Katrin Hornek, Karin Pauer, Sabina Holzer, Zosia Hołubowska, and Jeanette Pacher in conversation testing grounds is an immersive live installation conceived by Katrin Hornek and developed in a collaborative process involving artists as well as researchers and scientists from different fields. It addresses the measurable evidence and effects of radioactive fallout dispersed around the world as a result of heavy testing of nuclear weapons, especially during the Cold War era. Listen to the...
Published 09/12/24
Rosa Hausleithner erzählt im Gespräch mit Sophie Thun von ihren Anfängen als Künstlerin, ihrer Zeit an der Akademie in der Bildhauerklasse von Bruno Gironcoli und wie sich ihre Arbeiten von ortspezifischen, skulptural-architektonischen Interventionen zu gemalten Raumkompositionen entwickelt haben. Diese Folge wurde am 7. Juni 2024 im Podcast-Studio der Secession aufgenommen. Rosa Hausleithners polychrome Bildräume formieren sich primär in ihren Gedanken. Als kleine, skizzenhafte...
Published 08/29/24
Published 08/29/24
The black dome of the Secession attracted everyone's attention in June 2024. The work, entitled Statement, was a highly visible symbol of the dignity of black women. It was part of the exhibition Achievement by Cuban artist Susana Pilar Delahante Matienzo, whose work articulates feminist, anti-racist and anti-colonial counter-visions, highlighting the achievements of black women and advocating a form of healing. In this conversation with Bettina Spoerr, recorded on 21 June 2024, the artist...
Published 08/14/24
Zhou Siwei translates the contradictions of living and working in contemporary China into playful, personally fragmented and nonlinear works on canvas and painted objects. This podcast was recorded on 19 June 2024 in the context of the exhibition: Zhou Siwei I Sold What I Grow 21.6. – 8.9.2024 Probing the ambivalence of digital technologies, the unceasing global traffic in goods, and the sleeplessness of the late-capitalist era, Zhou interweaves diverse visual and cultural influences in ways...
Published 08/01/24
In dieser Folge hören Sie den Architekten Hermann Czech im Gespräch mit Andreas Spiegl, aufgezeichnet am 25. April 2024. Hermann Czech ist Ehrenmitglied der Secession und Preisträger des Großen Österreichischen Staatspreises 2024.   Hermann Czech (*1936 in Wien), studierte Architektur an der TH Wien und an der Akademie der bildenden Künste in Wien bei Ernst A. Plischke. 1958 und 1959 nahm er an den Seminaren von Konrad Wachsmann an der Salzburger Sommerakademie teil. Erste architektonische...
Published 07/17/24
This episode is a conversation between Simone Fattal and Jeanette Pacher, the curator of the exhibition. It was recorded on June 19, 2024 in the context of: Simone Fattal metaphorS 21.6. – 8.9.2024 In her exhibition metaphorS, Simone Fattal presents bodies of work from different periods in her career and in a variety of media, including fired clay and ceramic sculptures, paintings, and collages. With her works, she tells stories of humanity, culture, history, and the present. Conflict,...
Published 07/04/24
Secession Podcast: Members ist eine Gesprächsreihe mit Mitgliedern der Secession. In dieser Folge hören Sie die Künstlerin Carola Dertnig im Gespräch mit der Kunsthistorikerin und Kunstkritikerin Sabeth Buchmann, aufgezeichnet am 16. April 2024.   Carola Dertnig lebt und arbeitet in Wien. Seit 2006 leitet sie den Fachbereich Performative Kunst an der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien. Sie nahm 1997 am Whitney Independent Study Program in New York teil und war als Gastprofessorin am...
Published 05/13/24
Secession Podcast: Members ist eine Gesprächsreihe mit Mitgliedern der Secession. Diese Folge ist ein Gespräch zwischen dem Künstler Werner Würtinger und der Künstlerin Claudia Märzendorfer. Das Gespräch wurde während mehrerer Treffen im Jänner und Februar 2024 im Atelier von Werner Würtinger in den Praterateliers aufgezeichnet.   Werner Würtinger (geb. 1941 in Hallein) ist ein Bildhauer, der in Wien lebt und arbeitet. Sein Studium der Bildhauerei schloss er an der Akademie der bildenden...
Published 05/08/24
Secession Podcast: Members is a series of conversations featuring members of the Secession. This episode is a conversation between the member Thomas Feuerstein and the artist Lucie Strecker. It was recorded on February 17, 2024.   Thomas Feuerstein is a visual artist. His oeuvre encompasses sprawling installations, process-based sculptures, drawings, audio plays, and biological and internet art. Central concerns include the conjunction of linguistic, visual, and material elements, the...
Published 04/19/24
Secession Podcast: Artists is a series of conversations featuring artists exhibiting at the Secession. This episode is a conversation between the artist Zach Blas and the curator Christian Lübbert. It was recorded on March 8, 2024 in the context of the exhibition:   Zach Blas CULTUS 8.3. – 9.6.2024   Zach Blas’s practice spans moving image, computation, installation, theory, performance, and fiction. As an artist, filmmaker, and writer, Blas draws out the philosophies and imaginaries residing...
Published 04/04/24
Secession Podcast: Artists is a series of conversations featuring artists exhibiting at the Secession. This episode is a conversation between the artist Imran Perretta and the curator Bettina Spörr. It was recorded on March 8, 2024 in the context of the exhibition: Imran Perrettatears of the fatherland8.3. – 9.6.2024 Imran Perretta’s transdisciplinary practice spans moving image, sound, composition, performance art, and poetry. His works examine questions around power, state surveillance,...
Published 03/18/24
Secession Podcast: Artists is a series of conversations featuring artists exhibiting at the Secession. This episode is a conversation between the curator Joshua Simon, the curator Christian Lübbert (Secession) and the artist Francesco Finizio. It was recorded on February 18, 2024 in the context of the exhibition: SLIMECurated by Joshua Simon16.2. – 30.6.2024 SLIME is a unique hybrid on-line and on-site project about our hybrid realities. Taking place at the Secession as an on-site event and...
Published 02/23/24
Secession Podcast: Members is a series of conversations featuring members of the Secession. This episode is a conversation between the member Dorit Margreiter Choy and the corresponding member Sabine Breitwieser. It was recorded on December 13, 2023. Dorit Margreiter Choy lives and works in Vienna. She studied fine arts at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. Extended study visits and scholarships have brought her to Tokyo, Berlin and Los Angeles, among other places. Her work has been...
Published 02/08/24
Secession Podcast: Members is a series of conversations featuring members of the Secession. This episode is a conversation between the member Marianne in conversation with the members Christine and Irene Hohenbüchler. It was recorded on December 11, 2023. Marianne Maderna (b. 1944) lives and works in Vienna and Lower Austria. Her interdisciplinary installations, environments, and performances grapple with socially relevant concerns that address the human condition and devise novel ways to...
Published 01/15/24
Secession Podcast: Artists is a series of conversations featuring artists exhibiting at the Secession. This episode is a conversation between the Agency of Singular Investigations (Anna Titova and Stanislav Shuripa) and the curator Annette Südbeck. It was recorded on December 15, 2023 in the context of the exhibition: Agency of Singular InvestigationsOn New Thinking And Other Forgotten Dreams1.12.2023 – 25.2.2024 Anna Titova and Stanislav Shuripa founded Agency of Singular Investigations...
Published 12/22/23
Secession Podcast: Artists is a series of conversations featuring artists exhibiting at the Secession. This episode is a conversation between the artist Charlie Prodger and the curator Jeanette Pacher. It was recorded on December 1, 2023 in the context of the exhibition: Charlie ProdgerThe Offering Formula1.12.2023 – 25.2.2024 Charlie Prodger (b.1974) is a Scottish artist working with moving image, photography, sculpture and drawing. She won the 2018 Turner Prize and represented Scotland at...
Published 12/11/23
Secession Podcast: Artists is a series of conversations featuring artists exhibiting at the Secession. This episode is a conversation between the artist collective and association Mai Ling and the curator Christian Lübbert. It was recorded on November 3, 2023 in the context of the exhibition: Mai LingNOT YOUR ORNAMENT15.9. – 12.11.2023 Founded in Vienna in 2019, Mai Ling is an artists’ collective and association dedicated to facilitating dialogues on experiences of racism, sexism, homophobia,...
Published 11/17/23
Secession Podcast: Members is a series of conversations featuring members of the Secession. This episode is a conversation between the members Sabine Bitter and Helmut Weber in conversation with Elke Krasny. It was recorded on October 18, 2023. Sabine Bitter & Helmut Weber live in Vienna and Vancouver. They have worked, primarily in the medium of photography, on the politics of how cities, architectures, and urban territories are negotiated through images since 1994. Recent works on...
Published 11/02/23
Secession Podcast: Artists is a series of conversations featuring artists exhibiting at the Secession. This episode is a conversation between the artist Mykola Ridnyi and the board member and artist Anna Witt. It was recorded on September 15, 2023 in the context of the exhibition: Mykola Ridnyi15.9. – 12.11.2023 Mykola Ridnyi’s generation of Ukrainians grew up in a climate of increasing orientation toward the West and the European Union. This emancipation from Russia found expression in the...
Published 09/21/23
Secession Podcast: Artists is a series of conversations featuring artists exhibiting at the Secession. This episode is a conversation between the artist Chen Chieh-jen and the curator Meiya Cheng and the curator Jeanette Pacher. It was conducted in Mandarin and recorded on June 30, 2023 in the context of the exhibition: Chen Chieh-jenWorn Away30.6. – 3.9.2023 A long-time denizen of Taiwan’s art world, Chen Chieh-jen’s work from the 1980s to the present has been exhibited internationally. To...
Published 08/31/23
Secession Podcast: Members is a series of conversations featuring members of the Secession. This episode is a conversation between the member Florentina Pakosta and the curator Melissa Lumbroso and the curator Jürgen Tabor. It was recorded on May 16, 2022. Florentina Pakosta (b. 1933) is an Austrian artist and pioneer of the feminist avant-garde. Initially active as an artist working with drawing, a socio-critical realism prevailed at first, successively leading through the reduction of forms...
Published 08/17/23
Secession Podcast: Discourse is a series of conversations with a focus on current discourses which the Secession addresses, too. In the first episode, board members Ricarda Denzer and Axel Stockburger discuss the benefits and opportunities of podcasts as a medium based on sound and listening. It was recorded on March 23, 2023. Ricarda Denzer is an artist and teaches at the University of Applied Arts Vienna since 2013, where she graduated with a diploma in graphics in 1993. She has been a...
Published 08/03/23
Secession Podcast: Artists is a series of conversations featuring artists exhibiting at the Secession. This episode is a conversation between the artist Lazar Lyutakov and the curator Annette Südbeck. It was recorded on July 7, 2023 in the context of the exhibition: Lazar Lyutakov1 Million Random Numbers30.6. – 3.9.2023 Many of Lazar Lyutakov’s works appropriate ordinary articles of our modern mass culture and simple industrial products, presenting them in a way that probes their meanings and...
Published 07/20/23
Secession Podcast: Artists is a series of conversations featuring artists exhibiting at the Secession. This episode is a conversation between the artist Delaine Le Bas and the curator Bettina Spörr. It was recorded on June 26, 2023 in the context of the exhibition: Delaine Le BasIncipit Vita Nova. Here Begins The New Life/A New Life Is Beginning30.6. – 3.9.2023 Delaine Le Bas works in a transdisciplinary way: she combines visual, performative and literary practices to create an artistic...
Published 07/04/23