Ep47 訪談ft.Wei-En|把學語言當成享受!Approach language learning as an enjoyable journey
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今天的日常中文 Daily Mandarin 是《主題訪談》單元,邀請到特別來賓Wei-En分享她學習英文以及在國外當交換學生的經驗。Wei-En認為,享受學習語言的過程,才能走得長久,她是如何做到的呢?每集也會附上實用中文單字與解釋,歡迎搭配Podcast內容一起學習吧! In today's interview series, I invite Wei-En to share her experiences of learning English and, as an exchange student in the USA, she thinks the key to motivating yourself to learn the language is to try to enjoy the process. How does she do that? We also have extra tips for you to learn Chinese! The used vocabulary as well as explanations are also attached below. Join me now! [本集單字 Vocabulary] 翻譯ㄈㄢ ㄧˋ / 翻译 fānyì / translation -把一個語言轉換成另一個語言 突飛猛進 ㄊㄨˊ ㄈㄟ ㄇㄥˇ ㄐㄧㄣˋ / 突飞猛进 túfēi-měngjìn / in leaps and bounds -進步得很快速 謙卑 ㄑㄧㄢ ㄅㄟ / 谦卑 qiānbēi / humble -不驕傲 開眼界 ㄎㄞ ㄧㄢˇ ㄐㄧㄝˋ/ 开眼界 kāi yǎnjiè / broaden someone’s horizon -增加對事物了解的方式 轉折點 ㄓㄨㄢˇ ㄓㄜˊ ㄉㄧㄢˇ ˋ/ 转折点 zhuǎnzhédiǎn ˋ/ turning point -事情或情況開始出現改變的時間點 Music: Rough Patches by Solstar under CC BY-SA 我現在也開始提供線上中文家教課程了!歡迎點選連結預約課程吧:) I am now offering online courses! If you want to take a class with me, feel free to book a trial course at Preply! https://preply.com/en/tutor/2743417 如果你想收到本集內容的逐字稿,歡迎寫信給我:[email protected] If you want to receive the full transcript, please write me an email: [email protected] 你的支持是日常中文繼續創作的動力!歡迎小額贊助支持本頻道 With your kind support, I can create more useful content for you! https://pay.firstory.me/user/dailymandarin Powered by Firstory Hosting
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