In this experimental episode of the Scrum Facilitators Community podcast, Sjoerd Kranendonk reads “It’s actually OK to be a Scrum Purist, and this is why!” by fellow Scrum Facilitator Chee-Hong Hsia. The article explores the concept of being a Scrum purist, and after reading it, Sjoerd adds some of his own thoughts.The article starts off by addressing the perception often associated with being a purist and challenges the negative connotations, emphasizing that adhering strictly to Scrum princ...
Published 07/06/24
In this episode, Sjoerd Kranendonk and Maaike Klasen delve into the nuanced world of coaching within agile frameworks. They discuss the importance of contracting for coaching sessions and the distinctions between general coaching, professional coaching, and Agile coaching. Emphasizing the emotional dynamics within teams, they explore the complexities and approaches to both individual and team coaching, highlighting the significance of shared goals in team coaching versus the personalized focu...
Published 07/05/24
In the latest Scrum Facilitators Community podcast, host Sjoerd Kranendonk and guest Anita Kalmane-Boot discuss the importance of neurodiversity in teams. Anita shares insights on recognizing and leveraging the strengths of neurodivergent team members, and emphasizes the benefits for all team members in creating an inclusive and understanding work environment. They highlight the need for open discussions about personal working styles and team dynamics, fostering better collaboration and psych...
Published 06/14/24
Steve and Andy discuss blog posts that have caught their attention on Scrum.org & Prokanban.org In this episode they talk about “A New Era in Collaboration: Asynchronous Meetings” By Mehmet Yitmen and “Trying to Keep things Simple - ‘Ready’” by Paul Ralton Links and Sources: A New Era in Collaboration: Asynchronous Meetings - https://www.scrum.org/resources/blog/new-era-collaboration-asynchronous-meetingsTrying to Keep things Simple - ‘Ready’ - ...
Published 08/14/23
Steve and Andy discuss blog posts that have caught their attention on Scrum.org. In this episode they talk about “How to Choose the Right Sprint Length in Scrum” By Staphanie Ockerman and “Agile Principles - Business People & Developers Must work together daily” by Simon Kneafsey. Links and Sources: Stephanie's article on Sprint Length:  https://www.scrum.org/resources/blog/how-choose-right-sprint-length-scrumSimon's article on BizDev collaboration: ...
Published 06/15/23
In this podcast episode, Steve Trapps and Sjoerd Kranendonk discuss the upcoming Scrum Facilitators Conference. The main theme of the conference is original content, ensuring that attendees will experience something new and valuable. The conference aims to create a friendly and inclusive environment, where speakers have the freedom to experiment with different delivery styles. The organizers emphasize their role as facilitators, allowing the community to step forward and share their ideas....
Published 06/07/23
Recorded in Paris, at the Scrum.org Face to Face event for Professional Scrum Trainers (PST). Scrum Facilitators own PST Sjoerd hosts Magdalena Kucharska, Kate Hobler and Pawel Mysliwiec.  In this episode of the Scrum Facilitators Community Podcast, the participants discuss the topic of understanding Scrum and the challenges associated with it. They address the perception that if people don't understand Scrum, the problem may lie within the framework itself. They emphasize that Scrum can be...
Published 06/07/23
Sjoerd speaks with Astrid Poot: artist, rebel, designer - making people happier, stronger and more autonomous. We include many topics and ideas in to the discussion, like ethics in design, the power of great stories, system change and more. Astrid has created lots of tools to simplify the topic of ethics to help people express their values and ideas on ethics, leading to more ethical designs. You can also invite Astrid into your company, to help discuss ethics in design with your...
Published 05/05/23
In this slightly different episode than usual,  Sjoerd and Steve answer some of the questions asked by our Podcast guests over the last year. What did Steve want to become when he was a kid? What was the last thing Sjoerd did for the first time? AND what does Steve commit to and then instantly regret it? Are you working with Scrum/Agile and have similar stories and tips to share? Or do you know someone that you want to voluntell to be a guest? Reach out! [email protected] Also...
Published 01/17/23
Maaike Klasen is a Scrum Master and Professional Coach who is passionate about bringing Professional Coaching insights to Scrum Teams and Scrum Masters. In this episode we explore various Scrum and coaching topics, like adult/child positioning in relationships between people and Scrum Team members. Maaike also elaborates on the importance of trust for feedback (constructive criticism) in collaboration and coaching. We then dive into how Professional Coaching can enhance your Scrum Mastery,...
Published 11/07/22
In this new Scrum Facilitators community podcast episode, Steve Trapps talks to Georgina Shute about being kind to yourself and recognizing that the more you practice being thankful for things the easier it is to see what you should be grateful for. Gina is a digital leader, charity founder and consultant who champions kindness in technology teams. Gina shares her daily tip on feeling fulfilled and noticing what is going on in her life. Gina's talk on Why Neurodiversity and Mental Health...
Published 10/17/22
In this episode Sjoerd chats with Danny de Wild, agile coach and change agent. Danny currently works for Prowareness as a consultant, and has worked in the Dutch Police for many years before, playing a key part in using agile to improve police work. We explore Danny’s personal experiments and lessons, how being a consultant adds a different dynamic to agile coaching from being an internal employee. Expect topics like ownership, culture and how transparency helps improve and collaborate. We...
Published 09/12/22
In this special video episode, Fredrik Wendt discusses a thing that he finds strange in how the Commitments are set up in the current Scrum Guide (SG2020). The Commitments are not all of the same kind, which makes understanding the groupings and how we can use them to improve and guide value delivery (and quality) more difficult for Scrum practitioners. After listening to this episode we hope you walk away with sharper understanding of Scrum's Commitments, their importance AND their...
Published 08/09/22
In the renewed Scrum Facilitators community podcast we talk about Scrum with practitioners in the community. In this episode Steve Trapps talks to Jen Gwilliam  about how she became an awesome and highly respected Agile Coach after starting out in life wanting to be a Veterinarian!  What makes her tick and how does she help teams grow into their full potential; what does she look for in highly effective teams and how does she build trust within the teams? Links and Resources Pia Maria Thoren...
Published 06/28/22
In the renewed Scrum Facilitators community podcast we talk about Scrum with practitioners in the community. In this episode Jasper Alblas talks to Nancy Beers. Nancy is international speaker about play in business and gamification. She is owner of Happy Game Changer and is organizer of Play in Business to which you can win a ticket just by listening to this podcast! Nancy is also Happy Scrum Master working with teams and organisations. In this episode we talk about why it is important to...
Published 06/07/22
In the renewed Scrum Facilitators community podcast we talk about Scrum with practitioners in the community. In this episode Sjoerd Kranendonk talks to Fredrik Wendt. Fredrik is a fellow Professional Scrum Trainer, coach & consultant working with ProAgile.se. We discuss the importance of knowing how to influence and invite change, as well as its relation to Product Ownership and how Product Owners should never walk alone. Do you have a story to share? Or maybe a great Scrum question or...
Published 05/31/22
In the renewed Scrum Facilitators community podcast we talk about Scrum with practitioners in the community. In this episode Jasper Alblas is talking to Wim van Baaren about how Scrum Masters should facilitate change instead of sessions! Also, Wim and I wrote a blog post about this (well, mostly Wim actually) which can be found here. And buy the book that Wim wrote with his son! It can be found on: https://landvandevierbergen.nl/ Do you have a story to share? Get in touch with us at...
Published 04/27/22
In the renewed Scrum Facilitators community podcast we talk about Scrum with practitioners in the community. In this episode Steve Trapps is talking to Rebecca Dainton about her experiences as a non-technical Scrum Master for IT teams. I guess you really need to read Radical Candor since it's the second time it popped up in conversation in the podcast! Do you have a story to share? Get in touch with us at [email protected].
Published 04/18/22
In the renewed Scrum Facilitators community podcast we talk about Scrum with practitioners in the community. In this episode Sjoerd Kranendonk is talking to Vera Lusink about how a culture of feedback is useful when working with teams in complex environments. Check out Vera on LinkedIn and Medium. Some useful links from this podcast: Non-violent communication Workshop Vera and James hosted at Coolblue Books: Radical Candor Being Genuine Nonviolent communication Dare to Lead Connect...
Published 04/05/22
In this episode I (Scrum Facilitator & PST Sjoerd Kranendonk) hang out virtually with David (Dave) Dame. Dave is a Professional Scrum Trainer, Director of Accessibility at Microsoft and someone who I've been longing to give a stage since I've had the pleasure to first meet.  Although he has no trouble finding the stage himself, as you will find out in the links below.  In this chat we talk about Inclusion & Diversity, and how working on it can improve your team, your organization,...
Published 12/14/21
There is a new a new Scrum Guide out - version 2020. What has changed for Scrum teams practicing Kanban?Why is it a good idea to combine Scrum with Kanban?In this video, Kanban (and Scrum) experts Daniel Vacanti and Andy Hiles talk about Scrum and...
Published 01/11/21
De nederlandse audio versie van de Scrum Gids 2020 is ingesproken door Sjoerd Kranendonk voor Scrum Facilitators. Dit is deel 4 van 4, en bevat de volgende onderdelen:Scrum Artefacten & CommitmentsProduct Backlog & Product DoelSprint Backlog...
Published 12/16/20
De nederlandse audio versie van de Scrum Gids 2020 is ingesproken door Sjoerd Kranendonk voor Scrum Facilitators. Dit is deel 3 van 4, en bevat de Gebeurtenissen van Scrum:SprintSprint PlanningDaily ScrumSprint ReviewSprint RetrospectiveDit stuk wordt...
Published 12/09/20
De nederlandse audio versie van de Scrum Gids 2020 is ingesproken door Sjoerd Kranendonk voor Scrum Facilitators. Dit is deel 2 van 4, en bevat de verantwoordelijkheden van Scrum:Scrum TeamDevelopersProduct OwnerScrum MasterDit stuk wordt voorafgegaan...
Published 12/02/20