We hope you have enjoyed listening to our second season. More episodes of SART Fertility Experts are planned for the future so stay tuned!
Published 08/10/21
“I know what treatment I want and need to do, but how can I afford it?”  This is a common question infertility patients often ask themselves on the path to parenthood.  Due to the expense of treatment, managing cost is a key factor for patients. In this episode, Dr. Brooke Rossi interviews Brad Senstra, an executive director of a large infertility program, about financial topics, such as cost of infertility treatment and IVF, insurance coverage, financing, and other options.
Published 07/27/21
In today's episode, Dr. Mark Trolice interviews Sean Tipton, ASRM's Chief Advocacy and Policy Officer about the current landscape of infertility insurance coverage, the hurdles to obtain state and/or national mandated coverage, and methods of advocacy for both patients and doctors to improve coverage.
Published 07/13/21
Dr. Sanjita Jindal, Associate Professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Laboratory Director at Montefiore’s Institute for Reproductive Medicine and Health helps patients understand the importance of the IVF lab when choosing an IVF program.  She also explains the rigorous training of embryologists, laboratory safety, as well as identification and cryo-storage of eggs, sperm and embryos in the lab.  From eggs to embryos, the lab’s essential role in the IVF process is explained here. 
Published 06/29/21
Infertility nurse practitioner and health coach Monica Moore explains the essential role of the infertility nurse in the IVF process. Topics include learning how to give injections but also the importance of a healthy lifestyle and self-care during the IVF process. She also offers strategies for managing stress, effective communication with your care team and managing expectations during the IVF process.
Published 06/15/21
Genetics is a significant part of advanced reproductive technology screening. Genetic counselors serve an essential role in the process.  In this episode, Jenna Miller, a board-certified and licensed genetic counselor, and Dr. Cristin Slater, explain what preconceptual genetic carrier screening is and discuss preconception genetic testing (PGT) of embryos. Genomic testing indications, pros & cons, implications, and results, are also reviewed.
Published 06/01/21
In this episode, Dr. Daniel Grow interviews Dr. Mark Leondires, the founder and medical director of both the Reproductive Medicine Associates of Connecticut and of Gay Parents To Be. Dr. Leondires is board certified in Reproductive Endocrinology and serves as Chair of the ASRM’s LGBTQ Special Interest Group. He has worked with thousands of LGBTQ couples over the last 20+ years, and takes pride in leading his program to deliver compassionate and high quality care to all members of this community.
Published 05/18/21
Does stress cause infertility or is it the other way round?  The emotional impacts of IVF treatment are featured in this episode with Dr. Julia Woodward, interviewed by Dr. Vickie Schafer.  We discuss how common depression and anxiety are among fertility patients, the factors that drive patients to minimize their struggles to the fertility team, common time points for stress to spike, the lack of evidence for stress as a cause of infertility, and five key coping strategies patients can use to...
Published 05/04/21
Due to the unique stress of infertility, patients often look for additional resources and support. In this episode Barbara Collura, the Executive Director of RESOLVE, the oldest support organization for people dealing with infertility, is interviewed by Dr. Bill Petok, a psychologist who works with individuals and couples building their families through assisted reproductive technologies. Ms. Collura talks about the work of RESOLVE, both in terms of support networks and advocacy.
Published 04/20/21
Welcome to the second season of SART Fertility Experts. This series will feature a variety of dedicated professionals who make IVF and infertility treatment possible, provide invaluable counseling and education to our patients, and advocate to make treatment accessible to all. Check back in two weeks for the first episode.
Published 04/06/21
We hope you're enjoying the first season of SART fertility experts. We hope you've learned from our experts and that your family-building journey has benefited from the information they have provided. We know that creating the family you want is not always easy.
Published 09/22/20
Dr. Kenan Omurtag, MD joins host Dr. Mark Trolice to discuss the use of social media in the field of infertility. Dr. Omurtag is Associate Professor of Reproductive Endocrinology and infertility at the Washington University St. Louis School of Medicine. Today’s podcast explores the way infertility practices use social media to educate and market to patients.  Patients will also learn how best to gain information about a medical practice and infertility while online.
Published 09/15/20
Dr. William Gibbons, former President of ASRM and long-time Fellowship Director at Baylor College of Medicine discusses ‘The making of a reproductive endocrinologist and infertility specialist’ with Dr. Daniel Grow. These experts in infertility lead IVF programs, perform reproductive surgery, and perform research to enhance the field of reproductive medicine.
Published 09/01/20
What’s the difference between a surrogate and a gestational carrier?  Who needs a gestational carrier and how much does it cost?  These questions and many more are discussed by Dr. James Goldfarb.  Decades ago, he was responsible for the birth of the first gestational carrier baby and continues to be a world’s expert on the topic.  In this episode, we discuss this complex topic, and reassure patients that help is always available.
Published 08/18/20
Did you know that up to 40% of infertile couples suffer from male factor infertility? In this interview, Dr. Stanton Honig, an expert on male fertility and Clinical Professor of Urology at Yale University school of Medicine, shares his insights into everything you need to know about male fertility. Topics discussed include possible causes, home versus laboratory testing, available treatment options, the importance of lifestyle factors, and more. 
Published 08/04/20
Today’s episode reviews the current reasons for and likelihood of success with tubal surgery as well as when patients might be better suited with the treatment option of in vitro fertilization (IVF).
Published 07/21/20
Fibroids and their impact on fertility are discussed in this episode featuring Dr. Elizabeth Stewart, interviewed by host Dr. Brooke Rossi. An international expert on fibroids, Dr. Stewart describes the who-what-where- and why of fibroids and infertility. She also mentions when treatment is necessary, including surgery or myomectomy. This is a great overview of this common condition.
Published 07/07/20
This episode of SART Fertility Experts examines which patients are best suited for egg donation, what qualifies an egg donor, what is the difference between using fresh vs. frozen eggs, and how to measure the success of an outcome.
Published 06/23/20
In this episode, we discuss the ins-and-outs of in vitro fertilization (IVF). Dr. Elizabeth Ginsburg, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Harvard Medical School, discusses why patients may need IVF and the IVF process. She also mentions lifestyle intervention and issues regarding cost. For those considering IVF, or just want to have a better understanding of the process, this is a great place to start.
Published 06/09/20
An educational project of the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology, this series is designed to provide up to date information about a variety of topics related to fertility testing and treatment such as IVF. The ”Experts” include accomplished professionals:  reproductive endocrinologists, reproductive urologists, genetic counselors and mental health professionals who share their knowledge and advice in an informal interview.
Published 03/26/20