“I did not come to NASA to make history.”–Sally Ride “Going to Mars would make NASA great again.”–John Grunsfeld This episode was originally aired in October of 2019.  The inaugural ASCEND conference was cancelled due to Covid-19.  It was held virtually in 2021 and live in 2022.  The 2023 event will be held in October. […]
Published 03/11/23
Published 03/11/23
“To have another language is to possess a second soul.”–Charlemagne “To have another language is to possess a second soul.”–Charlemagne I wouldn’t call future fluency a a new jargon. I would call it a unique and practical way of looking at foresight–of integrating it into the culture of an organization. Dmitriy Zakharov is a fellow […]
Published 03/28/22
“To have another language is to possess a second soul.”–Charlemagne “To have another language is to possess a second soul.”–Charlemagne I wouldn’t call future fluency a a new jargon. I would call it a unique and practical way of looking at foresight–of integrating it into the culture of an organization. Dmitriy Zakharov is a fellow […]
Published 03/28/22
“So I submit to my colleagues here today that hydrogen is not as far away as we think it is.“–Bob Inglis In February of 2017, Seeking Delphi™ featured Infinity Fuel Cell and Hydrogen, Inc.™ founder and CEO Bill Smith, in an episode entitled What Ever Happend to Fuel Cells. Not much was happening in early […]
Published 11/29/21
“So I submit to my colleagues here today that hydrogen is not as far away as we think it is.“–Bob Inglis In February of 2017, Seeking Delphi™ featured Infinity Fuel Cell and Hydrogen, Inc.™ founder and CEO Bill Smith, in an episode entitled What Ever Happend to Fuel Cells. Not much was happening in early […]
Published 11/29/21
“Mining asteroids will ultimately benefit humanity on and off the Earth in a multitude of ways.”- Peter Diamandis Peter Diamandis might be right, but asteroid mining is probably not imminent–at least not in the way that lunar mining is. With both the NASA and the Chinese National Space Agency having designs on establishing permanent lunar […]
Published 09/30/21
“Mining asteroids will ultimately benefit humanity on and off the Earth in a multitude of ways.”- Peter Diamandis Peter Diamandis might be right, but asteroid mining is probably not imminent–at least not in the way that lunar mining is. With both the NASA and the Chinese National Space Agency having designs on establishing permanent lunar […]
Published 09/30/21
“We have created science and technology to extend our life, but we haven’t created life we want to extend.”–Sergey Young, Seeking Delphi™ episode #55, explaining why he believes more people do not support radical life extension. Few individuals have done more, from an advocacy standpoint, to promote breakthroughs in human longevity, than Sergey Young. Seeking […]
Published 09/03/21
“We have created science and technology to extend our life, but we haven’t created life we want to extend.”–Sergey Young, Seeking Delphi™ episode #55, explaining why he believes more people do not support radical life extension. Few individuals have done more, from an advocacy standpoint, to promote breakthroughs in human longevity, than Sergey Young. Seeking […]
Published 09/03/21
This podcast was originally recorded and aired in November of 2018.  “The Promise of Autonomous Vehicles is Great.”–Dan Lipinski “My opinion is that it’s a bridge too far to go to fully autonomous vehicles.”–Elon Musk  ™ There’s no shortage of opinions on the viability of self-driving cars.  Be you a bull or a bear, though, […]
Published 07/04/21
This podcast was originally recorded and aired in November of 2018.  “The Promise of Autonomous Vehicles is Great.”–Dan Lipinski “My opinion is that it’s a bridge too far to go to fully autonomous vehicles.”–Elon Musk  ™ There’s no shortage of opinions on the viability of self-driving cars.  Be you a bull or a bear, though, […]
Published 07/04/21
This podcast originally ran in June of 2018. Seeking Delphi(tm)will return from hiatus with new material next month.  “I can’t imagine a future without robots.”–Nolan Bushnell  ™ In the popular HBO series Westworld, robotic hosts are depicted as being placed into a kind of psychiatric analysis by their creators.  Could this actually happen one day?  […]
Published 05/12/21
This podcast originally ran in June of 2018. Seeking Delphi(tm)will return from hiatus with new material next month.  “I can’t imagine a future without robots.”–Nolan Bushnell  ™ In the popular HBO series Westworld, robotic hosts are depicted as being placed into a kind of psychiatric analysis by their creators.  Could this actually happen one day?  […]
Published 05/12/21
“I believe fuel cells could end the 100-year reign of the internal combustion engine.” –William Clay Ford Seeking Delphi will return from Hiatus in Mid-May.  This is the first in a series of rebroadcasts of the highlights from the past 4 years of programs. Much has changed in the fuel cell sector since this program […]
Published 04/23/21
“I believe fuel cells could end the 100-year reign of the internal combustion engine.” –William Clay Ford Seeking Delphi will return from hiatus soon.  This is the first in a series of rebroadcasts of the highlights from the past 4 years of programs. Much has changed in the fuel cell sector since this program first […]
Published 04/23/21
“There’s a lot of automation that can happen that isn’t a replacement of humans but of mind-numbing behavior.” –Stewart Butterworth “Automation is going to cause unemployment, and we better prepare for it.”–Mark Cuban In an early standup routine, Woody Allen once joked that when his father came home to announce that his job on an […]
Published 01/18/21
“Ageing is, simply and clearly, the accumulation of damage in the body. That’s all that ageing is.–Aubrey de Grey It’s that simple. Or so say Aubrey de Grey and his many followers in the gerontological and biotech communities. But the sixty-four dollar question is: how does the message disseminate to the rest of the world? […]
Published 11/11/20
“It is not in our stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves.”–Willaim Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Act I, Scene III Got foresight? Do you even need it? Hell yes, you do. The consequences of lack of foresight have never been more evident than they are in the age of the coronavirus pandemic. But just how […]
Published 10/28/20
“What I’m after is not living to 1,000. I’m after letting people avoid death for as long as they want to.”–Aubrey de Grey It’s all so complicated. Back in January I hosted a panel entitled The Dawn of Superlongevity: Scenarios for a post-aging future. I hoped to address many of the issues involved in getting […]
Published 10/16/20
“I believe alien life is quite common in the universe, although intelligent life is less so. Some say it has yet to appear on planet Earth.”–Stephen Hawking For Seeking Delphi’s™ fiftieth** episode, we return to visit with one of our earliest guests, professional futurist and author Richard Yonck.  Three years ago, he joined me to […]
Published 08/31/20
“As far as I’m concerned, aging is humanity’s worst problem, by some serious distance.”–Aubrey de Grey   Keith Comito, president of Life Extension Advocacy Foundation, joins me for a discussion to preview the 2020 Eding Age Related Diseases conference, to be held online, August 20-21, 2020.  Go HERE to register for the conference, and use discount […]
Published 08/12/20
“Pets have more love and compassion in them than most humans.”–Robert Wagner   Even as the pandemic-struck U.S. economy shrunk by 32% in the first quarter of this year, veterinary medicine saw a different story.  Pet ownership soared at a record pace, and public pet supply companies, like Petco, registered increases in sales. Donna Harris […]
Published 08/01/20
“I think we are at the dawn of a new era in commercial space exploration.”–Elon Musk   With the May 30 launch of two American astronauts to the International Space Station aboard the SpaceX Dragon Crew capsule, history was made.  This was not only the first launch of astronauts from American soil since 2011, it […]
Published 07/13/20
“The chief function of the body is to carry the brain around.”–Thomas Edison   Richard Dawkins might disagree with Thomas Edison.  He’d likely say the purpose of our bodies and our brains is to carry around–and perpetuate– our genes.  Increasingly, though, the purpose of body is to carry around our technology and interface it with […]
Published 06/25/20