Were you a fan of the Scotts? I have to be honest and say I wasn't digging the Travis Scott influence on MOTM 3. Kid Cudi dropped Man on the Moon 3, and I was super hyped about it. I have been a real fanatic for Kid Cudi for along time. I think the Kid Cudi sound has helped a lot of people in my generation overcome some lonely days. I talk about the significance of Kid Cudi's sound and the significance to my generation. Overall I did enjoy the album from start to finish but I can't get past...
Published 12/19/20
What are your thoughts about the Norbes situation? Today, I break down the Norbes Untold Truth and talk about the biggest mistake i found in the case study. Only the people involved in the actual lawsuit know the truth, so I am not interested in fact vs fiction gossip. I break down the Norbes situation from a human perspective. I am not interested in the details of the Caffeine, URL, and Norbes lawsuit. What interested me was the question, Was Norbes an Actual Business Partner? I talk...
Published 12/18/20
What's your favorite beard style of 2020? Are we starting 2021 to beard or no beard? Today, I wrap up the top 2020 beard styles and what I think about this ultimate win for the bearded community. I discuss natural beard lines, natural growth, and beard styles. I don't think people outside the beard community know the amount of effort needed to maintain beard styles. There are many positives and negatives to growing a beard and going through the 6 beard stages of growth. All the beard styles...
Published 12/17/20
Where is the most awkward place you see a celebrity? I talk about the awkward places that I have run into celebrities. My shortlist includes Adam Sandler, Rasaq, Paul Wall, and The Great Khali. I talk about double-checking to ensure these are the correct people and not asking for pictures. I hope you'll enjoy this unique different type of subject matter. Later, I remembered a few more Houston Heroes like Killa Kyleon at the Gym, Slim Thug at a bar, and Bun B in college.  Is meeting a...
Published 12/16/20
Do you believe in the magic of Horoscopes? I one hundred percent believe in the earthly characteristics known as horoscopes. Im a Sagittarius and I believe and I break down the characteristics and congruencies to me. Im going to talk about lucky numbers, colors, and Sagittarius characteristics. I share a story from my childhood about the lucky numbers of 21 and 12. I talk about my ideal celebration for my birthday and my dream birthday gift. I also talk about the FREE perks of having a...
Published 12/14/20
HOLIDAY EPISODE!! What is a "Good Gift? What is your Christmas budget? Today, I talk about my greatest Amazon.com find called "Sticker Lots". I have started going crazy ordering stickers from Amazon. I have now had my first ticker bombing. I sticker bombed my laptop case. Christmas has crept up on us like Snoop in the kitchen. I talk about Christmas budgets, memorable experiences, and what I have learned about Christmas presents. Am I the only one that freestyles Christmas shopping, gift...
Published 12/14/20
What is masculinity? What is a characteristic of a man?? This was a tough topic to be politically correct. I wanted to tackle masculinity in terms of being a man and finding individual masculinity. I think its important to find a role model or image of masculinity to strive for. I have talked about humans being goal centered creatures. I google masculinity and let the topic find itself.  I talk about the characteristics of the nice guy and lack of masculinity.   Are there characteristics of...
Published 12/11/20
Have you ever tried Cold Approach? What is Approach Anxiety? Remember, I told y'all the horrifying story of the death of my beard trimmer, so I had to get a new beard trimmer this week. A few days later I was confronted with Approach Anxiety and froze up when I was going to Cold Approach a beautiful lady. I decided this fear wasn't going to control my actions and dictate my actions. So As I went running errands and cop a new trimmer I thought why not get back to Cold Approaching! I need to...
Published 12/10/20
Who won Math Vs, Nicky? Who do I want to see on Smack Vol 6? This week has been active for Battle Rap. Y'all know I am a complete Battle Rap fanatic and I keep up with the culture. I have been watching Battle Rap for the past few years and it's great to talk Battle Rap on the podcast. Math is decently making gigantic leaps for the culture! I learning to enjoy the legends-only league. Math Hoffa Vs Nicky Jam Review, I talk some of what I thought were the best lines in the battle and Math's...
Published 12/09/20
Today was completely out of the norm of my regular podcast morning. Today, I talk about my wild morning and the process of recording the podcast. I talk about how even I can be EXTRA, Irrational, and make on the spot decisions that cause me to suffer. I tell you the horrifying story of my trimmer breaking mid-shave and more. Additionally, I talk about the process of planning Nostalgic Future and how these topics directly pertain to my daily life. I talk about progression, learning, adapting...
Published 12/08/20
Are online relationships real? Are nudes intimate? I got hooked on Catfish these past few days and I wanted to talk about it. How are we still believing people don't have a camera on their phone in 2020. Think about it, man! Instagram, cheap phones, and public libraries allow you to use the web. Do we want to invest in people who do not truly have a camera on their phone? Of course, I have used apps for dating but I don't online date. There is a big difference between online dating and app...
Published 12/07/20
Who is SamDuceTv? What is SamDuceTV? I am going to talk about the different evolutions of SamDuceTv the Youtube Channel. How I got started with Youtube and the best parts about recording. I started recording street racing videos and putting together compilations with my friends. I slowly transitioned to editing music videos and creating docu-type videos. Next, I transitioned into making videos with my partner and creating planning, unboxing, and normal YouTube videos. I continued to edit...
Published 12/05/20
Do you have any mentors? What makes a good mentor? Having a good mentor can save us from time, energy, and costly mistakes in life. So what makes a good mentor? A good mentor has life experience, reference experience, and helps the mentee see their potential because they recognize this investment early. I have had many mentors in my life both good and bad that recognized the same potential for success. The relationship between a mentor and mentee is beneficial from both sides and this balance...
Published 12/04/20
Do you have any tattoos? How old were you? Are your tattoos meaningful? Should tattoos be meaningful? Today were start with a movie review on Im No Longer Here available on Netflix. It's a really interesting film that follows a troubled kid in life and escapes through Kumbia. Today I talk about tattoos and my first, second, and third tattoos. I walk you through the full experience, how they came about, and most importantly spelling. I talk about deep feelings of tattoos, expectations, and...
Published 12/03/20
Is running in nature better than running on a treadmill? today I talk about running innate and enjoying the environment. I find peace, feminine energy, and balance running in nature. You don't have to run the Grand Canyon to experience peace in nature. Most people run to hit a certain number of miles or time. I don't try to hit a specific number of distance or time. I run based on my body and being in tune with myself. I talk about the process of running outside benefits of maintaining your...
Published 12/02/20
Do we ever really see the people closest to us? Do we ever really recognize their accomplishments and success? Sometimes the closest things to us are overlooked out of human error. We learned in the Mandela Effect Podcast that what is not observed is not seen. I know all accomplishments aren't created equal, but it's our perspectives that make these differences in size and meaning. I think it's easy to overlook the people closest to us because we see them on the regular and almost become numb...
Published 12/01/20
Who won the nostalgic Mike Tyson and Roy Jones Jr. fight? Do you look, how you think you look? Can you create a new you with fail hair? In this episode, we tried something different than the usual format.  We first go over nostalgic fight weekend Jake paul and Nate Robinson and Mike Tyson and Roy Jones Jr. fight. I give my opinions on the event and the total card. I review the controversial "Draw" and who I think is the winner of the nostalgic fight. Today, I talk about cutting my beard and...
Published 11/30/20
Why are we successful at work but not in our personal life? Why do have no energy after work? What is it about work that motivates us to be a cog for 12 hours straight?  I think we achieve great things at work because the goals, vision, and direction are provided for us. We aren't taught to think outside of the box we must learn this on our own. I believe our lack of success and motivation is based on a lack of goals. I don't think we have enough direction, goals, and tasks to be successful...
Published 11/28/20
What is the Mandela Effect? Do we create false memories? Was our past as good or bad as we remember? I am going to talk about a few internet examples of the Mandela Effect. I find the Mandela Effect super interested in the aspect of "False Memories". I am going to talk about how I think false memories are created using my personal experiences and memories. I dive deep into this internet theory and contrast it to my future! It must be possible that we can create a false future if we can create...
Published 11/27/20
What are you willing to do to change your life? How far are you willing to go to change the way people see you? Is the hardest part about changing yourself changing other people's opinions? Today, I am going to talk about the evolution of my self expression, and how my style has changed with my life. I am going to talk about my hairstyles, clothing options, and artifacts throughout the years and the growth they represent. Our style expresses more than opinions of ourselves. Our style...
Published 11/26/20
Should a child growing up be a parent's accomplishment? What is the role of a Dad? Is there a standard for "just being a dad"? Today I am going to talk about my childhood and the abstract view I have on my father now. I open up about some radical thoughts and personal experiences growing up. Is being present and feeding a child enough to provide or fulfill fatherhood. I believe, we need a lot of resources, love, support, and game to grow properly not just food and father presence. My parents...
Published 11/25/20
Is the Plant-Based alternative enlightening? Has the meaning of Vegetarian? What will a Vegetarian-diet look like in 2069? I have been a Vegetarian for a few years now, but I can see plant-based arriving in abundance. I don't see, to get the same satisfaction from a Garden Salad when I eat a Plant-Based Burger.  Am I going cray or is there any truth to this?  I am not an activist, nor am I the best vegetarian, though I do not eat anything that had a heartbeat. I must admit I have been a...
Published 11/24/20
Do some people age prematurely? Do some people age late? If this is true, what are the ingredients for premature and late aging? I believe it's all provided by a life force and uncertainty. I believe one can generate and manufacture more life with human experiences. Ask yourself how much energy does a car need if it doesn't move? Compare that to how much energy a will need to travel across the country? I think life force is the expression of love, security, creativity, self-expression, and...
Published 11/23/20
How can our friends bring us more life? What does your typical weekend consist of? Do your friends bring you more life energy? I am going to talk about the life energy I get from being around my life long friends. I'm going to talk about my typical weekend hanging out and the question of recharge.  The type of recharge I get from being around people that care deeply about me, the caring only our friends can give us. I show my appreciation externally and internally when I get overwhelmed with...
Published 11/21/20
What is Anxiety? What is depression? Can you unlearn anxiety? Why are we on anxiety medication and still having issues? Today, I am going to talk about my truth dealing with my anxiety, and experience dealing with these issues. I believe my anxiety issue was a learned skill. I believe anxiety is a skill that I trained myself to become an expert of within a short amount of time. I created a method of reevaluation, personal progression, and goals to fight this everyday struggle called life. I...
Published 11/20/20