Every troubled marriage needs a turning point, where all the hurt, pain and secrets come to light so that God can heal and restore what remains. For many, that day is when their spouse reveals their secrets and shame. But "coming clean" can be much more than just a disclosure of offenses. It can be a throwing off a life of hiding to embrace a new life of transparency. Join Priscilla and Phil as they describe what God did in their marriage, and how "coming clean" for them was much more than...
Published 04/14/23
Is sex a need?  There are very few questions that will generate as much emotion...and impact...in your marriage as this one. Join Phil and Priscilla today as they explain the importance of seeing this question from God's point of view, and how they processed it in their own recovery. Phil and Priscilla's book, Savage Marriage: Triumph over Betrayal and Sexual Addiction, is now available on Amazon.com. In addition, they've recently published Savage Marriage Study Guide: Overcome Your Past....
Published 03/07/23
Has someone offended you, and you just can't seem to forgive them?  Do you cringe every time you think of them as the pain of what they did wrings out your heart? These feelings aren't unusual. We all have to deal with forgiving people who don't seem to deserve it, or who don't even apologize. Join Phil and Priscilla today as they talk about the real power to forgive any offense, not matter how big, or how long ago it occurred. They'll share what God showed them, and how they were able to...
Published 02/13/23
Has someone ever told you that your apology just wasn't good enough? Unfortunately, most people learned how to apologize on the playground growing up, when someone told them to "Just say you're sorry, Johnny!" It didn't work then, and it doesn't work now.  Powerful apologies have the ability to touch the wound of the person you've offended and move you toward reconciliation. Join Phil and Priscilla today as they talk about why Phil's apology ten years into their marriage about his porn...
Published 02/13/23
We've seen couples conquer mountains in their marriages - really difficult situations, like betrayal, wounds from their past, and addictions. But after all these battles have been won, it's not unusual that one thing still remains, and it's the hardest thing to change.  Join us on this episode, and we'll discuss what it is...and how to change it! Phil and Priscilla's book, Savage Marriage: Triumph over Betrayal and Sexual Addiction, is now available on Amazon.com. In addition, they've...
Published 11/22/22
When was the last time you cried? Did you know that your tears are so precious to God that He collects then in a bottle? (Psalm 56:8)  Join us today as we talk about the power of your tears, how they show the cleansing and transformation going on inside of you, and how they also have the power to affect others.  Phil and Priscilla's book, Savage Marriage: Triumph over Betrayal and Sexual Addiction, is now available on Amazon.com. In addition, they've recently published Savage Marriage Study...
Published 11/08/22
Are you going through recovery and reconciliation and wondering how long it will take? We know that the pain and trauma of your past can be suffocating, and that just getting through each day can feel overwhelming. We experienced the same feelings 5 1/2 years ago. Today, join us as we talk about the keys to our reconciliation...and what we're still working on. Be encouraged - God wants you to be well, and what God did in our marriage, He can do in yours too! Phil and Priscilla's book, Savage...
Published 10/27/22
Have you ever been frustrated because your spouse ignores the boundaries you've set for them? Have you ever wondered what you're doing wrong, and why boundaries just don't seem to work in your marriage?  Join Phil and Priscilla as they discuss five key principles for using boundaries effectively in your marriage. Used properly, boundaries can put your marriage in a position to flourish. For more information on boundaries, see numerous best-selling books on boundaries written by Henry Cloud...
Published 10/09/22
Many marriages and families suffer from an overcontrolling spouse. Where does overcontrol come from, and what can you do if you live with someone who's overcontrolling?  Join Phil and Priscilla as they share how they addressed their own tendencies to overcontrol. It's time to let go...and let God heal the fears and pride that fuel the overcontrol in your relationship. Phil and Priscilla's book, Savage Marriage: Triumph over Betrayal and Sexual Addiction, is available on Amazon.com. In...
Published 10/09/22
Are you stuck in the middle of an offense with your spouse and just can't figure out a way forward? Join Phil and Priscilla as they talk about one of the keys to getting on the path to reconciliation.  Phil and Priscilla's new book, Savage Marriage: Triumph over Betrayal and Sexual Addiction is now available on Amazon.com. We encourage you to buy a copy for yourself, and for a friend who may need hope that God can rescue their marriage, no matter what the situation. For more resources from...
Published 08/12/22
Many parents struggle with what to tell their kids about sex. How early should they start? Should Mom, or Dad, or both share? Should they share their own failures and problems around sex? Join Phil and Priscilla, and their daughter Sarah, as they unpack keys for healthy and spiritually rich communication with kids about sex. Phil and Priscilla's new book, Savage Marriage: Triumph over Betrayal and Sexual Addiction is now available on Amazon.com. We encourage you to buy a copy for yourself,...
Published 07/12/22
Experiencing real freedom from behaviors and thoughts that weigh down your soul is possible, even though many people don't believe it because their personal experience tells them they are destined to have repeated cycles of failure. On this episode, Phil Fretwell and Paul Speed, co-founder of Whatever it Takes Ministries, discuss the keys to living a life of real freedom in your soul. For more information on how you can attend Whatever it Takes Ministries weekend intensives, including 4 Days...
Published 05/24/22
Experiencing real freedom from behaviors and thoughts that weigh down your soul is possible, even though many people don't believe it because of their personal experience with repeated cycles of failure. On this episode, Phil Fretwell and Paul Speed, co-founder of Whatever it Takes Ministries, discuss the keys to living a life of real freedom.  For more information on how you can attend Whatever it Takes Ministries weekend intensives, including 4 Days 2 Freedom (for men) and 4 Days 2 Hope...
Published 05/15/22
Many people live their lives in a prison of triggers, always trying to manage, avoid or deny what they're feeling when they experience something that reminds them of emotional pain from the past. Rather than managing triggers, Phil and Priscilla discuss how you can walk free from them by honestly discussing, evaluating, and getting rid of things that can keep you from enjoying your everyday life.  To learn more about Phil and Priscilla's story, their new book, Savage Marriage: Triumph over...
Published 04/26/22
God is with us wherever we go, but somehow we think this doesn't mean the bedroom! Have you and your spouse ever considered inviting the Holy Spirit into your intimate moments? When John 16:13 says the Holy Spirit will lead you into "all the truth," this means all - even truth about your sex life! Join Phil and Priscilla as they transparently unpack what it means to enjoy spirit-led sexual intimacy. If you're looking to move your sex life from mediocre to marvelous, this podcast is for you!
Published 02/08/22
The intimacy in your marriage will never be more than your transparency. Join Phil and Priscilla Fretwell as they talk about how they became HOT (Honest, Open, and Transparent) every day with each other, their family and their friends. 
Published 01/15/22
Previous relationships can rob you of experiencing true intimacy with your spouse. Join Phil and Priscilla as they share how to identify these intimacy robbers, and get rid of them, so that you and your spouse can be free to create beautiful new memories of one another.
Published 11/01/21
Sexual baggage from previous relationships or things that you've done can be a real problem in your marriage. These memories can steal moments of true intimacy that are meant only for you and your spouse. Join Phil and Priscilla as they discuss how to get rid of your sexual baggage so you can develop true intimacy with your spouse. Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Instagram! Check out Phil and Priscilla at http://www.savagemarriageministries.com.
Published 10/01/21
In chapter one, we’ll share, in our own voices, how ten years into our marriage, we dealt with disappointment and despair caused by pornography, not knowing that this was only the beginning of the real trauma and grief that we would experience eighteen years later. Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Instagram! Check out Phil and Priscilla on http://www.savagemarriageministries.com.
Published 09/23/21