So you want to re-seduce your partner. That’s a good plan. Now just  exactly how are you going to go about doing that?  If money was no  object, then you could fly them some place fantastic for a wonderful  dinner and the have them fall into your arms thanking you for the best  night of their life. Ok, now let’s get back to reality. You not only  have limited financial resources, but also limited time and probably a  whole other bunch of limitations. So what are you going to do?  Well...
Published 05/19/19
Published 05/19/19
When we are trying to seduce our partner once again, we often have a  goal in mind. We’ll know that we’ve been successful in seducing them if  we can find a way to get them into bed. Fantastic – I like having a  clearly stated goal just as much as the next person.  Umm, however, there  may be a problem here. The problem pops up when you think that the way  that you see the world is the same way that your partner sees the world.  In order to seduce them, they have to eventually want to be...
Published 05/14/19
So shall we talk about your sex life?  I don’t mean to get to personal,  but how is it going? Lots of us can think back to when our relationship  with our partner was new and we have very pleasant memories of having  sex with them – the first time, the first time that we did something  new, the first time we did it in a new place, etc.  However, then things  changed.   This podcast is sponsored by Anchor Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dr-jim/message Become a supporter...
Published 05/05/19
Ah, the bed. So much promise is contained by it when we go to bed each  evening; however, how often is that promise fulfilled?  Consider my  situation just a while ago. I found that when my wife and I were going  to bed, we’d both do the normal evening toiletry stuff and then we’d  crawl into bed on our own sides, perhaps read for a bit, then turn the  lights off and the evening was over.  Nice, but not what I’d really call  intimate.   Send in a voice...
Published 05/03/19
When I think about sex, I think about things like cuddling, kissing,  stroking and the intertwining of body parts. There always seems to be a  soft light glowing on the scene that I’m picturing and pleasant music  playing in the background. This is what sex is to me.  However, I’m  willing to admit that perhaps I’m missing a part (perhaps a big part) of  the overall picture. I’ve read about those ladies who get paid to tie  up and abuse guys and I’ve always sorta wondered what was going on...
Published 02/12/19
When we think about what it’s going to take to relight the fire of passion  in our relationship we often feel ourselves getting tired. I mean, this  sure seems like it’s going to take an awful lot of work. Go buy a bunch  of candles, make a dinner reservation at a fancy restaurant, get rid of  the kids / turn off the phones, etc. This is not something that you can  just do at the snap of the fingers.  However, is it possible that we  might be getting this all wrong? Could it be possible to...
Published 02/11/19
Would you like your relationship with your significant other to be  better? I’m willing to bet that the answer to that question is a “yes”.  Ok, so we can both agree that that would be a good thing. However, now  comes the hard question – just how important is making your relationship  better to you?  I’m pretty sure that this question gets a quick “it’s  very important” response from you, but are you being completely  truthful? What is your relationship priority?   Become a supporter of...
Published 02/11/19
So here’s an interesting question for you: just how important is  laughter when you want to seduce your mate? I think that we can all  agree that humor and laughter are very powerful emotions. It takes a lot  to make us laugh and when we do, it can be quite difficult for us to  stop. However, does any of this have anything to do with seduction?  Become a supporter of this podcast: https://anchor.fm/dr-jim/support This podcast is sponsored by Anchor
Published 02/09/19
I can’t say that a single podcast can change the whole world, but just  maybe this one can change a few lives — like yours. Look, I think that I  know what the problem with our relationships is — and even better, I  think I know what needs to be done to fix the problem. It turns out that a relationship between two people is a magical  thing when it first starts — we can think of almost nothing else. Every  moment with the other person is magical and we eagerly anticipate when  we’ll be...
Published 02/08/19
Hmm, as naughty and as exciting as seduction sounds, do any of us really  know what it is. I mean, if I was to ask you for a definition of what  seduction was, what would you tell me? Would you say that it’s a way to  get somebody into bed? Well ok, that’s one possible outcome, but do you  really think that that’s all there is to it? What is this thing that we  call seduction?  Become a supporter of this podcast: https://anchor.fm/dr-jim/support This podcast is sponsored by Anchor
Published 02/08/19