There is a lot of uncertainty in the world right now. It can be confusing and downright disturbing and hard to trust oneself in the face of an ever-changing landscape. In this episode, we explore how the world can condition us to not trust ourselves and how we can be our own guru and take back our power.
Published 07/05/22
Published 07/05/22
Pandemic times have created a shift in values and have changed the way we work.  We have created a ‘new normal.  The whats, whys, whens, and hows have been altered.  In this episode, we explore the good, the bad, and the neutral of these shifts and how to find our own ideal.
Published 06/21/22
Ever have those days where it’s hard to get your head in the game?  We all struggle with periods where keeping inspired and in action in the world is difficult.  Even when we love what we do it’s easy to become disenchanted with the day-to-day and let the minutia and mundane weigh us down. In this episode, we unpack how the external world can impact our ability to ‘do the things, how we can overcome what is going on with ‘the collective’ and honor our own truth and harness the power of our...
Published 06/07/22
In this episode, we tackle a tricky and trigger-y subject. Real-life is what we all face and from time to time have a difficult time navigating. Join us as we dive in and see what happens while we explore times in life when boundaries are breached, betrayal happens and anger erupts. When finding the silver lining, turning the other cheek, and simply thinking positive doesn’t serve you, we unpack the alternatives. Sometimes it isn’t in our best interest to simply reach for a better feeling...
Published 05/24/22
What is integrity? Everyone wants to claim it as their code of conduct and value system without thinking about it, because no one wants to be lacking in integrity right!? In today's episode, we ask ourselves a lot of deep questions about what it means and how we embody it. Not only do we have to honor our own integrity but also model it in the world. Join as we define it, but more importantly, explore how we live it and the surprises it holds in both definition and execution.
Published 05/10/22
Here we discuss our pivotal point in human history and how we must stop ‘banishing’: parts of ourselves, parts of others, and whole selves and others.  In this episode we explore how we need to expand, expand, expand so that we can ‘hold it all’ to enlarge our perspective to end violence and punishment in favor of loving boundaries and wisdom.  We discuss the nuanced differences of still holding people and ourselves accountable with rehabilitation and healing vs total exclusion in an attempt...
Published 04/26/22
In our world we often struggle with not knowing all the answers and feeling like we don’t have clear direction or solid next steps.  In this episode we explore what to do when you are at the proverbial crossroads or don’t see the path clearly laid out in front of you.  We particularly loved this quote this week which kicked off our conversation: “When we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work and when we no longer know which way to go, we have begun our real journey.”...
Published 04/12/22
In today's episode, we explore the fear of change and the necessary trust in the process of unfolding, how ‘not knowing’ is actually the thing that allows us to step forward, and how sometimes… the dark nights of the soul are what is required for our evolution. The roots need as much attention as the leaves. As above, so below.
Published 03/29/22
Do you ‘hustle and grind’ or ‘when in doubt wait it out’? There is no right or wrong way. We must learn to honor and accept who we are. In this episode, Carla and Jenn explore their opposite ends of the spectrum and unpack the learning and experiences in the imbalances that come with too much retreat and too much hustle and the striving to find the happy middle.
Published 03/15/22
What would I be like to live as if you had nothing to lose? What would you choose? How would you live? Join us while we explore the illusions of safety in our lives and the things that keep us small and from reaching our greatest potential. In this episode, we cover limits and confinement and the dark places we can go and just how important it is to explore the dark to know the light.
Published 03/01/22
In this week's episode, you will find us defining ‘Discipline’…and finding our ‘goldilocks’ place with it vs swinging the pendulum too far in one direction or another. We explore creating healthy consistency and cultivating flexibility. Finding balance in our efforts so that we may experience both freedom and productivity is the goal.
Published 02/15/22
Statistically speaking by mid-February, New Resolutions are starting to break down. Is this true for you? How are you setting yourself up for success this year? In this week’s riff, we dive into the concepts of resolutions, what causes us to lose our zip for the goals we set, and how to get back on track in ways that serve us.
Published 02/08/22
Did the new year ring your bell? We have decided that February is the new January and January was a ‘gimme’ or ‘transitionary’ month, where we still cleaned up last year and prepped for this year…So bring on February! In this week’s episode, we explore the meaning we assign to the challenges we face and how to make sure that meaning does not lock us into stories that do not serve us.
Published 02/01/22
Did you make them? Did you break them?  Did you ignore the idea entirely?  In this episode, we explore all things resolution and goal setting for the year.  You will find that we take an approach to the concept that stands outside the box and offers a fresh perspective.  Whether you set resolutions every year or think they are total BS or anything in between this episode is for you!
Published 01/25/22
Hiding….it’s a thing. A BIG thing. It is easy to get caught in the fear of vulnerability and judgment that sharing ourselves fully with people can create. Hiding is easy…being seen is not. It is a force that is making us sick as a culture. It can trigger perfectionism in the most unhealthy ways. It keeps us playing small, not fulfilling our potential or shining our big, bright, beautiful lights. It can also feel like safety and protection. In this week's episode, we dive into the what’s why’s...
Published 01/18/22
Being pleasing is something almost all of us face and society doesn’t exactly help us be true to ourselves in the face of others' expectations when trying to honor our own truths. It’s often hard to have uncomfortable conversations and feel like it’s ok to own what we need.  As humans, we inherently want to be accepted and it’s so tempting to be pleasing vs risking the wrath of others.  In this week's riff, we unpack the perils of pleasing and what we can do instead.
Published 01/11/22
In life’s little lessons we are faced with many decisions. Alongside them, we are often faced with the ultimate decision: the choice between commitment and convenience. Commitment and Convenience do not live on the same street and doing powerful things in life calls us to do inconvenient things. The easy choices are not often the ones that move us forward. Join us this week as we explore decision-making and the role decisions play in how we get to live.
Published 01/04/22
IMPORTANT UPDATE HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Jen and I wish for you to have a wonderful holiday season. Please take good care of yourself and get support if these are difficult days for you. We will be taking December off from podcasting but we’ll meet you right back here in January! The 4th quarter of the year can be a real push for entrepreneurs. It’s the time where there can be pressure to make the most of this year, but also the push to look ahead and be priming the pump for the coming year. It...
Published 11/30/21
Join us while we explore the joys and tribulations of holiday times. Regardless of what faith base you practice, if any at all, the holiday time of year has the power to create the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. We are here to tip the scales in the favor of balance and a rich experience…not just in food.
Published 11/23/21
It is easy to get caught up in the idea go success vs failure as a black and white construct in terms of goal achievement. When reality strikes…sometimes priorities have to shift. We have both internal and external work to be done in life and sometimes life demands we swing the pendulum in one direction over the other vs striving to always do both. it can be very scary to take our hands off the wheel of the exterior goals in favor of the interior work…and visa versa. It is a necessary...
Published 11/16/21
You don’t want to miss this one! Join us for this passionate and spirited discussion about the perils of positive thinking. What do you do when things are hard? As coaches in our profession, it can often be about ‘looking at the bright side’ and ‘the power of positive thinking’. Today we talk about the bypassing of negative emotions that goes on in the world and a case against positive thinking. Bad thoughts get a bad rap…but is it their fault? This might be our most interesting and...
Published 11/09/21
Join us this week while we discuss the balance of boundaries and finding that goldilocks-like sweet spot between too many vs not enough. We will break down what boundaries can look like and offer examples of extremes of too many or too little and how they impact our daily lives. As with all episodes our goal is perspective not prescriptive.
Published 11/02/21
Welcome to a continuation of last week’s episode where we take difficult conversations further by exploring the difference between ‘Agreements’ and ‘Expectations’. We dive into how they impact relationships, communication, and our experience within the world around us. They are often the source of difficult conversations and a clear understanding of their nature. Notice how they allow us to navigate talks with more clarity and create stronger outcomes.
Published 10/26/21
Having uncomfortable and difficult conversations is …well….difficult and uncomfortable. Sometimes these conversations find us. Sometimes we find them. We have all had to engage in them either as the instigator or the receiver. In today's episode, we discuss what comes up during these experiences and how we can grow through them and create outcomes that serve all parties. How can we be both understood and understanding? This is part 1 of 2. Part 2 will drop next week!
Published 10/19/21