Terminate people and forget the steeple
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I remember watching certain kinds of sci-fi movies, way back in decades past, that showed unbelievable scenarios for the future. But here we are, IN that future, and some of those things actually came true. One thing, in particular, is how easy it has become to terminate people just because they annoy you. Yeah, it has become acceptable to terminate people of ALL ages. Starting in the womb. Your own internet browser will give you the evidence for this. They’re called “suggestions.” Type something into your browser search bar. You don’t even have to type the whole phrase “terminate people.” Just type the word, terminate. Then, add a space. And then start to go through the alphabet. You won’t have to go past A to find the evidence I’m talking about. Because one of the “suggestions” after you type “terminate a” is “terminate a pregnancy.” The other suggestions include contract, lease, and process. No problem. But then there’s pregnancy. Why is that a suggestion? Because that’s what people search for. And that’s because nobody wants to do a search for “how to kill a baby in the womb.” That just sounds so bigoted, hateful, and mean. Why would anybody say that about a terminated pregnancy? They must be old or republican or something. But have you noticed how many people act as thought they don’t even know what that is in a mother’s womb? And that’s in spite of the fact that ultrasound technology has made it SO simple to see it’s a baby. So, what’s the problem, in these “more enlightened” days? It has turned into a debate over location and connection. One of the main reasons so many people are comfortable calling a baby in the womb just a “lifestyle choice” is the baby’s location. In the womb. You’d have to be willfully ignorant (aka: X-tra Stupid), to see a woman who’s 6 months pregnant and not know what’s making her belly protrude. (side note: I know the explosion of grossly obese women has blurred this distinction a little. But the point stands.) Anyway… Point is, even if you’re a person who CHOOSES to act stupid, you know what it means when a woman is pregnant. There’s a baby in there. So, when you “terminate pregnancies,” you terminate people. Period. And if you support the murder of the most innocent human beings, where will you draw the line? The answer is, you won’t draw a line. Because you’re willing to buy into the idea that murder is an actual solution to problems. So, since you can terminate an “unplanned pregnancy” it’s only a short step terminating people you disagree with or don’t like. And one of the most disagreeable, unlikeable people you’re likely to run across is someone who holds the opposite political opinions. You might have seen that in action on July 13th. I haven’t been a Donald Trump supporter because of his willingness to compromise on the termination of babies whose fathers were criminals. And his willingness to turn his head when it comes to certain other issues that, let’s say, don’t meet with God’s approval. That being said, I DO believe Mr. Trump is an American patriot on a fairly high level. But even if I disagreed with him on everything, including his compromise on abortion, it would never enter my mind to want him terminated. I don’t even want that despicable, poor excuse for a human being, who currently occupies the big white house in Washington, D.C. to be terminated by a bullet. I WILL rejoice when I see God’s vengeance on him and all other God haters one day, though. But someone decided it would be fine to put a bullet in Donald Trump’s head. And that person,
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