In this episode, Justine is joined for the second time by Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler, Senior Director of the Counter Extremism Project, to talk about the ongoing situation in Afghanistan, including the Taliban’s revenue streams (such as the drug trade), the relationship with Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups, and the potential implications for sanctions, foreign investment, and international recognition deliberations. Hans was formerly Coordinator of the ISIL (Da’esh), al-Qaida and Taliban...
Published 09/03/21
‘we’ve entered a great power competition, that’s not between two blocs… but rather between two very highly integrated economic spheres’ In this episode of the Sanctions Space podcast, Justine sits down with Jonathan Hackenbroich, European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), to discuss economic coercion in the geo-political landscape, building resilience to sanctions and countersanctions, and why Nord Stream 2 is like a suitcase without a handle – hard to take along, hard to abandon. ...
Published 05/06/21
‘The use of sanctions has grown incredibly, the complexity of sanctions, the reach of US person globally, the use of secondary sanctions – these are all elements which have just escalated continually over recent years, and that has resulted in some pushback from other jurisdictions’ In this special episode, our two ACAMS podcasts meet - Financial Crime Matters and the Sanctions Space. Justine and Kieran discuss the unprecedented scale and pace of change of sanctions in 2020, key trends we...
Published 02/22/21
‘prepare for some very difficult times ahead, where the world’s number one and number two economies – when it comes to the US and China – will continue to fundamentally disagree on certain issues…. and that will continue to play a role in US sanctions response’ In this episode, Justine is joined by Jennifer Fowler, Director, Brunswick Group, and John Smith, Partner, Morrison and Foerster, to talk about US presidential transition, fighting illicit finance in the FATF, and words of wisdom for...
Published 01/20/21
‘we’re really at a point where we are saying – what are sanctions really? What do they actually do? They’re somewhere between a serious finger wag… and a financial hand-grenade’ In this episode, Justine is joined by Julia Friedlander, C. Boyden Gray Senior Fellow and Deputy Director, GeoEconomics Center, Atlantic Council, to talk about the risks arising from Russian dark money, the interplay between sanctions and other tools of economic statecraft, and what it’s like to work in the White...
Published 12/14/20
‘the rise of ISIL was a real turning point on global counter terrorism, only maybe eclipsed by 9/11' In this episode, Justine is joined by Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler, Senior Director of the Counter Extremism Project, to talk about counter terrorism sanctions, the rise of ISIL (including lessons we can learn from it) and the wider impact of global terrorism. Hans was formerly Coordinator of the ISIL (Da’esh), al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Monitoring Team of the United Nations Security...
Published 10/29/20
‘it’s not easy to build a nuclear weapon… the science isn’t easy, and physically making sure it goes bang as needed isn’t easy’ In this episode, Justine is joined by Ian Stewart, Executive Director of the Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS), to talk about nuclear technology, today’s chief global proliferation risks, how to get engaged in counterproliferation financing work, and Academy Award winner Nicholas Cage. Ian is a specialist on issues related to export controls, sanctions,...
Published 10/02/20
‘one track of my work is trying to bring different strands of people in different societies together… to look at the same problem from different angles and hopefully try and find some creative solutions’ In this podcast episode, Justine is joined by Ellie Geranmayeh, Deputy Director for the MENA programme and Senior Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, to talk about conflict resolution, bringing together stakeholders with diverse views, and what we can learn for the...
Published 09/18/20
‘China has always taken seriously industrial policy and some degree of import substitution, and these US actions are now really kicking that effort in to high gear’. In this, our first Sanctions Space podcast episode, Justine Walker is joined by Dan Wang, Technology Analyst at Gavekal, to talk about China’s role as a science and technology powerhouse, the impact and response of recent US sanctions on Chinese tech companies, and how ‘technology travels at the speed of beer’. Dan is a...
Published 09/18/20