Want to know how to become a Store Champion? Boy, have we got the episode for you. We talk GoldCon, Cities of Sigmar and grudge videos from the bathtub. It's a chunky episode that tackles some chunky topics. Enjoy Gabe & Gammie
Published 08/29/23
Back for another earful, Gammie and Gabe cover everything from the Australian events scene, the impending 5-0 Ashes win, truly horrendous jokes and why you should never leave big hobby decisions up to a Facebook poll.
Published 07/04/23
Do you hear the rough-shod hooves? Do you taste the Temptation Tequila? All our Christmas mornings have come at once, with our two main armies both getting some pretty spectacular updates! We go through our respective battletomes and hit on the highs and the very occasional lows of what to expect from these two juggernauts of the Chaos roster! Enjoy. Twitter: @theruneaxe @m_gammie Facebook: The Rune Axe Wargaming Instagram: gabrielthanna
Published 03/30/23
Through the madness and mayhem of life, the hobby perseveres! I'm joined by Gammie, as we recover from the Christmas season, return to work and CanCon FOMO to bring you episode 20. We tackle a bunch of different topics, like new battletomes, zombies and why All Quiet On The Western Front is a terrible date night movie. With our first tournament of the year fast approaching, 2023 shows no signs of being a quiet one... Now, how do we start the recording again? Twitter:...
Published 02/13/23
What an episode we have to finish the year! Gammie makes his triumphant return, complete with boy bands, sub-par beer, every game but AOS and new years resolutions. We discuss our highlights of 2022, our goals for 2023 and straight up lie to ourselves about how much hobby we're going to get done over the christmas break! Enjoy and have a wonderful rest of 2022. 
Published 12/28/22
Magic squigs, dirty gin and the best moustache in Warhammer!  Rune Axe Team Championship is done and dusted for another year, and my voice has finally returned. With Gammie indisposed due to what I can only imagine is a truly spectacular high school musical, Scott Wyatt joins me in the studio to talk about Team Champs. He downplays his fabulous hobby skills, I overanalyse, we both froth over a particularly eerie "Kerwick Special" (display board compliments of Nikki Kerwick). ...and who DOES...
Published 11/25/22
Gabe and Gammie dive into what's been happening with preparations leading up to the Rune Axe Team Championship, CanCon selling out in under an hour, and why Khorne's followers are so into choking. Leave a review, if you enjoy the podcast.
Published 09/29/22
Purple Suns, Rattling Guns and the Rune Axe Team Championship selling out in under a minute?! Gammie and I catch up after a hot second dealing with the real world. A new GHB, tournaments out the whazoo, Warcry, Middle Earth and Horus Heresy. So much has happened since last episode! Enjoy, and you'll hear from us soon!  And with Goldcon moments away, we're in for a wild time ahead.  Gabe  Twitter: @theruneaxe             @m_gammie Instagram: @gabrielthanna Facebook: The Rune Axe Wargaming
Published 08/11/22
After a break between episodes (thanks a lot, spicy cough!), we're back to tackle the absolute mayhem of Age of Sigmar releases in the last six weeks. Gammie goes deep into the new tech of his beloved Sylvaneth, I cover the WD and points updates for Slaanesh, and we discuss our victories and defeats at the Games Workshop Australian Heat 2. The next few episodes will be coming thick and fast, with a new GHB, new battletomes releasing faster than a Slaanesh can get to the bottom tables, and a...
Published 06/25/22
A whirlwind six weeks saw bulk tournaments, bulk releases, me post the worst result of my tournament life, Gammie grapples with the possibility that all three of his armies might get new battletomes in the space of three months, and we answer the age old question; who really IS the best Age of Sigmar player in Australia? Also, for some reason, Canada comes up a LOT in this episode... Gabe Twitter: @theruneaxe             @m_gammie Instagram: gabrielthanna Facebook: The Rune Axe Wargaming
Published 05/04/22
It's March already, so we decided to fire up the recording gear, and catch up on the absolute mountain of releases that have been dropped since last episode. We chat about our latest gaming exploits, upcoming tournaments and the dangers of cosplaying at events. Teams are already starting to assemble, the host of Slaanesh is on on the brink of glorious tabletop adventures, and Adepticon previews tempt us with Necromunda and Horus Heresy.  Twitter:...
Published 03/26/22
Welcome to Rune Axe Radio, and Australian podcast focussed on the Age of Sigmar. In this episode, we discuss GoldCon, Beasts of Chaos White Dwarf updates and trying to diffuse a podcast war. Enjoy Twitter: @theruneaxe            @m_gammie Facebook: The Rune Axe Wargaming Instagram: gabrielthanna
Published 02/14/22
With a few scant days left until GoldCon, the first major tournament in the Queensland calendar, Gammie talks about How To Paint An Army In 3 Weeks, Gabe falls in love with Slaanesh again, covers his Ironsunz army list for GoldCon, and why the Nurgle book is the best battletome in a long time. It's a new year, it's been a garbage start, but that's not stopping us lining up our hobby goals and swinging for the fences!  Subscribe if you enjoy the podcast, or leave us a review on Apple...
Published 01/20/22
In this episode, Gabe and Gammie talk Rune Axe Team Champs being done and dusted for another year, why Victorians don't appreciate Italian beer, and then address the burning questions... How many projects is too many projects? And will we actually be able to release the upcoming Christmas Episode... With the Summer of Gammie upon us, the hobby schedule is full to the brim, and primed for either glorious hobby triumph or bitter disappointment.  Find us on social media. If you enjoy the...
Published 12/02/21
Gabe and Gammie are joined by Stormcast Eternal OG veteran, Tim MacDivitt, on a journey through the Stormcast Eternals army with more spirals and side-tracks than we could count. Where ARE the Chaos Dwarves? Who's your favourite Primarch? And who does Tyler Mengel think he is... Twitter: Gabriel - @theruneaxe             Gammie - @m_gammie Facebook: The Rune Axe Wargaming
Published 10/16/21
Welcome to Episode 8 of Rune Axe Radio. Gabe and Gammie are joined by a very special guest, Dave Kerr, two-time Australian Master and winner of the Toowoomba Open 2021. Dave goes in depth on his 5-0 Slaves to Darkness list, Gammie reveals his battle accepting gifts from the Blood God, and Gabe accidentally overloads the microphone (again).  If you enjoyed the episode, subscribe, leave a review on Apple Podcasts or find us on social media.  Twitter: @theruneaxe - Gabe...
Published 09/05/21
It's tournament time! Gammie and I took Khorne Bloodbound and Munificent Wanderers respectively to our very first AOS3 tournament. Simon's Southern Scrap #4 was a 3-Game One Day event using the new GHB, with 2000pts a side.  We discuss how our games went, what we learned and the finer points of dodging Tzeentch at tournaments.  As always, if you enjoyed the episode, leave a review on iTunes. It helps others find the podcast. And we'll be back in your ears soon with plenty more Age of Sigmar...
Published 07/25/21
It's been a hot minute between drinks, but we are back on the airwaves. After a break to welcome my son into the world, I'm joined once again by my co-host, Matt Gammie, as we recap the last few weeks of AOS2, discuss the insane release that is AOS3, get distracted by every topic on the way past and remember how to record again through a haze of hype and sleep deprivation!  We're going back to the usual routine after this episode, so I hope you're ready!  Thanks for...
Published 07/07/21
Gabe and Gammie are on the air once more! In this episode, we discuss Gammie's recent event outings at two tournaments (Toowoomba Bash 3 & Brizhammer Chaotic), two Broken Realm books, tickets that are faster than the speed of light, and everything in between. Settle in, find yourself a delicious cold beverage and enjoy. Twitter: @theruneaxe             @m_gammie Instagram: gabrielthanna Facebook: The Rune Axe Wargaming
Published 05/05/21
In this episode of the podcast, Gammie and Gabe discuss events in the Australian Age of Sigmar community, including the exploits of Gammie's Bloodbound and Gabe's maiden voyage with the Hedonites of Slaanesh. We also go in on Lumineth and discuss what the Herald updates in Broken Realms: Teclis mean for Nurgle armies! Apologies for the background noise, we recorded on a particularly rainy night.  Hope you enjoy.4 Twitter: @theruneaxe             @m_gammie Instagram:...
Published 04/08/21
Gabe and Gammie are back for more, hitting your ears at maximum volume!  In this episode, we talked about the allegiance breakdowns from VGT and SAGT, with one grand alliance just dominating the army percentages. We moved on to the "army power" tier system, why no one is right, and whether it has any significant clout in your local community.  We also touch very quickly on how the Bloodbound and Slaanesh are going in the painting department, and chinwag about events coming up both in the...
Published 03/21/21
In Episode 2, Gammie and I have a discussion about the two armies who have been updated recently; Daughter of Khaine and Hedonites of Slaanesh. Slaanesh has been a polarising release, but I get into what I like, what I don't like, and what direction I'm going in for the army. Enjoy! Twitter: @theruneaxe             @m_gammie Facebook: The Rune Axe Wargaming Instagram: @gabrielthanna
Published 03/07/21
In episode one, Gabe is joined by Matt Gammie as they talk about their time at GoldCon, a recent 54-player event on the Gold Coast, Queensland Aus. To follow along with other hobby content, you can find The Rune Axe Wargaming on Facebook, or follow on Twitter @theruneaxe and Instagram @gabrielthanna You can find Matt Gammie on Twitter @m_gammie Thanks for listening
Published 02/18/21