“Your talk is far too esoteric: include the audience and how an esoteric concept applies directly to them. Yes, you did use examples of a young child & chimpanzees, the connection seemed forced. Why did the boy yell when orange peel bitten into or banana cut? Bring it home to the audience.
Using...”Read full review »
“Reb Anderson is interesting if you can take his style. My favorite zen teachers so far on podcasts are Norman Fischer on the everyday zen site (he's the best I think) Genjo Marinello on the Choboji Seattle zen site, Gil Fronsdal - a vipassana teacher who's also a zen priest. There's a few talks...”Read full review »
Sksan via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·
“As there are so few books on tape about Zen, I find this very helpful and enjoyable when I want to listen rather than read.
I very much appreciate this podcast.
Many bows!”
Amersw via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·