Today we’re not here to talk about the latest news in the Ruby on Rails community, but instead to let you know that we’re no longer going to be producing this podcast :( However, there are still great resources out there on Ruby and Rails!
Published 09/20/16
Live from Ruby For Good 2016
Published 06/17/16
This week, we discuss Avro, 2FA with Rails, curl to Ruby, and InvoicePrinter.
Published 06/14/16
This week, we discuss large Rails apps, ActiveRecord vs. Ecto, Octopod, Ruby authentication, and shia_labeouf.
Published 06/07/16
Tic Tac Toe with Action Cable, 3 Postgresql indexing tricks, the drape gem, and the good-first-path label in the rails GitHub project all in this episode of the Ruby5!
Published 06/03/16
Rails Conf videos, with_index, collection_radio_button and dope deprecationsn
Published 05/27/16
This week, we discuss Rails 5, Ruby with Matz, Hanami, mini_racer, quick tips on keeping Rails apps updated, and CocoaPods 1.0.0.
Published 05/17/16
Bi-directional destroy dependencies, building a math evaluation engine, an in-depth look at action cable, and a lesson on inversion of control all in this Friday's episode of the Ruby5!
Published 05/13/16
This week, we discuss Rails applications, Ruby on Rails Security Project, single_cov, and sad methods.
Published 05/10/16
Live from Rails Conf 2016 we talk to Jeff Casimir about boot camps, Nathen Harvey and Robb Kidd about deploying apps without capistrano and Olivier Lacan discusses Ruby Hero awards
Published 05/06/16
This week, we discuss the new Ruby releases, Bundler 1.12, using local gems in Gemfile, and HTTP.rb 2.
Published 05/03/16
This week, we cover Thredded, Sinatra 2.0, debugging Ruby, and building a JSON API with Rails.
Published 04/26/16
This week, we discuss Slack vision bot, a guide to library versioning, a warning when loading large data sets in Rails 5, and Enumerable hidden features.
Published 04/19/16
Backporting ActiveRecord Cache Key, Websocks in Rails 4 and Gettting Your Conference Proposal Accepted
Published 04/15/16
This week, we discuss gem replacement vulnerability; presence_in; `load`, `require`, `extend`, and `include`; and Awesome Ruby.
Published 04/12/16
This week, we discuss Ruby 2.3.0 chunk_white, Memoization, Rails Views, and processing large CSV files with Ruby.
Published 04/05/16
What makes a great tech lead, speeding up your test suite with some PostgreSQL tweaks, the db_text_search gem, and five ActiveRecord features you probably aren't using all in this episode of the Ruby5!
Published 04/01/16
This week, we discuss the memento design pattern, Ruby scopes, why you shouldn't schedule future jobs, how to build a Ruby on Rails engine, and Ruby Heroes!
Published 03/29/16
Ruby with Red Pandas, Otto, Ducktails and Passive Record
Published 03/25/16
This week, we discuss mastering concurrency; upgrading to Rails 5; custom type-casting with ActiveRecord, Virtus, and dry-types; and Ruby Heroes 2016.
Published 03/22/16
This week, we discuss learning Ruby, Reality, spreadsheet_architect, Nordic Ruby CFP and the power of Arel.
Published 03/18/16
This week, we discuss the release of Rails 4.2.6 and 4.1.15, DPR, Bundler 1.12 RC 2, creating new content types in Rails, and encrypting with a Rails app on Heroku.
Published 03/15/16
The LHS gem, essential bash commands for Rubyists, Dropzone.js, the closure table pattern with postgres and Rails all in this episode of the Ruby5!
Published 03/11/16
Coding Standards, Rails 5 migration versions, Nokogiri Decorators and mmmm rusty
Published 03/04/16
In this week's episode, we discuss speeding up Sprockets, render views outside of actions, how DHH organizes Rails controllers, and five practices for robust Ruby on Rails applications.
Published 03/01/16