Mary McLoughlin, a 15 year old schoolgirl, stares down the barrel of a gun as she reaches her destination, the GPO, heavily under fire.
Published 03/23/16
Sean McLoughlin, a young volunteer, is making his way through besieged streets to the Mendicity Institute at Usher's Island where he has been stationed.
Published 03/23/16
Annie Cooney, an excitable 18 year old cumann na mBan member, finally gets dispatched on her mission.
Published 03/23/16
Vinnie Byrne is is is a 15 year old boy who has run away from home to join the rising who has been captured by the British, he has been locked up for several days in Richmond Barracks and awaits his fate.
Published 03/23/16
Annie Cooney, 18 year old Cumann na mBan rebel, hides three revolvers in her skirts as surrender seems inevitable
Published 03/23/16
Mags and Joyce are two Dublin women on their way to collect separation allowance for their husbands, who are away fighting in the British Army, from the GPO.
Published 03/23/16
Vinnie Byrne is a 15 year old boy who has run away from home to join the rising, he has come to Jacob's Biscuit Factory to try and join the Rising.
Published 03/23/16
Maeve MacGarry is a well heeled young Republican woman, watching the events of the Rising unfold from her window in Fitzwilliam Square, as she guards the ammunition hidden under the bed.
Published 03/23/16
Matthew Connolly, the boy with two bombs in his pocket, navigates Dublin’s dark and smoky streets on Easter Monday.
Published 03/23/16
Vinnie Byrne is a 15 year old boy who has run away from home to join the rising who has been captured by the British, he has been locked up for several days in Richmond Barracks and awaits his fate.
Published 03/23/16
Maeve MacGarry is a well heeled Republican girl from Fitzwilliam Square. Her house is being raided by the British, and Maeve is determined not to let the soldiers ransacking the house find any evidence.
Published 03/23/16
Matthew Connolly, in the thick night of war, tries to find his brother Seán.
Published 03/23/16
William Daly, the lucky cockney, fights for his real home and the dream of an Irish Republic.
Published 03/23/16
Mary McLoughlin, a 15 year old schoolgirl is in Jacob's Factory, waiting for instructions on her mission.
Published 03/23/16
Mary McLoughlin, a 15 year old schoolgirl risks her life to bring an important message across the city to Commandant James Connolly.
Published 03/23/16
Annie Cooney, and her company of Cumann na mBan face more than British soldiers on their quest to keep the volunteers fed and well during Easter week.
Published 03/23/16
Brothers Aodh and Sean dish it about their gallant heroism and indeed occasional dirty deeds, during the Rising.
Published 03/23/16
Jack and Terry, two watchmen at Jacob's Biscuit Factory, recall their terror of the Rising.
Published 03/23/16