Published 12/20/18
With Black Friday and Cyber Monday behind us, and the holiday season upon us, we'll dive into what's worked and what hasn't when it comes to running a sale on your WordPress plugin.
Published 12/20/18
On this most spookiest of days, we'll be reviewing the topic which haunts all of us: churn. The dreadful truth is that customers are vanishing every single month. And when studies suggest that acquiring a new customer costs on average five times as much as retaining an existing one, its clearly something none of us can afford to ignore.
Published 11/02/18
Maybe you don't have time to maintain it anymore, or maybe you want to move on to another plugin or business altogether. How do you go about selling your WordPress plugin to someone? Brian Hogg and Kyle Maurer (support tech at Easy Digital Downloads) along with special guests Phil Derksen (WP Simple Pay) and Pippin Williamson (Easy Digital Downloads, AffiliateWP, and more) chat on lessons learned and helpful tips on the subject of plugin acquisitions.
Published 06/05/18
One of the greatest fears of releasing a plugin (free or premium/pro) is support. Will it take over my life? How do I handle it efficiently? How do I make the most out of it? Kyle and I share lessons learned and helpful tips on the subject of supporting WordPress plugins.
Published 05/04/18
In the early days of WordPress, marketing premium WordPress plugins was not complicated or particularly difficult. Competition was minimal and every new product was able to stand out and get noticed. Today, everything is different, so how do you cut through the noise?
Published 03/21/18
Are you currently selling or considering trying to sell premium WordPress plugins? If so, you may have noticed that there are actually a variety of ways to monetize commercial plugins for WordPress and determining which model is best for you can be challenging.
Published 01/31/18