What to do when your child's angry? When your child can't "hear" your calming messages? Anger is a big, challenging emotion for the children experiencing it and for the parents trying to help, support and guide a child through the emotional storm. Listen to the real struggle with special insights from Dr. Marnee Schneider, a pediatric clinical neural psychologist (see her website - https://www.drmschneider.com/) At the Table with Marnee and Lauren
Published 03/17/20
Published 03/17/20
Our goal is to raise children who have strong emotional intelligence, who are resilient, resourceful, flexible and experience joy. The developmental arc of emotional intelligence is to move from the amygdala brain to executive function with "whole brain" thinking. Early Childhood Educators have always known that "play" is the way to self-regulation, to meaning-making and to raising competent, capable, socially respectful children. Here are a few takeaways from a Keynote Presentation I'm doing...
Published 02/11/20
Here's an episode from the Archives talking about Setting Limits with Respect when there is resistance, attitude and pushback from your child. With 5 new tips from Karen: Act with Love; Accept Feelings; Know What You Know; Let Go of False Expectations; Baby Steps
Published 02/04/20
Be inspired by The Be Books and Lauren's message of kindness and positivity. Lauren also shares following her dream as a mom and an author See more about Lauren and The Be Books at www.TheBeBooks.com
Published 01/21/20
In our quest to be "better" in a new year, we often look around and try to get others to change - particularly the all the frustrating things children do. Would you love to change your child's behavior now? I worry that that impatience only adds to escalating frustration and counter-productive responses to kids learning and growing. To us learning and growing! Change requires slowly building and practicing emotional intelligence and cognitive problem-solving skills. It also requires a sense...
Published 01/07/20
I'm excited for Part 2 of my conversation with Alexis Cobo, Computer, Science & Technology Specialist at Pinecrest School in Boca Raton. In this podcast, Alexis shares insights and recommendations for helping children to interact thoughtfully with Artificial Intelligence devices in the home. It's a new world of technology in the home that is not going away so let's help children and families use and engage meaningfully with a new generation of smart devices and toys. Thank you Alexis!!!...
Published 12/31/19
This is not a tech toy shopping list. It's better. It's how children engage and play with technology in order to create thinking and problem solving skills to be innovators and creators. My hope is that, as parents listen to my favorite science & tech specialist, they will learn how thinking and collaboration skills are more essential than ever. Tech is here to stay and we have an exciting opportunity to communicate and guide young children to become thinkers and problem...
Published 12/17/19
Here's a little reminder to step back from holiday stress to think of how your family, even the youngest children, can help others and receive "the gift of giving" from the Archives #Giving and Receiving!
Published 12/10/19
Back from the NAEYC Conference, the National Association for the Education of Young Children, and proud and inspired to be an Early Childhood educator!!! Here's a podcast from the archives on the Power of Comfort Objects - wishing everyone the comfort and emotional support of feeling safe. Emotional intelligence and that unconditional love IS the foundation of all learning and growing.
Published 12/03/19
Gratitude and Emotional Intelligence go hand in hand - both are skills that require practice to develop fully. The Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence suggests three parts to a "gratitude practice": paying attention, writing about it, and expressing it to "complete the feeling of connection". As we teach young children a "gratitude practice", I suggest first help them to stop and recognize the moments of value and their own feelings (See Me Hear Me Appreciate what matters to me). Second,...
Published 11/19/19
Episode #210 Revisiting Self Care before Holiday Madness Sets In by Karen Deerwester
Published 11/12/19
You owe it to your children! You owe it to yourself! Revisiting Episode #92
Published 11/12/19
Temperament is the key to managing change, comfort, skill building and so much more! Listen to this important conversation from the Archives!
Published 11/05/19
This conversation is on behalf of all the parents experiencing the stress, anxiety and confusion over baby and child gastro issues - from contradictory info in the media, best and worst advice from friends and family, to serious medical challenges. At the Table with the highly respected and thoughtful pediatric gastroenterologist, Dr Yoni Fuchs from Joe DiMaggio Children Hospital in Hollywood Florida.
Published 10/29/19
There are few things sadder and harder than saying good bye to a pet. Each child, each age and stage of development, each parent and each family has different and unique ways of managing the reality of saying good bye to a pet. This conversation is beautiful exploring the unique relationships we have with our pets and how to consider our own needs and the needs of the children as we prepare for those really tough conversations. At the Table with Kim, Elana and Meaghan
Published 10/22/19
This is a follow-up to Episode #195 with Newborn Moms describing What No One Told Us about those insane first 2 months. Here's the Dad conversation!!! You will love it. These dads are all-in heart &, soul and mind - and full-on in-love with these mysterious little babies who change everything in a family. At the Table with Gregg, Justin and Adam
Published 10/15/19
One from the Archives that was originally titled "I Did Everything Wrong" - Yes! Learning and growing, for parents as well as for kids, means mistake-making, uncertainty and risk. If we can manage that "messiness" as grown-ups, we will discover the best tools to teach children resilience and true growth. At the Table with Alana Lipman and Rachel Sobel from Whine and Cheez - its
Published 10/08/19
Becoming a parent is monumental. Moms and dads need support and understanding navigating changing roles, changing routines, changing relationships, not to mention all the physical and emotional upheaval. Meet Dr. KC Charette, a clinical psychologist in Boca Raton who is also the Coordinator for Post Partum Support International in Broward and Palm Beach Counties - here to talk about "how to not be hard on yourself" and getting support for postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety and...
Published 10/01/19
Oh, what a journey! From Baby Class to PreK! With every year and new stage of development, children grow and change and parents grow and change. Here are three moms who started that journey in Baby Class at Family Time and are now beginning the last year in preschool. I'm excited for their journey and proud to have been able to watch their children grow these last four years. Bravo - it's exciting and complicated to meet children's needs through ever-changing ages and stages. At the Table...
Published 09/24/19
Tummy Time is the foundation for all future growth and learning! Listen to Pediatric Occupational Therapist, Shannon Vinsentin, talk about the value and benefits of Tummy Time and how parents can ease babies into positive floor time experiences.
Published 09/17/19
As so many are getting involved to help the Bahamas post-hurricane, be sure to teach your children that they are the helpers too! When we give, we also learn how to receive. This is a reminder of children becoming part of family and community efforts to make a difference in the world. Instead of being overwhelmed by tragedy and suffering, teach your child that they can help. From the Archives with Summer and Phyllis
Published 09/10/19