Everything ends. Jobs. Relationships. Chapters of your life. Even versions of YOU end. And new ones come online. Sometimes change can feel amazing. (Let's burn away the old and make space for the new!) And sometimes change is upsetting and destabilizing. You might wonder if it means you're doing life wrong. Society like to mess with our heads by holding up permanence as the ideal. It's why 10-year job anniversaries and golden marriage anniversaries get celebrated. (Even if those...
Published 09/14/23
Setting healthy boundaries is one of the best ways to practice energetic sovereignty and manage your nervous system. So in this week’s podcast episode, I'm going to talk you through ... 🌟 What actually are boundaries? 🌟 When is it appropriate to set a boundary? 🌟 An exact script you can use to set that boundary. 🌟 Tips on holding a boundary. 🌟 How to make a request when a boundary isn't appropriate, but something is still bothering you. Hope you'll find plenty of super actionable tools in...
Published 09/04/23
Have you ever caught yourself thinking: I need to know the right answerThe more information I have, the betterI must never waste time or money with the wrong decisionOther people know better than meThen you might be suffering from analysis paralysis! We humans often use overthinking to keep ourselves safe. And in prehistoric times, it probably worked.Β  But even though the world is now safer, we can't stop. So we drive ourselves crazy trying to figure out the right workout plan, dating...
Published 08/29/23
If you're anything like me, you're always searching for the right answer to every question. Like when I wanted to run an ultramarathon, I not only read a book and scoured every website I could find for training advice. I actually got certified as an ultramarathon coach to make sure I was doing it PERFECT. #queenofoverdoingit But you know who a lot of us aren't asking for guidance? The most important person β€” ourselves. Learning to ask yourself for guidance is a game-changer. Putting your...
Published 08/25/23
We all have this romantic idea that when we most need support, our friends will lean in. And sometimes they do. But very often, they don't. It's pretty common for people experiencing grief and loss to find themselves alone, forgotten, or misunderstood when they need community most. Even intimate partnerships get impacted. It's more common for a marriage to end after a major loss or the death of a child, for example. So how should we take it when our support system seems to be distancing...
Published 08/22/23
Whenever we're chasing a goal or working to solve a problem, our brain likes to go straight to action. We are little planning machines. Which kinda works. But not really. Because too often, when we focus on action, we're actually solving the wrong problem. What works better? Starting on the inside. Looking at who we'd be when we have what we really want. And finding ways to be that person RIGHT NOW. Sound complicated? It doesn't it have to be. In this episode, I'll walk you through...
Published 08/14/23
A manifestation portal? What the cheese balls is that? And why should you care if you’re not a whacky, woo woo, green-juice slurping, crystal farming hippie? πŸ˜‚ Bestie, I promise. Manifestation is for everyone. And no, you don’t have to be a toxic positivity monster to benefit and enjoy. To help you understand manifestation and how it works, I made you a video! It includes a little bit of teaching and a cool guided meditation you can use when you’re manifesting new things. Loving...
Published 08/10/23
About a year into my personal growth journey, I was convinced I was f*****g it up. Why? Because I wasn't having any massive breakthroughs. πŸ”₯Β  I wasn't making six figures in my business while sitting on a beach with my laptop. πŸ”₯ I wasn't engaged to the love of my life. πŸ”₯ I didn't have a perfect, healthy body with a six pack. (Do 47 year-olds even have six packs? Doubtful. But that's where my mind still goes. πŸ˜‚ ) I didn't have any of the external stuff. So my mind told me I was failing...
Published 08/08/23
Hypnosis. Trance. The unconscious. To some people, these are spooky concepts! But to me, they are some of the most healing words in the English language. And it's time to pull back the curtain. In today's episode, I'm going to spill the beans on all things hypnosis. What it is ... and isn't. How it works, and what modern neuroscience research tells us about its effectiveness. How I structure my client journeys to help create lasting change without struggle. The three levels of work we...
Published 07/30/23
I know we've all been beaten over the head with the need to sleep more. And I can tell you as a coach and personal trainer that SOME OF IT IS HYPE. However, a good night's sleep has many benefits: Cleanses your brain of neurotoxinsPromotes neuroplasticity, change, and emotional shiftsRegulates your hormones and metabolism (can even help you lose weight)Promotes deep cellular healing (so essential for you Long Covid peeps!)Improves focus and productivityGives your mood a boostSo in this...
Published 07/24/23
Is it toxic to badmouth positivity? Maybe.Β  But if you know me, I like to stir the pot a little. Also, as part of the coaching and personal development industry, I feel a duty to call out harmful practices.Β  That way, potential clients can recognize them, avoid them, and self-innoculate for those moments when they show up out of nowhere.Β  (Yes, even when it's something I say.) It's time to burn down lies like: If you got cancer, you manifested it with negative thinkingBad things are...
Published 07/20/23
"You need to feel it in order to heal it." But do you really Becky? Or is that just something all the personal development people say? As a somatic practitioner and hypnotist who teaches people how to regulate emotions (often to the point where you can't feel them at all), I get a lot of questions about this. Shouldn't we be feeling our emotions instead of knocking them down? Do we really have to experience negative emotion to heal and be healthy? (Cause ew.) The short answer is no.Β ...
Published 07/15/23
Have you ever healed something, and it stayed healed for months or years β€” only to pop back up at the worst possible time? Welcome to my week. πŸ˜‚ The good news is that "repeats" don't mean you've failed or that you're moving in the wrong direction. Actually, they can be a powerful sign that you're moving in the right direction. And now you're being invited to take this healing deeper. In today's episode, we'll look at "repeats" on three planes: physical, mental, and spiritual. And we'll...
Published 07/08/23
So I thought I had totally conquered by my driving anxiety. But this week, out of nowhere, it came back. I was just minding my own business, driving down the highway. And hit me like a big wave. At first, I was like, WTAF. I thought I fixed this shit! There was also that feeling of: I teach other people how to work through fear, so this is totally unacceptable and shameful. But then, I had to use ALL MY TOOLS to get out of that fear, and it kind of felt like a bit of a final exam of...
Published 07/06/23
Feeling overwhelmed and exhausted with the pace of modern life? Following a low information diet may help. You're constantly bombarded by information from TV, social media, podcasts, and the web. It's more information than you can possibly integrate. But your brain still tries, which uses up mental energy and makes it hard to focus. Looking away from all that info can be hard. (FOMO is real!) But it can also give your mental health, focus, and productivity a huge boost. In today's podcast,...
Published 06/27/23
Today's episode is a little more personal. It's all about the work I've been doing on my relationship with my body.Β  I'll share some of the ways I've been in wrong relationship with my body in the past, and how developing a chronic illness was a wake-up call to do things differently. I'll also share how self-hypnosis has helped me in this journey and some of the useful visions and downloads that have come through. New Free Workshop:Slumber Party: Self-Hypnosis for Better SleepIn this...
Published 06/21/23
Talking Laughing Emotions Expression Loud Laughing Swearing Speaking truth Putting yourself first Being sensual or sexual Being smart/knowing stuff Asking questions ^ Just a few of the ways we can feel like we're being "too much." If you've worried that you're too much (or been told it to your face), this week's podcast episode is for you. We'll talk about where this concept of being "too much" comes from and why it just won't die. And we'll also talk about some of the gifts of stepping...
Published 06/14/23
Do you spend your whole life rushing from task to task, never taking time to fully live? I feel you, bestie.Β  I used to get to the end of each day of grinding only to see the to-do list half completed and feel existential despair. What helped? In a word, ceremony! No, I'm not going to make you lick toads or talk to chakras or channel your star ancestors or even DO A PAST LIFE REGRESSION. (Though you totally could, if any of those turn you on.) Ceremony is simply about bringing...
Published 06/06/23
WTF is this episode EVEN? πŸ˜‚ It's so trippy, I had to share it with you. It's basically a replay of an Instagram Live. I wanted to share a message of hope that came to me while I was really deep in a past life regression during hypnosis class. And it involves whale and orca elders. P.S.: If you're still reading and haven't unsubscribed, we are clearly from the same soul family. Resources Mentioned: The Starseed Oracle (my Tarot deck)Center for Integrative Hypnosis (my hypnosis cert...
Published 06/06/23
I've been in my "cave" a lot the past few years. Between COVID, family caregiving, and chronic illness, it's been easy to avoid connection and community. And in some ways it's been good. It's been a very creative period. It's helped me to figure some things out. But. I am also realizing there's healing that can only happen in community. And I also have work to do in the world that requires contact with other humans. So May has been the month of venturing out of the cave and throwing...
Published 05/30/23
This episode turned into a bit of a rant (in the best possible way). I'm tired of people believing that they are lazy and lack willpower because they aren't skinny with a six pack at 47. (All while working overtime, raising teenagers, walking the dog, and trying to keep the house from looking like a shit show.) Here's the truth. When it comes to our bodies, we are all profoundly spiritually wounded. We are disconnected from our bodies β€” and from nature and our essential wildness. It's...
Published 05/24/23
In this episode, I share a little about how I've evolved as a coach over the last few months ... and all the new programs this has inspired me to create! Interested?Β  Be sure to join my email list. Questions? Email me at [email protected]. Special OfferDownload a FREE meditative breathwork session for long COVID symptom relief β€” or any time you want to relax!
Published 05/17/23
OK, anyone who’s been in my house and saw that title probably just laughed out loud. I am NOT a house person. Which is probably why I've been finding healing my living space so powerful. There is a spiritual law that states, "As within, so without." And I've realized that my messy, neglected, underappreciated, cluttered house reflects a lot of what I'm carrying around in my head. That it's probably not the best place to create a successful business, call in love and write a book. Because...
Published 05/09/23
Have you ever had a moment of profound healing that seemed mysterious?Β  Or alternately, have you ever spent years in therapy and wondered why nothing was changing? Neuroscience has the answers to your questions. And they are really cool!Β  Spoiler alert: your brain is constantly rewiring its neural pathways. And you can use simple tools to direct and speed up the process. In this episode, we look at the four magic steps you'll find under every healing experience. And I'll share some...
Published 05/03/23
What do you do when life drops a big load of shit on you all at once? That's exactly what happened to me this week. And I've got something to say about it! (Of course.) One concept I've been leaning into is the idea that struggles are guideposts showing you the lessons you need to learn to be whole, fully human, and fully alive. In this podcast, we'll talk about some of our knee-jerk reactions to enormous struggles (control, despair, etc.), why these don't really work, and a more helpful...
Published 04/26/23