Angry Herod, the Roman Tetrarch, likes to be called “King”, even though he only controls a quarter of the Kingdom. In fact, he even likes to be praised as “a god.” That puts him at odds with the growing but unimpressive group who people now call “the Christians.” It’s a clash of the kingdoms, and though it sometimes doesn’t look like it in the short term, The Lord Jesus is firmly in control. Join us as we take a look at Acts 12 for part 3 of our mini series "Jesus for Gentiles" in "Who Runs...
Published 06/09/24
Have you ever had great expectations for something and it turned out to be a disappointment? When Jesus returns to his hometown, what will his own people discover about Joseph’s son? Join us as we take a look at Luke 4:14-44, Genesis 12:1-3 in "Being on the Outer".
Published 06/02/24
Published 06/02/24
When Peter returns to Jerusalem with fresh insights from his visit to Cornelius, others are unpersuaded. Barnabas, though, has a better perspective - when he sees the inclusive grace of God at work, he’s glad! Sometimes it’s hard to celebrate when God adds to his family, but we’re called to stretch our boundaries of friendship and keep on including who he does. Join us as we take a look at Acts 11:1-30 in "Celebrating Grace".
Published 05/26/24
Sometimes our food choices are just preferences, and other times they’re cultural or religious markers. As we resume our series in Acts, Chief Apostle Peter has to come to terms with the new reality that Gentiles (like us) are welcome to join in following Jesus - and that means his old ideas of ‘clean and unclean’ will need to change, not just with his lunch menu, but with people as well. Join us as we take a look at Acts 10:9-23, 28-45 in "We Are What We Eat".
Published 05/19/24
As we finish our series, “Dark Cloud, Deep Mercy,” we reflect on how lament encourages us to trust God through the trials and sufferings of life.
Published 05/13/24
What happens when our prayers go unanswered? When it feels like God is silent? In our third instalment of ‘Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy’, we consider the need to bring our requests to God and to bring them boldly.
Published 05/10/24
How do you respond when you have been burned because someone else burned to do you wrong? As we continue our series, ‘Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy’, it is worth reflecting on the importance of bringing our complaints to God.
Published 04/28/24
In times of chaos and disorder, we can become overwhelmed with life. Where is God? Does He care? Is He even listening? Will He do something? We begin a four part series “Dark Cloud, Deep Mercy” where we explore God’s gift of lament to his people.
Published 04/21/24
Does the idea that God is inescapable, and that he knows your inmost thoughts, strike you as bad news? Or is it the best news you ever heard? What if God knows exactly what you’re like, but loves you anyway?
Published 04/14/24
Consider this, how good are our spiritual foundations? Because that’s what Jesus is driving at in Matthew 7. Do we embrace and live out all the words of Jesus, or do we just pick and choose the words we want to hear? Do we sentimentally hang on to his comforting words, while discarding his more challenging words? Join us as we take a look at Matthew 7:12-29 together in a sermon titled "Founded on the Rock"!
Published 04/07/24
While repetition can be boring and unnecessary, Easter is one of those wonderful instances when repetition is much needed and very much worth it. It’s another chance to see Jesus, again. In other words, the risen Jesus presents himself in word and deed to all humanity and gives us yet another chance to meet him. Join us as we take a look at Luke 24:1-49 together in a sermon titled "Another Opportunity to Meet Jesus Again".
Published 03/31/24
On the first “Good Friday,” everyone is having their say about Jesus. In the end, the verdict is cast, and it’s The Peoples’ Choice. But no matter what others think and say about him, God will have the final word. Join us as we take a look at Luke 23:13-49 together in a sermon titled "The Peoples' Choice".
Published 03/29/24
As we celebrate Palm Sunday, it is an opportunity for us to remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. But as Jesus enters the city, what will he find? Will those around Jesus recognise him as King?
Published 03/24/24
As we draw near to Easter, it’s an opportunity for us to reflect on who Jesus is and what his kingship means for us. In Luke 19, Jesus the King draws near to Jerusalem but will his kingdom appear immediately? Join us as we take a look at Luke 19:1-27 together in a sermon titled "The King Draws Near".
Published 03/17/24
This week we conclude our series in Genesis with God’s very famous covenant with Abraham - a promise of a land, a people, and blessing for all the nations of the world. In our current political climate, this passage is still a ‘hot potato’ - ultimately only resolved when we understand the New Testament’s claims that all these promises find their focus and fulfilment in Jesus Christ. Join us as we take a look at Genesis 11 and 12 together in a sermon titled "Blessing Indeed".
Published 03/10/24
If you’ve ever wanted to ‘make a name for yourself’ and see your name live on in posterity, you’re not alone. The builders of the Tower of Babel had the same plan. But God, as it happens, has other plans – he’s going to ‘make a name’ through the line that leads to Christ Jesus, who gave his life in service. Join us as we take a look at Genesis 10 and 11 together in a sermon titled "What's in a Name?"
Published 03/03/24
Godly leaders can be hard to find. It can also be difficult to know what exactly to look for in Christian pastors. Should they be creative or consistent, rigorous or relaxed, visionary or detailed? The short letter to Titus puts the importance of godly leadership before us and prioritizes two things: people who can teach the gospel and exhibit godly character. It is through these means that God supplies godly leaders for his church. Join us this as we take a look at Titus 1:1-9 together in a...
Published 02/25/24
While some problems can be solved by a quick ‘reboot’, the human condition leaves us with a problem that’s somehow more profound. While the Genesis flood narrative shares elements with other ancient accounts, the diagnosis is different, and the solution more elusive. Ultimately, only Jesus can help. Join us as we take a look at Genesis 6 to 9 together in a sermon titled "Heart Condition".
Published 02/18/24
As we celebrate the foundational work of our forefathers in establishing our church, it’s important that we look further back – to our foundation on Jesus Christ himself. But what will that mean in practice?
Published 02/11/24
In what could be called one of the dullest chapters of the Bible, we trace the family line from Adam through Seth, where it seems death always wins. What hope is there in life outside the garden? It turns out that the line of Seth offers the only ultimate hope.
Published 02/04/24
What’s life like outside the garden of Eden? It’s a place where sin, like an animal, is on the prowl. The story of Cain murdering his brother Abel and then continuing his own family line outside of Eden displays the damaging power of sin. God nonetheless shows undeserved mercy toward Cain and provides another son for Adam and Eve, meaning the promise to provide an approved offspring who will crush the serpent’s head is not undone by human sin.
Published 01/28/24
Our attempts at creating Utopia always seem to fail - which is why “Life sucks, and then you die” has become such a popular creed. Genesis 3 paints a stylised picture of what went wrong, and why the world works in the broken way it does. Is there even a glimmer of hope?
Published 01/21/24
You’ll sometimes hear the expression (usually delivered with a touch of sarcasm), “She thinks she’s God’s gift to mankind.” But the fact is, we should recognise that God really has given us a gift when he gives us the right kind of leaders. Join us as we take a look at Ephesians 4:1-16 together in a sermon titled "God's Gift to His People".
Published 01/14/24
The second chapter of Genesis gives us a tantalising glimpse of an unspoiled world, with God, mankind and creation in harmony. That’s not the world we live in now, but it does give a hint of what ultimate meaning and satisfaction might look like!
Published 01/07/24