it at least once or twice. It said, “‘Mass Extinction: What Happened 65 Million Years Ago?” Of course, the correct answer is “Nothing.” Well, another correct answer would be, “Ask God. He was the only one around.” But nothing on Earth happened 65 million years ago. Because Earth didn’t exist then. And the evidence is overwhelming to anyone who is willing to look at it with humility. Take, for example, the Ford Galaxy. I...
Published 05/06/24
He built a small log cabin on the bank of a small creek, in Kansas, in the early 1830s. Then, the U.S. government built some other lodges in the area. And one of those lodges was for Tonganoxie. But who in the world was Tonganoxie? And why does it matter? Well, I’ll answer both those questions. But you should know ahead of time that you might not be satisfied with my answers. If you’re OK with that, read on. Tonganoxie was an Indian (not the kind from India) from the Delaware tribe. His...
Published 05/05/24
When I was a kid, I’d almost always be the first one to get up. And I’d sneak into the kitchen and pour myself a bowl of cereal. Not every day was a cereal day. Because moms knew growing kids need a variety of nutrients. But a bowl (or two) of that tasty goodness could take you all the way to lunch. Of course, that was back before cereal (and just about all other food) was so manipulated with additives and preservatives. But that’s a whole ‘nother rabbit hole. Anyway… Even as a kid I’d...
Published 05/04/24
Most of us humans go on our merry way, every day. And most of us never give a second thought to what happens next. But I don’t mean in the next minute or hour. And not even the next day, week, or month. Nope. Think much further ahead. We’re on our merry way to somewhere else after this life. So, get out the roadmap, plot out a destination, and work out how you’ll get there. Thankfully you have access to incredible devices and apps to almost hold your hand and get you there safely. Except...
Published 05/02/24
Hey, hey, it’s May and May Day. So, what do you say? I say hey! Let’s talk about the May birthstone. And in case you didn’t already know, it’s the beautiful emerald. Emerald for a May birthstone makes sense when you learn more about it. Because the emerald is considered a symbol of rebirth. And superstitious people believe it has the power to grant the owner foresight, good fortune, and youth. Side note: Elizabeth Taylor owned an emerald pendant that sold for $6.5 million in 2011. So, it...
Published 05/01/24
Being a parent, especially one with a baby or young child, can be isolating. That was a headline that caught my eye this morning. And maybe it’s just me (I doubt it), but that kind of parent seems like the selfish type. But the article included some reasons why being a parent can be isolating. Now, hold on to your hat. Because there are some terrifying things parents do that bring on this problem: be sure bills are paid feed the kids navigate nap times and illnesses jam-packed...
Published 04/30/24
Slim and None. Those are the probable answers to the question. But, naturally, that begs the question. And at least one version of the question would be, “What are the odds that everything happens for a reason?” And I’d say chances are also slim and none that people who believe everything happens for a reason would agree with Jesus on that. Uh-oh. I done went and done it that time. So, before I move on, I’d like to know if you agree with this: Chances are slim and/or none that God didn’t...
Published 04/29/24
I saw a headline that I had to check out. It said: A prominent doctor asks Democrats: “If abortion is healthcare, my question is: what disease are you treating?” And I say Kudos to the good doctor for the “what disease” question. So, the doctor’s name is Monique Wubbenhorst. And, according to an article clip I ready, she’s “a renowned medical professor and researcher.” Dr. Wubbenhorst understands what’s going on when an abortion is performed. She knows it has nothing to do with healthcare....
Published 04/29/24
Information inside your cells determined whether you’d have brown or blue or green eyes. And it determined whether you’d have black or brown or blonde hair. AND whether you’d be a boy or a girl (Those are the only choices, by the way). Take a trillion trails of that information, see where it goes, and I believe you’ll come to the same conclusion I did: “Whoa, dude. That sounds complex. My head just exploded.” And that’s just ONE trillion trails. You could take a lot more than that and still...
Published 04/28/24
The end of April is fast approaching. So, get read for all those May flowers. Of course, that leads to Mother’s Day and then Memorial Day and backyard barbecues. All that wonderful evidence of Spring can help you forget that God hates you. Anyway… So, last week I had a nice conversation with some people who walked their Yorkie by the bungalow. We got to talkin’ about how they don’t make houses like the ones in our neighborhood anymore. And…pardon me? What do you mean I left you hanging...
Published 04/25/24
If it’s Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, just ignore this message. Because this is specially designed to help you focus on your Wednesday blessings. I won’t be responsible for results you get by attempting to use it on those other days. “Why Wednesday blessings, Tony?” you ask. Well, I’m glad you asked because I’d like to expound with great profundity on that topic. And I’d love to illuminate the catacombs of your weary understanding and reasoning with wit, wisdom,...
Published 04/24/24
I get it. You’ve heard it all before. Right? And if you have to listen to one more person spout off about how “God so loved the world blah, blah, blah, you’ll scream. But here’s the thing. Truth is always truth. Even when you’ve heard it all before. It’s testable. And it comes through with flying colors every time it’s tested. But that makes it detestable to all those who love to fly their colors on rebellious, satin flags. Yeah, in case you haven’t heard me or someone else say this before,...
Published 04/23/24