日常中文 Daily Mandarin
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今天的日常中文 Daily Mandarin 是《主題訪談》單元,邀請到特別來賓Wei-En分享她學習英文以及在國外當交換學生的經驗。Wei-En認為,享受學習語言的過程,才能走得長久,她是如何做到的呢?每集也會附上實用中文單字與解釋,歡迎搭配Podcast內容一起學習吧! In today's interview series, I invite Wei-En to share her experiences of learning English and, as an exchange student in the USA, she thinks the key to...
Published 11/19/23
今天日常中文 Daily Mandarin 的《這樣說更道地》單元要跟大家分享「放鴿子」這個用法,用來指沒有遵守跟別人約定好的承諾。每集也會附上實用中文單字與解釋,歡迎搭配Podcast內容一起學習! In this series, I will talk about common idioms used in Taiwan. Today’s topic is “放鴿子fàng gēzi”. It means to stand someone up or to fail to meet someone when you said you would. The vocabulary...
Published 09/17/23
今天的日常中文 Daily Mandarin 要來分享提升中文聽力的好方法,如果你覺得自己的聽力還可以再進步,那這一集的內容就很適合你!每集也會附上實用中文單字與解釋,歡迎搭配Podcast內容一起學習! Today, I will talk about how to improve your Chinese listening comprehension. If you want to enhance your listening skills, here are some useful tips for you. The vocabulary used, as well as...
Published 09/03/23