You’ll sometimes hear the expression (usually delivered with a touch of sarcasm), “She thinks she’s God’s gift to mankind.” But the fact is, we should recognise that God really has given us a gift when he gives us the right kind of leaders. Join us as we take a look at Ephesians 4:1-16 together in a sermon titled "God's Gift to His People".
Published 01/14/24
The second chapter of Genesis gives us a tantalising glimpse of an unspoiled world, with God, mankind and creation in harmony. That’s not the world we live in now, but it does give a hint of what ultimate meaning and satisfaction might look like!
Published 01/07/24
What better time than the start of a new year to look back to the Bible’s account of our origins. God’s intention was for a humanity that would bear his image and share his gracious rule over the creation - a grand start to the larger story of the mess we made, and the ‘second Adam’ who cleans it up. Join us as we take a look at Genesis 1 and 1 Corinthians 15:45-49 together in a sermon titled "New Beginnings".
Published 01/04/24
Scots' is delighted to welcome Rev Dr Graham Cole back this Sunday as we take a look at 1 Peter 1:3-16 together in a sermon titled "Hope Matters".
Published 12/10/23
The reason why Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians has become the standard for the Lord's Supper is because he sets out the meaning of the bread and the wine so succinctly. However, there is much to learn from and much to consider in from other accounts such as Luke's to give us more context and background to this key event.
Published 12/03/23
With Jesus, it’s never a case of do as I say, not as I do. He always models in himself what he wants us to do. He is among us, as the one who serves, who values the lives of others ahead of his own life. Join us as we take a look at Luke 22:24-27 and 23:32-46 in a sermon titled "Among Us as the One Who Serves".
Published 11/26/23
For Scots' Mission Awareness Sunday on 19 November 2023, Louise Campbell interviews the Ramsays through Zoom. Adam and Helane have been doing God's work in Chiba City, Japan. Join us for the fascinating perspective of navigating life as Christians in Japan!
Published 11/23/23
There’s an infamous (but true) story of a church in Scotland that was so badly divided that they built a wall between the two halves of the congregation. But the Apostle Paul is clear - Christian maturity will always mean unity, as we build one another up in love. Join us as we take a look at Ephesians 4:1-16 in a sermon titled "No Walls Will Divide".
Published 11/19/23
Scots' is delighted to welcome Rev Mike Raiter back for this week's Remembrance Sunday. Join us as we take a look at Micah 4:1-5 and Mark 13:1-13 in a sermon titled "And Wars Will be no More".
Published 11/12/23
The voice of creation speaks loudly of God’s invisible qualities; the voice of Scripture restores our souls. Our own voices should respond to the gospel with confession and trust. This week, please join us in welcoming Dr Murray Capill as the guest minister, as we take a look at Psalm 19 and Romans 1:16-23 in a sermon titled "Three Powerful Voices"
Published 11/05/23
Two weeks ago, we looked at Jesus’ parable dealing with the question of judgement. Last week we looked at the parable dealing with the critical question of forgiveness. So now, let’s look at Jesus’ parable of the labourers in the vineyard. This week, join us as we take a look at Matthew 19:29-20:16 in a sermon titled "A Question of Entitlement"
Published 10/29/23
The kingdom of heaven is a concept that has many different facets to it. We might also think of it as a kaleidoscope. In today’s parable, the kaleidoscope has been rotated, as Jesus reveals a new pattern to us – a pattern about debt, and the forgiveness of debt.
Published 10/22/23
Phil Court returns this week with "Put to the Test" with readings from Matthew 3:13-17 & 4:1-11!
Published 10/08/23
Sometimes we’re told that if we just enough faith, everything will go well for us. But when Saul was converted on the road to Damascus, Jesus warned that a road of hardship lay ahead. Maybe that should adjust our own daily expectations. Join us as we take a look at Acts 9:15-16 and 19-31 in a sermon titled "A Fugitive for the Faith."
Published 10/01/23
In a famous song, Bob Dylan asked “How many roads must a man walk down before you call him a man.” Whatever the answer, Saul, persecutor of Christians, finds himself on the wrong road as he faces a dramatic turnaround. This was the first Christian “conversion” – and it certainly wasn’t the last!
Published 09/24/23
This week, together with Rev Phil Court join us as we take a look at Micah 6:6-8 and Mark 7:1-8, 14-23 in a sermon titled "The Trap of Tradition"
Published 09/17/23
This week, join us together with Rev Phil Court as we take a look at Matthew 4:18-22 and 9:9-14 in a sermon titled "The Apostles: A Motley Crew"
Published 09/10/23
Join us in welcoming back Rev Phil Court as our guest speaker this week. Let's take a look at John 6:48-71 together in a sermon titled "To Whom Shall We Go?"
Published 09/03/23
We welcome Rev Graham Cole as our guest speaker this week! Professing Christians are now a minority in Australia. Social change is dizzying. The sermon addresses the question , What does it mean to follow Christ amidst such flux? Join us as we take a look at Jeremiah 29:4-7 and Matthew 15:13-16 together in a sermon titled "seeking the welfare of the city"
Published 08/27/23
We welcome Rev Luke Tattersall as guest preacher this week! Guilt can be a powerful thing ... and sometimes, a burden that we carry with us. As he writes Psalm 32, David helps us understand guilt, and how to deal with it. Join us as we take a look at Psalm 32 together in a sermon titled "Forgiveness"
Published 08/20/23
Philip the Evangelist finds himself called to the desert with a man doubtly-unlikely to find inclusion in God's kingdom. But just as we discover today, allegiance to Jesus can create unlikely bonds between his people. Join us as we take a look at Acts 8:26-40 together in a sermon titled "Radical Inclusion"
Published 08/13/23
When news about Jesus crosses the border, Simon the Samaritan Sorcerer risks losing his reputation as the greatest miracle worker in town. When he bids to buy a franchise in the Holy Spirit business, he’s quickly rebuffed - as a reminder that we’re in the business of making Jesus look great, rather than seeking glory for ourselves. Join us as we take a look at Acts 8:1-25 together in a sermon titled "Not For Sale!"
Published 08/06/23
This week, join Rev Phil Court as we take a look at Psalms 84:1-12 and Philippians 4:4-13 in a sermon titled "The Gift That Keeps on Giving"
Published 07/30/23
We live in an uncertain world facing an uncertain future. In many places Christians face attacks from without and compromises from within. The book of Revelation provides hope and comfort assuring us that God is in control. As we here at Scots' welcome back Rev Mike Raiter, please join us in taking a look at Revelations 4 and 5 together in a sermon titled "God Will Win"!
Published 07/23/23
As Stephen concludes the speech in his own defence, he reminds the Jewish Council that Idolatry is always disastrous, no matter what shape the idol. Israel has a bad track record - they’ve always been inclined to worship the things they’ve made, whether a golden calf in the wilderness, or a temple building in Jerusalem. Join us as we take a look at Acts 7:39-8:1 together in a sermon titled "Don't Worship the Work of Your Hands!".
Published 07/16/23