Want to know the real fast track to success? Learn straight from the mouth of a woman who earned her PhD by the age of 23 on today's episode!
Published 11/29/19
This soil scientist excels in more than one role...winning awards, standing out in her field and taking care of her little one at home!
Published 11/22/19
Are you a Jill Of All Trades? The kind of person that is just good at everything? Then this episode was made just for you...
Published 11/15/19
Giving you my perspective on the differences and similarities among mentors, advisors, and sponsors in this episode.
Published 11/08/19
Chandra Harvey is CEO and co-founder of ESTEAAM, a former National Society of Black Engineers Jr. Club. She shares about industry, internships, working with learning difficulties, grant writing, and more.
Published 11/08/19
Having benefited from a lot of great science and research programs, Paige Cooper has now become an instrumental part of building out and maintaining these programs in different locations around the United States.
Published 11/08/19
Coding, engineering AND law...Lisa Neal-Graves is the living example that you don't have to choose any ONE thing. How does she make it all work together? Listen in to find out more!
Published 11/08/19
Here's a real heart-to-heart for you! I let you know about my background and why this show is soooo important to me.
Published 11/01/19