Published 02/28/22
Zero Waste Challenge: https://sarahbassett.co/zero-waste-in-a-week/  Zero waste living is becoming more popular each year as individuals take it upon themselves to try to sort out the environmental mess we find ourselves in. And while climate change and the environmentally-destructive system is certainly not the fault of individuals, there’s nothing wrong and everything right with wanting to live a more sustainable lifestyle.
Published 02/28/22
Green Geeks: greengeeks.com/track/sarahbassetteco Most of us are unaware of the online carbon footprint and internet pollution caused by our digital habits. The carbon footprint of the internet and the systems supporting it is estimated to account for about 3.7% of global greenhouse emissions. In comparison, air travel is thought to account for around 2%. Find out who the biggest digital polluters are and easy ways to lower your online carbon footprint.
Published 02/21/22
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahbassett.co/  Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sarahbassett.co  Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/sarahbassettco/  Valentine’s Day is a tough one for environmentalists. It’s also a marketing holiday fuelled by consumerism, single-use plastic and a general air of not considering the environment. A lot of people abstain from celebrating in a conventional yet wasteful way. 
Published 02/14/22
Favourite eco things https://sarahbassett.co/favourite-things/  An eco-friendly, sustainable lifestyle looks different for everyone. And with new eco products popping up daily, and being marketed as essential, it can be easy to make a few regrettable purchases along your sustainability journey. And while I will note that you don’t need to buy things to live more eco friendly, it certainly can help. Here are seven eco-friendly things I regret buying
Published 02/07/22
Grant info: https://www.worldwetlandsday.org/grant 2 February, 2022 marks the first time World Wetlands Day will be officially observed in the context of the United Nations after the general assembly recognised it as an international day. Wetlands are crucial to life as we know it and are a huge part of the biodiversity crisis that’s driven by climate change and unsustainable environmental practices. Yet they’re often forgotten in the environmental conversation.
Published 02/01/22
New Year’s resolutions have a notoriously low completion rate. That’s because they’re rarely tied to our values or a big picture issue. But not this year, eco friend! Instead, you’re going to enter the new year with some sustainable and eco-friendly New Year’s resolutions for a greener year. Read on for 7 eco-friendly New Year’s resolutions to get you started. Are you ready to make next year your most sustainable and eco-friendly yet? Join my free Zero Waste in a Week email challenge to...
Published 01/04/22
Eco-friendly Gift Guide www.sarahbassett.co/gifts Christmas can be a time of needless consumerism, waste and other not so environmentally-friendly behaviours. But it doesn’t have to be that way! An eco-friendly, zero waste and sustainable Christmas is easier than you think with the simple mindset shifts we’ll go through today.
Published 12/08/21
Amongst all of the sales, it’s easy to forget about the sustainability and environmental impact of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. This celebration of consumerism is one of the most wasteful and polluting periods. While an item might appear to be cheap, the true cost of manufacturing, packaging and shipping on the planet is higher. FREE ZERO WASTE IN A WEEK CHALLENGE: https://sarahbassett.co/zero-waste-in-a-week/ 
Published 11/25/21
Creating sustainable living social media content can help inspire and educate others on how to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Eco-friendly blogging is one of the fastest growing online niches. A social media content creator is only as good as his or her tools, so try something new - especially when they're sustainable and eco-friendly! CONTENT PROMPTS: https://sarahbassett.co/eco-friendly-content-prompts/  ECO BLOG TOOLS: https://sarahbassett.co/eco-blog-tools/
Published 08/30/21
A zero waste kitchen can be easier to achieve than you might think. Especially considering kitchen and food waste are usually one of the biggest contributors to household waste. Listen on to find out which 17 things I no longer buy for my zero waste kitchen. Sign up for my free Zero Waste in a Week challenge. Each day for a week you’ll receive an easy eco action step that takes less than 20 minutes to complete.  JOIN THE CHALLENGE: https://sarahbassett.co/zero-waste-in-a-week/ 
Published 08/23/21
Sustainable business ideas are a dime a dozen. It can be easy to think of an eco-friendly product that doesn’t exist or a sustainable service that would be a green game changer. The tricky part is figuring whether or not your eco-friendly and sustainable business idea is viable. The following 3-step process is how I came up with and settled on the sustainable business idea that eventually turned into CONCENTR8ED. GRAB YOUR COPY: https://sarahbassett.co/eco-friendly-side-hustles/  
Published 08/16/21
The tragedy of the commons is an economic theory thrown around in discussion about environmentalism, resources and equality. It's applicable to environmental disasters such as climate change, pollution, deforestation, overfishing and poaching. Listen in to find out what the tragedy of the commons is, examples from the environment and sustainability solutions to help save our planet from climate change.  EMAIL CHALLENGE: https://sarahbassett.co/zero-waste-in-a-week/ 
Published 08/09/21
The sustainability niche covers a whole lot of topics including green living, zero waste, sustainable swaps and eco-friendly lifestyles. Creating eco-friendly content for social media marketing and websites is a great way to educate and inspire others into taking sustainable steps. Today we'll be talking about eco-friendly living, zero waste, vegan and plant-based, climate change advocacy and ethical living.  CONTENT PROMPTS: https://sarahbassett.co/eco-friendly-content-prompts/
Published 08/02/21
Choosing zero waste and sustainable gifts can be an eco-friendly nightmare. Many gifts are designed to look pretty while you’re giving them. But they’re often impractical, overpriced and destined for landfill.  Sustainable gifts can help the receiver live more eco-friendly and zero waste. Choosing sustainable gifts can also support small and eco-friendly businesses. Opt for handmade, plastic-free, locally-made and sustainable gifts.  GIFT GUIDE: https://sarahbassett.co/sustainable-gifts/
Published 07/26/21
Compostable packaging is rising in popularity as more customers are demanding plastic-free options. Conscious consumers are aware that less than 9% of plastic has ever been recycled. Meanwhile, plastic waste is infiltrating every corner of our planet, ecosystems and food chain with disastrous consequences. But is compostable packaging really an improvement on plastic? Or is it yet another greenwashing step for businesses to look like they’re trying to be sustainable?
Published 07/20/21
Plastic-free July is an internationally recognised initiative from the Plastic Free Foundation. The aim is to work towards a world free of plastic waste. It was started by Rebecca Prince-Ruiz in Western Australia back in 2011. Plastic-free July has become one of the most influential environmental campaigns in the world. If you’re a Jack Johnson fan, he’s one of the initiative’s ambassadors! Plastic-free July challenge on CONCENTR8ED: https://www.instagram.com/concentr8ed.co/
Published 07/01/21
Do you share your sustainable lifestyle online in some way? You’re an eco-friendly content creator. I’m qualified to talk about this subject because working with eco-friendly content creators is a huge part of running my eco-friendly business, CONCENTR8ED. As a small business owner, I’d rather spend my marketing budget on paying or supplying real people with free products than I would spending that money on ads. Influencer marketing has a greater return on investment (ROI) than other...
Published 06/26/21
Nearly 15% of greenhouse gas emissions are caused by meat production. Many environmental advocacy groups are calling on people to lower or eliminate their meat consumption to tackle this. A counter-argument is that there may not be enough farmland on earth to sustain vegans. It sounds plausible. Large parts of the earth are simply not suitable for growing crops. So is veganism really the answer? Let's find out.   Free Zero Waste in a Week course: https://sarahbassett.co/zero-waste-in-a-week/
Published 06/10/21
Paper bags have become the latest eco-packaging choice for businesses and consumers wanting to act (or appear) more environmentally friendly. And what’s not to like? Paper bags are biodegradable, recyclable and natural. It’s easy to assume that when compared to their scandalous plastic counterparts, paper bags are a sustainable choice. But like most environmental issues, there’s a lot to consider when it comes to eco-packaging such as paper bags. Find out why paper bags can be bad for the...
Published 05/24/21
Have you ever looked at the bottom of a plastic item and tried to decipher what the plastic recycling numbers mean? You’re not alone. Recycling is confusing and many local councils and governments report large amounts of wish-cycling. That’s when people put items in their recycling collection that aren’t actually recyclable at that location. It can interrupt the recycling process and contaminate other recyclable materials. Find out what the plastic recycling numbers mean
Published 05/17/21
Head to my website and download my new free guide 17 eco-friendly side hustles to ethically make extra money. These side hustle ideas take no or little upfront investment to help you ethically make money in an eco-friendly way. Head to www.sarahbassett.co/sustainable-business-story to grab it now.  I’ve been getting a lot of questions about my sustainable business CONCENTR8ED. My eco-friendly business launched on 24 November, also known as Green Tuesday, last year. Find out how it happened
Published 05/10/21
Environmental gatekeeping, also called sustainability gatekeeping, occurs when individuals or groups prevent general access to the environmental movement. A lot of creators and personalities in the eco-friendly space have been calling out this toxic behaviour which includes eco-shaming, perfectionism and a general lack of inclusivity.  Environmentalism is not a one-size-fits-all experience. We will achieve far more for the planet by working together than we ever will tearing each other down.
Published 05/06/21
Earth day is like Christmas for environmentalists. But this eco-friendly holiday has a beautiful and inspiring history of bipartisan support and student protest origins. Listen to learn the history of Earth Day, the evolution of the sustainable event over more than 50 years and zero waste ways to celebrate Earth Day. Let's make it system change, not climate change!
Published 04/22/21
Sustainable living is often seen as an expensive thing to do. Many people are scared off by assuming that an eco-friendly lifestyle is will cost more. But many parts of my zero waste living journey have seen me simply becoming less of a consumer and purchasing things consciously. With these simple tips, you'll be able to go plastic-free and lower your carbon footprint by spending no money at all. In fact, you'll likely save money!
Published 04/19/21