Every Moment Is A Crossroads - How Will You Meet It?
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02/18/2024, Sonja Gardenswarz, dharma talk at Green Gulch Farm. Zazen, a yogic practice, a word, an invitation, a posture, a pause in time, a space, a clearing between the edges of here and then. A space to breathe, to feel, to connect. What we choose to emphasize determines our lives. To be a disciple to and enact in each moment what matters is building a Seamless Monument, is living like a river flows. "To live as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a Marvelous Victory" ( Howard Zinn)
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05/12/2024, Thiemo Blank, dharma talk at Green Gulch Farm. This talk was presented by Thiemo on Mothers Day at the end of an introductory Sesshin (meditation retreat) at Green Dragon Temple. The Investigation of - “the true dragon” (Reality / Thusness) - in Sesshin is likened to the...
Published 05/12/24
05/04/2024, Jisho Lisa Beth Hoffman, dharma talk at City Center. In this talk, given at Beginner's Mind Temple, Jisho Lisa Beth Hoffman explores the meaning of refuge and the experience of doing so through teacher, teaching and community - Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.  Sharing herexperiences...
Published 05/04/24
05/01/2024, panel discussion at City Center. In this discussion, held in place of the regular Wednesday night dharma talk at Beginner's Mind Temple, Eli Brown-Stevenson leads a discussion featuring Community Village co-founders Caleb Tenenbaum, Nina Raddy, and Richard Bae; and, representing San...
Published 05/02/24