Many of us are thrilled with the reopening of patios and shopping across Ontario. But others, like those in the performing arts, are left waiting in the wings.  Rachel Schwarz, founder and artistic director at the Brio Academy and Studio Black Productions, is back for a chat about what it's going to take to get the arts sector back on its feet. 
Published 06/17/21
Published 06/17/21
Time to take another look behind the political curtain.Darrin Canniff is the Mayor of Chatham-Kent, but also husband to Christine and dad to four active kids. He and Christine graciously invited me into their home for a (physically distanced) chat about life both in and out of politics, and their love of community. (Also, huge thanks to the kids you can hear rumbling around in the background, who made us dinner!) 
Published 11/19/20
Life can be a juggling act between work, life, and everything else being thrown at you. Stephanie Simmons is a mother of six, double entrepreneur, and volunteer. How does she manage it all? It all starts with getting over yourself. 
Published 11/05/20
The great porch vs deck debate rages on (ok, maybe not rages per say, but still, it's a porch) as Mike returns for a fall check-in on COVID sports, the return to school, Halloween, and life in a nutshell.And it's a porch. Front porch, back deck, end of story. 
Published 10/15/20
Whoops, got a little ragey and ranty in my ramblings this week. Today I'm talking about grief and loss and how sometimes the internet can be a pit of judginess and cruelty. I cried recording it, you may cry listening (sorry) but I had to get some things off my chest. Be kind to one another. 
Published 10/01/20
Family, farm, and beer - the three founding principals of Chatham-Kent's newest craft brewery, Red Barn Brewing Company. Denny and Sandy Vervaet make up 2/3 of the ownership team and discuss how to balance family and work, and the pitfalls (and silver linings) of starting a business in the midst of a pandemic. 
Published 09/17/20
When was the first time someone told you you weren't good enough? Too fat, too thin, too tall, too short, too much this, not enough that... Kate do Forno and Angela Speller join this week's podcast for a frank, heartfelt discussion about body positivity, self esteem, and raising our kids to be comfortable in their own skin. 
Published 09/10/20
Let's talk politics. Or rather, let's not. Putting political stripes aside, Monte McNaughton joins Robyn for a non-partisan, behind the scenes look at political life, finding the balance between MPP/Minister and husband/dad, and building treehouses. 
Published 09/03/20
We adults talk a lot about what our kids need, want, should or should not have, especially in the midst of a pandemic. But maybe we should ask the people who know best what kids want. Please join me in welcoming my kids, Daniel and Molly, back to the podcast! 
Published 08/27/20
"If you cannot teach me to fly, teach me to sing." - J.M. BarrieStacie Dengel has been performing virtually her entire life. Now, she's an advocate for the importance of arts and creativity in development, social skills, and more - at any age. 
Published 08/20/20
Taking a deep dive with Deep Southwest! Megan and Pat Whalen discuss creativity during challenging times, adapting to change, and the art of reinvention. (Original music: Lost Souls by Deep SW) One of the pitfalls of an outdoor, socially distanced recording session is the wind that occasionally makes things a little crackly. But we're being safe, so there's that.
Published 08/13/20
The last four or five months have been a wild ride for us as adults, but won't someone think of the children! Angel Bilagot is a registered psychotherapist and drama therapist, and talks about how the pandemic has affected our kids and how we can help them deal with whatever comes next. 
Published 08/06/20
You don't need a psychology degree to help yourself and your friends through challenging times. Robyn and Joel Emery chat about being more open about mental health and carrying what sometimes feels like the weight of the world.
Published 07/30/20
Together, for richer or poorer, til death...or COVID...do us part. Robyn and Mike sit down to talk marriage and family in the midst of a global pandemic. 
Published 07/23/20
Ahhh, the dog days of summer when parents start looking forward to sending kids back to school. But will that even happen as the pandemic drags on? What should classes even look like? Elizabeth Downey returns for a porch chat about our wants, needs, and worries about what fresh hell the fall will bring. 
Published 07/16/20
There is a beautiful history of ritual and ceremony when it comes to saying goodbye to a loved one, but now those in the industry are having to write a new chapter, keeping safety top of mind. Thanks to James MacNeil of Life Transitions for this thoughtful discussion on death in the time of COVID.  
Published 07/09/20
Think the performing arts aren't a vital part of restarting the economy? Think again. This week, Robyn catches up with Rachel Schwarz, Paul Jerry Schwarz, and Cerah Steele-Schwarz about why getting artists back on stage and audiences back in the seats is so important. 
Published 07/02/20
On this week's episode Robyn catches up with Ben Martin of Joyful Awe Music to talk about music, family, faith, & nachos. 
Published 06/25/20
Using art to create a greater sense of community, artist Mark Reinhart has been making his presence felt through the pandemic and beyond. Robyn and Mark chat about duct tape and the importance of arts and culture through challenging times. Photo credit: Mark Reinhart. 
Published 06/18/20
We are living through unprecedented times, or so we keep hearing. But just how extraordinary is this pandemic that's gripped the world? Robyn chats with historian and museum professional Deanna Bullard about these crazy days, how we are making history and creating a new future.
Published 06/11/20
Trying to keep our kids and ourselves sane during a global pandemic. Easy peasy! Right? Maybe not so much. Robyn chats with Elizabeth Downey about the biggest parenting challenge they never expected. 
Published 06/04/20
With the annual IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer's coming up this weekend, Robyn shares some personal stories about her dad and chats with music therapist Heather Perrin-Sarson about the incredible power of music.To support the Alzheimer's Society of Chatham-Kent, click here.
Published 05/29/20
In this episode, Robyn chats with her sports-loving husband, Mike about how the pandemic is affecting athletics at every level, from what we watch on TV to the potential future of professional sports. GO SPORTS! 
Published 05/21/20
Hey, it's a podcast! In a brief introductory extension of her Robyn's Ramblings blog, host Robyn Brady discusses life, kids, and loss in the time of COVID. https://robynsramblingssite.wordpress.com/
Published 05/14/20