Delving into a deep study on what Gifts and Talents are and how we are to use them in the kingdom of God according to the word of God!!
Published 09/09/24
Published 09/09/24
Can you truly put a price on love, memories, and cherished experiences? Join us as we unpack the profound differences between value and price, using biblical parables and modern-day reflections to explore what really matters in life. Through the story of the merchant seeking goodly pearls, we illustrate how sacrifices made for something invaluable can shape our lives in immeasurable ways. We also discuss the metaphor of not casting pearls before swine, emphasizing the importance of protecting...
Published 09/06/24
Published 09/03/24
God is calling but you're on the other line with someone else; that friend, co-worker, parent, sibling... You've placed God on hold as you turn to everyone else for counsel or advice. God desires to hear from you. God desires to be the first one you turn to on a good day or a bad day. When things are still and when things are hectic. God is a jealous God. Exodus 20:5-6 "You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God," Whatever you are placing ...
Published 08/26/24
Exploring my beliefs surrounding deception. In this episode my intention is to add some tools to your shed that can help you to recognize when you are being deceived so that you do not fall entrapped to the tactics of the ‘enemy’.. I would love to clarify that when I refer to ‘’man’ this is in reference to humans; man and woman. Thank you for giving me grace in this episode.. I found it extremely challenging to get this word out.. I am on day 15 of an intense fast that has me f...
Published 08/18/24
This episode is probably my favorite project I have created so far. I encourage you to listen in nature or somewhere quiet and truly drop into to a meditative state where you can visualize your own personal kingdom. This image that you create will be something that you frequently revisit in your mind to understand the self better so let your mind run wild!THANK YOU for listening with an open mind and heart and receiving this message. I love you.
Published 07/25/24
Exploring my belief on what the revelation of Knowledge and the spirit of wisdom is. I reference physical grade school as a way to create context for human understanding of a school system or program that most / if not all have gone through to bring in more understanding of the school that we also attend in the spirit realm. Most are aware of their human experience of grade school yet many are unaware of the grade school they are attending in the spiritual realm, and this is w...
Published 06/08/24
Published 06/08/24
Exploring the idea of what it means to have a healthy relationship with God via communication. It's one thing to talk to God in prayer, it's another to hear from God in meditation.Prayer is our way of communicating, meditation is our way of hearing, listening, or receiving word from God. listen more than you speak. Scripture reference for 'meditating on the word day and night', Joshua 1:8 "The book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall mediate on it day and nigh...
Published 06/08/24
Dwell in the spirit and eat the good fruits of life. This channel had me so ecstatic, I could hardly contain my excitement at the end!! Thank you for listening 3
Published 06/05/24
Exploring the idea of how God speaks to us by using the game of telephone as an analogy to put the idea into perspective. Telephone is a game that begins with a group of people sitting in a circle. One person whispers something to the person next to them and that person attempts to repeat what they heard (or thought they heard) to the next person who's sitting next to them. This continues from one person to the next until the end, until the last person tells the group out loud what they ...
Published 05/19/24
Outgrowing people. It's better to to be alone, than to be in a container that doesn't support your growth. 
Published 03/19/24
Exploring the idea of how our environment can have either a positive our negative impact on our growth.  Just because you're in nature doesn't mean you're in your natural environment... The lion in a zoo might be out in nature, but he's not in his natural environment. The cage that he's been placed in, limits him from being everything that he could be in this lifetime. Many times people place us in a cage because they fear our own power in strength... Just because someone isn't physically...
Published 03/19/24
God gave me the analogy of basketball fumbles to match an image to what happens when we mishandle our blessings.  When we have the ball (the blessing) in our hands and we don't know how to handle it, we are bound to fumble that blessing. When you have not been qualified or equipped with what you need to handle what it is you've been asking God for, when it's placed in your hands, you will not be ready for it.. you will then have to witness it fall into the hands of another who is...
Published 03/11/24
Spiritual discernment.. If you're wondering what spiritual discernment is and how does one obtain this gift, then this is a great listen for you.   Spiritual discernment is a gift given when you receive the holy spirit.. This gift allows us to be able to discern between spirits, not just between personalities. Discernment is a reaction from the spirit, not a reaction from the mind. When you receive this gift, you have the ability to check a mans heart, to be able to know who one truly...
Published 03/11/24
Exploring the idea of the wild woman architect...  In this episode we explore what the journey of a wild woman can look like based on our own personal experiences. You can look forward to personal stories that are shared from the heart to provide deeper understanding of what the journey from girlhood to womanhood can look like. We express this idea of girlhood to womanhood by using the story of a princess... The transformation from peasant to princess to queen. 
Published 02/24/24
Gifting you the reminder that you are exactly where you are meant to be right now. The people in your life, the job or opportunities in your life, the place that you live in, the community that a surround you, the family you're connected to.. all of it has purpose. When you can recognize this, you can then emit a certain level of gratitude that will allow you to live a life of more peace and contentedness.  in this episode I explore the idea that what you think is best for you, might not...
Published 02/18/24
Sharing revelation that God gave me while watching the move: The Lion King.  Exploring the idea of what it will be like for the next generation of star seed children that will be birthed and what part we can play in nurturing those children to their greatest success. As a king and as a queen, you are creating life with the intention of that child taking over your position in the kingdom... You are raising those children as royalty... Affirming that king or queen within them daily, and...
Published 02/18/24
Unsolicited advice: When you give or receive information or suggestions that were not requested. 
Published 02/18/24
Exploring the idea surrounding relationships that are unfulfilling. When you're in your season of blessings, you will be able to see more clearly who is genuinely happy for you based on their reaction  to your excitement.  The people you keep in you circle should be your biggest fans / supporters. When you get gifted a blessing and you go to share that excitement with someone you love, they should also be sharing that excitement for you.  Some people aren't going to be happy for you when...
Published 02/01/24
Conscious Conversation with a divine being called 'Goku' When you desire more, more will be required of you. That "more" that you're asking for, is going to require discipline and consistency. If you want to certain results then certain things are required of you. To receive the highest reward in this life, or to align with your highest timeline, you're going to have to become the best version of yourself.  The energy you put out, is what you are going to receive. We are electromagnetic....
Published 01/31/24
Exploring the idea of self love and growing in our understanding of what it means to love ourselves. Exploring the difference between self love and self care. If you aren’t loving yourself properly, you are bound to destroy yourself. Caring for ourselves isn’t just the brushing of our teeth or the moisturizing of our temples, it’s also being able to set boundaries, giving ourselves space to meditate, exercising the body, being mindful of the information we’re consuming, and sitting with our...
Published 01/30/24
Exploring the idea of what an 'organic' or a 'natural' woman might look like.  Exploring the idea of what type of man an 'organic woman' will attract into her life.  When one doesn't have an appetite for realness and authenticity, they will run from it. Rawness and authenticity will scare away those who are still choosing to wear a mask. You alone- just being who you authentically are- is reflecting to others their shadows, and the parts of them where they haven't embodied their own...
Published 01/25/24
Exploring the grief that comes with an 'ego death' Exploring what happens when we strip off the ideas of who we think we are to discover who we've been all along underneath all of the programs, projections, systems, limiting beliefs, etc. When you begin to see yourself through a new lens that is true to your authentic being, you also have to face the grief of all the ways you've been neglecting to love yourself properly. Many times when you aren't operating in truth, you accept less than you...
Published 01/23/24