In this episode I’m sharing with you the upcoming (May 1) energy elevation series that is free to join if you are subscribed to my Newsletter. Have a listen and decide if you’re ready to open those portals with me. Find me at www.elaineso.com
Published 04/27/24
Published 04/27/24
In this episode I share details on what has been most effective for me in changing the pattern and levels of pain.
Published 02/23/24
In this episode I share thoughts on ageing, seeing yourself differently and embracing the ageing process with love, compassion and wide open arms.
Published 02/10/24
In this episode I’m sharing with you details around Subconscious Mind Reprogramming, why it’s important to know your partners money story and how to get unstuck if your relationship with Abundance & Money is feeling less than ideal. Listen here for the Podcast with Bruce Lipton & Lewis Howes Find all the details for UNSTUCK Abundance & Money Here, a quick, simple and easy process to unearth stories keeping you stuck.
Published 01/29/24
In this episode I share with you the connection between core values, assumptions and meeting our own needs. Enjoy!
Published 09/20/23
In this episode I share with you a past experience where I learnt what happens when you don't pay attention to your body. Your body will lead you to the people, places and experiences it knows are a match for what you need.
Published 08/28/23
In this episode I share with you my new and only offering Oracle Hotline, a private voice messaging mentorship. Just you and me, in conversation, doing life together x
Published 06/25/23
A guided meditation for reconnecting to Infinite Self Love within you.
Published 05/29/23
When I asked you whether you wanted me to share more about my experience you said YES! From how I came across my first reader, turned mentor and friend to who I now love learning from. I continue to be inspired to deepen my experiment and I hope you too are able to enjoy some of what Human Design has to offer.
Published 04/03/23
Friendships can be tricky to navigate, the ups, the downs and everything in between. I’ll give you some different perspectives to consider if you find yourself wondering why some friendships just don’t feel that good.
Published 03/09/23
If your start to the New Year didn't go as you expected or maybe you found some feelings or behaviours catching up to you all at once. This is for you. In this episode, I share with you a personal experience with a very draining pattern that has shown itself to me 3 years in a row now. I am very HAPPY to say that I am finally done with it and on the other side! And it feels soooooo GOOD. My hope in sharing is that it hits home, no one has it sorted out. We're all learning and experimenting...
Published 02/06/23
In this episode, I share with you my thoughts on the end of the guru and why being your own guru is the way forwards. If you are ready to rapidly reprogram limiting beliefs and break free of stress and past trauma in private session: https://www.elaineso.com/work-with-me If you are a woman who desires to experience powerful transformation at your own pace my signature online program Inner Revolution is for you: https://www.elaineso.com/inner-revolution If you want to explore your own...
Published 09/21/22
In this episode, I share with you my recent discovery of wanting to be 'used'! If you are ready to rapidly reprogram limiting beliefs and break free of stress and past trauma in private session: https://www.elaineso.com/work-with-me If you are a woman who desires to experience powerful transformation at your own pace my signature online program Inner Revolution is for you: https://www.elaineso.com/inner-revolution If you want to explore your own belief systems and understand yourself at a...
Published 08/25/22
This episode is for you if you've ever struggled with asking for what you want. Hint, it comes up in almost every client session I have. If you want to explore your own belief systems and understand yourself at a deep level, find the details of my self-led book here: https://www.elaineso.com/my-book-i-am If you are ready to rapidly reprogram limiting beliefs and break free of stress and past trauma in a private session: https://www.elaineso.com/work-with-me If you are a woman who desires...
Published 07/13/22
This episode is for you if you ever find yourself struggling to take action in any area of your life. If you want to explore your own belief systems and understand yourself at a deep level, find the details of my self led book here: https://www.elaineso.com/my-book-i-am If you are ready to rapidly reprogram limiting beliefs and break free of stress and past trauma in a private session: https://www.elaineso.com/work-with-me If you are a woman who desires to spend 12 powerful weeks...
Published 05/09/22
In this episode I share with you an update as many of you requested on where I am at with the Bean Protocol. I cover why and when I started, what changed for me, what has changed since going off it and why I have started again. If you want to explore your own belief systems and understand yourself at a deep level, find the details of my self led book here: https://www.elaineso.com/my-book-i-am If you are ready to rapidly reprogram limiting beliefs and break free of stress and past trauma in...
Published 02/20/22
In this episode I share with you what's happening as I move through a particularly emotionally intense situation. If you want to explore your own belief systems and understand yourself at a deep level, find the details of my self led book here: https://www.elaineso.com/my-book-i-am If you are ready to rapidly reprogram limiting beliefs and break free of stress and past trauma in a private session: https://www.elaineso.com/work-with-me If you are a woman who desires to spend 12 powerful...
Published 02/13/22
In this episode I share with you how my Psych-K training (that I almost didn't do) changed and continues to change my life. If you want to explore your own belief systems and understand yourself at a deep level, find the details of my self led book here: https://www.elaineso.com/my-book-i-am If you are ready to rapidly reprogram limiting beliefs and break free of stress and past trauma in a private session: https://www.elaineso.com/work-with-me If you are a woman who desires to spend 12...
Published 12/31/21
In this episode I share with you my observations on walking this line. After moving through periods of intense fear absorbed from external messaging and the environment I learnt a lot! I now have strict boundaries and take full responsibility for avoiding the tipping point from preparedness into fear, I hope this helps you too.  If you want to explore your own belief systems and understand yourself at a deep level, find the details of my self led book here:...
Published 11/11/21
In this episode I share with you my thoughts after hearing so many people say they 'just want things to go back to normal' or back to 'the way they were'. There is no going back, no more looking over your shoulder or in the rear view mirror. What are you creating in the hear and now? What are you bringing to life? If you want to explore your own belief systems and understand yourself at a deep level, find the details of my self led book here: https://www.elaineso.com/my-book-i-am If you are...
Published 10/28/21
In this episode I share with you my very personal experiences with self expression, speaking up, finding my voice and being seen. Whenever I have shared these stories they seem to resonate deeply and it is my hope that in listening to this you find even more permission to take up space in the world. If you want to explore your own belief systems and understand yourself at a deep level, find the details of my self led book here: https://www.elaineso.com/my-book-i-am If you are ready to rapidly...
Published 10/10/21
In this episode I share with you my thoughts around HOPE and where it is sourced from. In times of uncertainty, hope keeps us moving forwards and showing up. If you want to explore your own belief systems and understand yourself at a deep level, find the details of my self led book here: https://www.elaineso.com/my-book-i-am If you are ready to rapidly reprogram limiting beliefs and break free of stress and past trauma in a private session: https://www.elaineso.com/work-with-me If you are a...
Published 09/07/21
In this episode I share with you my thoughts around big reactions and feelings. It's never the thing that you think it is. If you want to explore your own belief systems and understand yourself at a deep level, find the details of my self led book here: https://www.elaineso.com/my-book-i-am If you are ready to rapidly reprogram limiting beliefs and break free of stress and past trauma in a private session: https://www.elaineso.com/work-with-me If you are a woman who desires to spend 12...
Published 08/31/21
In this episode I share with you my own experience of discernment and just how important it is to practice discernment in everything we do. If you want to explore your own belief systems and understand yourself at a deep level, find the details of my self led book here: https://www.elaineso.com/my-book-i-am If you are ready to rapidly reprogram limiting beliefs and break free of stress and past trauma in a private session: https://www.elaineso.com/work-with-me If you are a woman who...
Published 07/04/21