It's time for another "original vs remake". This time we set our sights on two films inspired by the grandfather of science fiction, H.G. Wells. The 1953 version of War of the Worlds is considered a classic of the genre, but how does it hold up today? Can Steven Spielberg's 2005 rendition survive the scrutiny of an analytical revisit? We cover alien space travel, whether the Earth was indeed created in six days, and the wonderfully abrupt "deus ex bacteria" ending. All this and more on the...
Published 01/14/20
It wasn't difficult to choose the movies for our first Christmas episode. Not only does Joe Dante's Gremlins (1984) hold up as a supremely entertaining movie, but it's also a truly impressive blend of comedy, horror, science fiction, and Christmas movie. But how would the "three rules" actually work in reality? What qualifies as "after midnight"? Heck, what technically qualifies as "eating"?!? And let's talk a bit about that infamous microwave sequence.And it only made sense to match Gremlins...
Published 12/22/19
This week we present our first ever LIVE SHOW! Scott and Steven ply their trade at Other Worlds Film Festival in Austin, TX, where they discuss 1979 fan favorite Time After Time (aka the movie in which H.G. Wells chases Jack the Ripper into modern-day San Francisco). Join us as we open the massive can of worms that is cinematic time travel, with the participation of a group of smart and savvy science fiction fans. Can your limbs really disappear in real time if someone cuts them off in the...
Published 12/08/19
In 1938, John W. Campbell Jr. wrote a scary sci-fi story called "Who Goes There?"  That story caught the eye of producer Howard Hawks, who adapted the tale into a 1951 feature film called The Thing From Another World, which blew the mind of a kid named John Carpenter, who would get to direct his own adaptation in 1982, which is still so beloved that Universal tried to do sort of a remake that was really a prequel in 2011. Which of the three is the best version? You may think you know the...
Published 11/25/19
How likely is it that humans can catch horrible diseases from adorable monkeys? Are those big, shiny decontamination suits all that effective? Can deadly snot work its way through the ventilation system of a crowded theater? These questions and more (even some intelligent ones) as Scott and Steven do the SvF treatment on Outbreak (1995) and Contagion (2011), two very different takes on one very scary scenario. And we have a guest! Dr. Vincent DeGennaro (yep, Steven's brother) is an...
Published 11/11/19
Do Leprechauns have gold testicles? What would happen if you shot Jason into the heart of the sun? Why are McDonald's french fries so fluffy? We answer these and other deeply scientific questions as we discuss two of the first horror franchises to go into outer space for some reason.
Published 10/27/19
On this episode we discuss a pair of very well-regarded science fiction films that deal with dazzling deep space voyages full of countless dangers, great actors, hard science, amazing special effects, and lots of unresolved daddy issues. It's Interstellar vs. Ad Astra!
Published 10/13/19
Scott and Steven take a short break from the normal SVF format to bring you a breakdown of the best science fiction films they saw at Fantastic Fest 2019 -- and there are a lot of them. (We also cover some non-sci-fi as well.) Grab a pen for this episode because you're going to want to keep an eye out for most of these movies... like the creepy Lovecraft adaptation that stars Nicolas Cage! As always, thanks for the support. Spread the word if you like the show! Thank you, Fantastic Fest! 
Published 10/06/19
A young man survives a horrible tragedy only to discover that his body is now under the control of a nefarious force.That basic plot synopsis covers both Venom and Upgrade, but beyond that (as in the arenas of scientific justification, quality filmmaking, clever ideas, and intelligent storytelling) they couldn't be more different. Listen in as Scott and Steven discuss the relative merits of each movie, the science of parasites vs. computer implants, and which movie is a whole lot better than...
Published 09/29/19
What do Sunshine (2007) and Event Horizon (1997) have in common? Well, both movies are about doomed space missions and the terrible mysteries surrounding their failures. Beyond that they couldn't really be more different. (Also they both have great ensemble casts.) Scott and Steven settle in for a highly entertaining double feature full of black holes, crazy science, and a whole bunch of interstellar terror.As always, thanks for listening.
Published 09/08/19
Things get a little shaky between Steven and Scott as they discuss the relative assets of Roland Emmerich's big, fat blender of a disaster movie, 2012 (2009), but then they find a lot of common ground with the fantastic 2015 Norwegian import called The Wave. Precisely how do earthquakes cause tsunamis? What are neutrinos? Which movie has the sillier science? Do disaster movies always have to be, well, stupid? We tackle all of these questions (and a lot more) in this disastrous episode of...
Published 08/25/19
If you love volcanoes, prepare for your new favorite episode of Science vs Fiction. Not only do Scott and Steven discuss 1997's warring lava movies, Dante's Peak and Volcano, but they've also invited a guest along! Geologist / volcanologist Jess Phoenix (of the excellent podcast Catastrophe!) is not only an expert, educator, and the founder of Blueprint Earth, but she's also a huge movie geek who really knows her stuff. ---Thanks for listening! To support SvF financially -- and enjoy some...
Published 08/11/19
Is the Cloverfield monster truly from outer space? Can formaldehyde actually turn fish into elephant-sized tadpoles? How large can a kaiju get before its legs simply break? Scott and Steven pose these science-adjacent questions (and more) in a mega-monstrous episode that spends time with found footage favorite Cloverfield (2008) and the frankly fantastic South Korean import The Host (2006).
Published 08/04/19
When is a pilot episode not a pilot episode? When the network decides to bury the actual pilot episode and commands the writers to bang out another one in a big hurry. Seriously. That's what happened on The Train Job.Enjoy this excerpt from our Firefly commentary patron series! 
Published 07/28/19
While it's true that James Cameron's Aliens (1986) has very little in common with Paul Verhoeven's Starship Troopers (1997) in tone, style, presentation, and possibly even genre, they do have similar stories: humans land on an unfriendly planet and are required to fend off waves of insectile alien creatures. But they may have more in common than that. Plus all the science! Steven and Scott cover alien biology, high-tech load-lifters, and full-scale outer space missile craziness.
Published 07/21/19
Here's an excerpt from our first patron (aka subscriber) episode. We'll be publishing patron episodes on our off weeks in between regular episodes, and here's a free sample! For the rest of this episode (in which Scott & Steven discuss the amazing Firefly pilot for 90+ minutes) head on over to patreon.com/scottEweinberg and support the show! Thanks. In addition to Firefly commentaries we'll also be doing interviews, "TV show vs. TV show" episodes, and all sorts of amusing stuff. If you...
Published 07/18/19
The summer of 1998 gave us two wildly different movies about meteors/comets coming really close to destroying all of humanity -- but are Deep Impact and Armageddon really all that different? Yes. Yes, they are. Steven and Scott compare these two blockbusters in terms of cinematic quality, entertainment value, and of course scientific veracity. You'll never guess which movie gets better science grades.
Published 07/07/19
On the inaugural episode of Science vs Fiction, Scott and Steven tell you a little bit about themselves before discussing two movies about humanity's first contact with alien life. 2016's Arrival (starring Amy Adams) and 1996's The Arrival (starring Charlie Sheen) have similar titles but VERY different ways of approaching the subject, both artistically and scientifically. Which is the better film? Which is more scientifically accurate? Listen to Science vs Fiction Episode 1 to find out!
Published 06/27/19