After experiencing God's healing in our marriage, we wanted to share with others what He had done for us. It gave purpose to our pain, and every opportunity we had to share reminded us of what God had done. But this meant that we had to sometimes share very personal details of our journey. As we did this, we gave other couples "permission" to transparently share their stories. This mutual vulnerability created beautiful relationships as we became intimately known to others in a God-honoring...
Published 06/04/24
After going through the pain of betrayal, many couples struggle with whether, when and how to reengage again sexually. In fact, some studies suggest that 20-30% of all couples live in a sexless marriage. Is it really possible to create new feelings of sexual desire and intimacy after suffering the pain of betrayal? Or to create sexual intimacy that never existed before? Join us as we read Chapter 11 of our award-winning book, Savage Marriage, Triumph over Betrayal and Sexual Addiction....
Published 05/21/24
In Part 1 of Rey and Jane's story, Jane described how she forgave Rey for a 10-year relationship he had with her sister. Rey described how it was so hard for him to accept Jane's forgiveness, believing that forgiveness was only for people who were better than him. Today, you're going to hear how this path of mercy, grace and forgiveness took them toward becoming battle partners. It's an amazing story, and you don't want to miss it! We've served with Rey and Jane for the past five years at...
Published 05/07/24
We first heard Rey and Jane Alvarenga's story 7 years ago, and it was instrumental in helping us believe that God could rescue our marriage, no matter how big the pit was that we had dug. Today, we're so pleased to introduce Rey and Jane to you. We've served with them for the past five years at weekend intensives with Whatever it Takes Ministries, and they are real, raw and share transparently about what God's done in their marriage and family. So, if you need a fresh touch from God in...
Published 04/30/24
When you hear the word "temptation", what feelings do you have? Sin? Failure? Frustration? All these feelings are normal, because few people know how to escape from temptation. Join us for this podcast, where we share with you the game changers in our marriage that have allowed us to understand that temptation is a testing, but doesn't need to necessarily lead to sin. If temptation has created fear and insecurities in your marriage, you don't want to miss this one! Phil and...
Published 04/16/24
After going through the pain of betrayal, many couples settle for just getting back to a functional marriage, but not one that's emotionally intimate. Is it really possible to recover feelings of emotional connection? Or to create emotional intimacy that never existed before? Join us as we read Chapter 10 of our award-winning book, Savage Marriage, Triumph over Betrayal and Sexual Addiction. You'll discover what we found out - that empathy and compassion are the gateways to emotional...
Published 04/04/24
We'd always believed that emotional and sexual intimacy were the keys to a great marriage. But when our marriage broke down after 28 years, we wondered what happened. Was it possible that there was more to marriage than emotional and sexual intimacy, and we had missed it all these years? Join us as we read Chapter 9 of our award-winning book, Savage Marriage, Triumph over Betrayal and Sexual Addiction. You'll discover what we found out - that spiritual intimacy with one another was the...
Published 02/25/24
We had a lot of ground together after Phil "came clean" seven years ago. Our 28 year marriage was functional, but we still felt like roommates, always wanting more, but settling for less. And we thought everyone else was in the same boat. But seven years ago, we discovered three things that have made all the difference, and we believe these three things can take you from feeling like roommates, to sensing fulfillment and intimacy again. Join us as we discuss our journey, and how you can...
Published 02/13/24
Have you ever struggled with intruding thoughts that seen to take you hostage, dictating how you will think, feel and act? Well, we sure did! Join us as we read Chapter 8 of our award winning book, Savage Marriage, Triumph over Betrayal and Sexual Addiction. You'll see that not every thought in your mind is yours! We encourage you to share this podcast with a friend and subscribe so you don't miss an episode. You'll be glad you did! Phil and Priscilla Resources: If you'd like to have...
Published 01/30/24
We receive lots of feedback on our book, Savage Marriage: Triumph over Betrayal and Sexual Addiction, and sometimes there are some strong emotional responses, like when someone says their spouse threw our book across the room or out the window. So, what do we say when we hear reactions like this? We say, Hallelujah! At least what's been on the inside is coming out! The first step toward recovery is to show what requires restoration, and the emotional and physical manifestations of inward...
Published 01/19/24
We're releasing the audio version of our award-winning book, Savage Marriage: Triumph Over Betrayal and Sexual Addiction, chapter by chapter, every few weeks on this podcast! If you're someone who'd rather listen to the story than read it (complete with all our emotions on full display), this podcast is for you! In Chapter 7, "Freedom from Shame," Phil and Priscilla learn that to start the journey forward, they need to take a journey backward...to what happened in their childhood...to...
Published 01/01/24
We're releasing the audio version of our award-winning book, Savage Marriage: Triumph Over Betrayal and Sexual Addiction, chapter by chapter, every few weeks on this podcast! If you're someone who'd rather listen to the story than read it (complete with all our emotions on full display), this podcast is for you! In Chapter 6, "Confessing Secret Sins", Phil and Priscilla detail their painful confessions with their five children, with their three adult children describing (in their own...
Published 12/11/23
We're releasing the audio version of our award-winning book, Savage Marriage: Triumph Over Betrayal and Sexual Addiction, chapter by chapter, every few weeks on this podcast! If you're someone who'd rather listen to the story than read it (complete with all our emotions on full display), this podcast is for you! In Chapter 5, Phil describes how he attends 4 Days 2 Freedom and learns how humility is the key to unlocking the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome his past, his addictions, and...
Published 11/29/23
While talking about porn has become mainstream in many churches, using the "M" word - masturbation - hasn't. Even mentioning it seems to evoke feelings of shame, with many people choosing less offensive words, like "solo sex" or "self-pleasuring". But masturbation has real effects on our body, soul, and spirit, and realizing freedom from the associated idol of lust is not only possible, but probable for people committed to doing whatever it takes to find help. Join Phil and Priscilla on...
Published 11/21/23
We're releasing the audio version of our award-winning book, Savage Marriage: Triumph Over Betrayal and Sexual Addiction, chapter by chapter, every few weeks on this podcast! If you're someone who'd rather listen to the story than read it (complete with all our emotions on full display), this podcast is for you! In Chapter 4, Priscilla describes how her healing began at 4 Days 2 Hope, and how God showed her what it meant to forgive by faith. It was where Priscilla began to see her own...
Published 11/15/23
We're releasing the audio version of our award-winning book, Savage Marriage: Triumph Over Betrayal and Sexual Addiction, chapter by chapter, every few weeks on this podcast! If you're someone who'd rather listen to the story than read it (complete with all our emotions on full display), this podcast is for you! In Chapter 3, Phil and Priscilla describe how Phil "came clean'', beginning the painful journey toward healing. Through the emotional sharing, Priscilla agrees to help Phil "get...
Published 11/07/23
"Date Night" has become almost a required step for every couple to have a successful marriage, promising emotional bliss for couples who'll stay committed to one night a week alone. And when date night doesn't work, some couples throw in more sex, following programs like the "30-day Sex Challenge". Yet, we meet many couples whose marriages are struggling, while they're religiously having date nights (and trying to have more sex). We were one of those couples for twenty-eight years, unable...
Published 10/30/23
We're releasing our audio version of our award-winning book, Savage Marriage Triumph Over Betrayal and Sexual Addiction, chapter by chapter, every few weeks on this podcast! If you're someone who'd rather listen to the story than read it (complete with all our emotions on full display), this podcast is for you! In Chapter 2, Phil and Priscilla describe how Phil's sin continued to grow, and how Priscilla was affected - even though she didn't know what was going on with Phil. Through the...
Published 10/24/23
We're releasing our audio book chapter by chapter, every few weeks on this podcast! If you're someone who'd rather listen to the story than read it (complete with all our emotions on full display), this podcast is for you! Share it with a friend, and subscribe so you don't miss an episode. You'll be glad you did! And if you don't want to wait for all the chapters to be released, you can buy the hardcopy book on Amazon. Also, join our Savage Marriage Community at SavageMarriageMinistries.com....
Published 10/17/23
If you are a husband, you may have been intimated with the idea that husbands are the "head" of the wife. If you are a wife, you may have been appalled with how your husband has wanted to sometimes rule over you, like you didn't really have a voice or significance. But do you really know what the Bible means when it says the husband is the head of the wife? Well, we didn't! In fact, it's only been recently that we've deconstructed this passage, and it's reinforced what God has shown us in...
Published 09/21/23
Accountability groups have been around for decades and seem to represent the essential pedigree for a good Christian man wanting to show others he's serious about his walk with God. But what happens when men in these groups continue to experience unwanted sexual behavior, sometimes for years, with no apparent improvement? And what about their wives, who are trusting that this band of brothers will result in true deliverance for their husbands, even when the wives don't really know what goes...
Published 07/24/23
Did you know that about two-thirds of Christian men and about one-third of Christian women say they have an ongoing struggle with porn? Did you know that only about 7% of churches offer any type of support resources in this area for their congregations? Join Phil and Priscilla, as they talk with their guest, Sam Black, Director of Recovery Education at Covenant Eyes, and author of "The Healing Church: What Churches Get Wrong About Pornography, And How to Fix It." Sam has used his...
Published 07/13/23
When marriages are in crisis, the question of which counselor to use, or whether you should change counselors, is a tough one. It's full of emotion, and sometimes a lot of history. Join Phil and Priscilla today as they unpack this thorny issue and share with you questions that you should be asking about your counselor...and also about yourselves. Phil and Priscilla's book, Savage Marriage: Triumph over Betrayal and Sexual Addiction, is a first place winner of a 2023 Christian Indie Award...
Published 06/01/23
Nothing is more discouraging than facing a relapse after you've experienced freedom. But a lot of people experience relapse, and it isn't the end of their story. In fact, God wants to show you His plan for overcoming not only the disappointment of relapse, but also for living in freedom afterward. Yes, the cycle of relapse can make you want to give up, but God can show you a path forward, and how He can rescue you from every temptation. Join Phil and Priscilla as they share how they dealt...
Published 05/05/23