Chinese hot pot(FS 61) - 中国の火鍋(FS 61)
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In this episode, Mayu reveals her secret to elevating your everyday hot pot with special sauces that add delightful variations. - 都丸真由さんの『オーストラリアで食べる』。第61回目は、日本でもオーストラリアでも大人気、中国の火鍋。都丸家の病みつき火鍋と、特性ダレとともにご紹介します。
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The final stage of the government's anti-vaping law goes into effect today , making it illegal to sell vapes other than for therapeutic purposes. - 医療目的以外のVAPE(電子タバコ)の販売が本日より違法となりました。
Published 07/01/24
The first of July marks the start of the new financial year, and with it a range of new measures come into affect. The changes will affect issues as diverse as energy bills, live music venues - and where you can buy a vape. -...
Published 07/01/24