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SART Fertility Experts
An educational project of the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology, this series is designed to provide up to date information about a variety of topics related to fertility testing and treatment such as IVF. The ”Experts” include accomplished professionals: reproductive endocrinologists, reproductive urologists, genetic counselors and mental health professionals who share their knowledge and advice in an informal interview. Are you ready to take the next step towards building your family? Start With SART!
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Recent Episodes
Published 05/14/24
How does the world we live in affect our health?  In this episode, the fertility experts discuss the impact of the environment, including air, climate, and chemical exposures on infertility.  They also discuss some ways to limit harmful exposure.  Find the #StartwithSART Fertility Experts series...
Published 05/14/24
Dr. Cristin Slater and Betsy Campbell from RESOLVE (The National Infertility Association that helps to ensure equal access to all family building options) discuss: barriers to infertility care; opportunities to get infertility care; and recent trends of advances in fertility care access. Find...
Published 04/09/24
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