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Seek Reality with Roberta Grimes
If you've ever wondered what reality is, what life is all about, or whether there is life after death, then tune in to Seek Reality Radio and join host Roberta Grimes for a wide variety of uplifting, facts-based discussions. Live segments are hosted on Saturdays at 1:00 PM Eastern (10:00 AM Pacific), and past segments can be played from the online archives at any time. Roberta Grimes - the main host - has always had trouble believing things. She has always wanted to know the facts about what reality actually is, what we are, and what might be the nature of God. In her quest...
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How is it that a few earnest researchers have been able to learn so much about reality when both mainstream science and mainstream religions remain so clueless? I have repeatedly to ask myself who is crazy - it is these few researchers, or is it almost everyone else? I'll talk about how we know...
Published 12/27/14
The afterlife evidence strongly suggests that God never has judged anyone, that the death of Jesus never has redeemed anyone, and that being a Christian - indeed, having any religion at all - makes no discernible afterlife difference. Instead, the evidence indicates that Jesus is much more...
Published 12/19/14
W. Dennis Parker is a noted hypnotherapist who can help us understand the amazing powers and capacities of our eternal minds, even while they are briefly limited by our material bodies.
Published 12/12/14
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